Martin Dragan, DHS

Lab supervisor, anatomy

Martin Dragan

905 688 5550 x4521

[email protected]

I received my doctorate in human sexuality (2008) and trained as a clinical sexologist, where I worked with individuals and couples to help them process issues related to sexual expression and intimacy. In 2015, I had the opportunity to return to Brock as an instructor in the Health Sciences and Psychology departments, ultimately leading to my current role as the Laboratory Supervisor for Anatomy thanks to some of my clinical training and passion for anatomy. Many of my research interests include functional anatomy and sexual expression/behaviour/attitudes.

  • Human sexual functioning and behaviour
  • Impact of physical impairment on sexual attitudes and behaviours
  • Studying pedagogy of peer-led education and learning in anatomy
  • Board Certified Clinical Sexologist
  • American College of Sexologists (ACS) International

Seliman, M., Dragan, M., Connolly, M., & Ditor, D.S. (2022). The impact of mindfulness therapy on sexual satisfaction in couples living with neurological disabilities: A phenomenological analysis of a single case. Sexuality and Disability.

Mezil, Y., Wood, I., Lekaj, K., Dragan, M., MacPherson, R., & Beaudette, S. (2021). The Impact of an Undergraduate Anatomy Peer-Led Teaching Program on the Perceptions and Appraisal of the Anatomy Discipline. The Journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, 35.

  • Human Systems Anatomy
  • Introduction to Health Sciences
  • Introduction to Human Sexuality

Students who have successfully completed HLSC 2P95/KINE 1P90 and/or HLSC 2P96/KINE 1P98 are eligible to return as volunteer peer educators in anatomy! It’s an opportunity to return to the labs, share knowledge and experience with incoming students, and get the chance to hone skills in teaching and anatomy.

I also provide 3rd and 4th-year students for a directed reading opportunity, typically with the co-supervision of another faculty member. This can sometimes extend to 4th-year honours thesis co-supervision, as well.