Assistant Professor, Health Sciences
Dr. Krzeczkowski’s research investigates the foundations of emotional and cognitive development in infants and children and examines how early interventions can optimize the developing brain. His research program bridges theory with application and spans numerous disciplines, including developmental psychology, social development, interpersonal interactions, neuroscience, and intervention science.
The overall goal of his research is to determine how we can best harness the immense plasticity of the developing brain to prevent mental disorders and optimize the health of families in Canada and beyond.
- Development of emotion regulation in infants and children
- Neurophysiological synchrony in parent-infant pairs
- Investigating the impact of modifiable risk factors (i.e., parental mood disorders, prenatal diet and exercise behaviours) on the development of emotion regulation in infants and children
- Child Physical Health and Disease
- Child Mental Health
1. Mortaji, N., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Atkinson, S. Perrault, M., Van Lieshout R.J., (2023) Improved emotion
regulation in children of mothers that participated in a diet+exercise intervention: A brief report.
Developmental Psychobiology.
2. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Hall, M., McGukin, T…. Till, C. (2022). Iodine status in a large Canadian pregnancy
cohort. American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology-MFM.
3. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Wade, T., Andrade, B.A., Brown, D., Yalcinoz-Ucan, B., Raizi, N.A., Yates, E.,
Tagalakis, A., Patte, K. (2022). Examining the mental health of siblings of children with a mental disorder:
A scoping review protocol. PLoS ONE.
4. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Schmidt, LA., Ferro, M., Van Lieshout, R.J. (2022). Follow the leader: Maternal
transmission of physiological regulatory support to distressed infants in real-time. Psychopathology and
Clinical Science.
5. Goodman, C.V., Hall, M., Chevrier, J… Krzeczkowski, J.E., Lanphear, B., Till, C., (2022). Iodine status
modifies the association between fluoride exposure in pregnancy and preschool boys’ intelligence. Nutrients.14(14): 2920.
6. Schmidt, L.A., Poole K., Krzeczkowski, J.E., et al. (2022). Long-term stability of frontal
electroencephalogram alpha power and asymmetry at rest in adults born at extremely low or normal birthweight: A 10-year longitudinal study. Developmental Psychobiology.
7. Krzeczkowski J.E., Schmidt, LA., Van Lieshout, R.J. (2021). Changes in Infant Emotion Regulation
Following Maternal Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression. Depression & Anxiety, 1-10.
8. Mortaji, N., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Boylan, K., Arbuckle, T., Van Lieshout, R.J., (2021). Maternal pregnancy
diet, postnatal home environment and executive function and behavior in 3- to 4-y-olds. . American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.
9. Ntow, K., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Amani, B., Savoy, C.A., Schmidt, L.A., Van Lieshout, R.J., (2021).
Maternal and Infant Performance on the Face-to-Face Still-Face Task Following Maternal Cognitive
Behavioral Therapy for Postpartum Depression. Journal of Affective Disorders, 1(278), 583-591.
10. Faltyn, M., Savoy, C., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Colman I., Ferro, M., Van Lieshout, R.J., (2021). Exploring
Links Between Prenatal Adversity and Adolescent Psychiatric Risk in a Canadian Population-Based Sample.Journal of Developmental and Behavioural Pediatrics. 1(42): 457-462.
11. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Schmidt, L.A., Van Lieshout, R.J., (2020). Transacting Brains: Testing an ActorPartner Model of Frontal EEG Activity in Mother-infant Dyads. Development and Psychopathology, 27, 1-12
12. Van Lieshout, R.J., Savoy, C., Ferro, M., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Coleman, I. (2020). Macrosomia and
psychiatric risk in adolescence. European Journal of Psychiatry, 29(11), 1537-1545.
13. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Boylan, K., Arbuckle, T.E., Poliakova, N., Muckle, G., Seguin, J., Favotto, L.A.,
(2019). Maternal pregnancy diet quality is directly associated with autonomic nervous system function in 6-month-old offspring. Journal of Nutrition, 150(2), 267-275. doi: 10.1093/jn/nxz228.
14. Mehta, T., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Van Lieshout, R.J. (2019) Maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index
and offspring temperament at 3 months. University of Western Ontario Medical Journal.
15. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Lau, J., Ftizpatrick, J., Tamana, S., Smithson, L., de Souza, R., Kozyrskyj, A.L., et al.
(2019). Maternal metabolic complications in pregnancy and offspring behavior problems at 2 years of age.Maternal and Child Health Journal, 23(6), 746-755.
16. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Boylan, K., Arbuckle, T.E., Dodds, L., Muckle, G., Fraser, W., Favotto, L.A., Neurodevelopment in 3-4 year-old children exposed to maternal hyperglycemia or adiposity inutero. Early Human Development, 125, 8-16.
17. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Schmidt, L.A., Savoy, C., Van Lieshout, R.J. (2018). Frontal EEG alpha
asymmetry among extremely low birth weight survivors in the fourth decade of life: Links to antenatal
corticosteroid exposure and contemporaneous behavioral problems. Clinical Neurophysiology, 129(9), 1891-1898.
18. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Van Lieshout, R.J. (2018). Prenatal influences on the development and stability of
personality. New Ideas in Psychology, 53, 22-31.
19. Van Lieshout, R.J, Boyle, M., Favotto, L.A., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Savoy, C., Saigal, S., Morrison, K,
Schmidt, L.A. (2017). Impact of Extremely Low Birth Weight Status on Risk and Resilience for Depression
and Anxiety in Adulthood. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 59(5), 596-603.
20. Savoy, C., Mathewson, K., Schmidt, L.A., Morrison, K., Krzeczkowski, J.E., Van Lieshout, R.J.
(2017).Respiratory sinus arrhythmia in the fourth decade of life depends on birth weight and the DRD4
gene: Implications for understanding the development of emotion regulation. Developmental Psychobiology,59(6), 767-775.
21. Krzeczkowski, J.E., Robb, S.A., Good, D. (2017). Trait mindfulness associated with lower post-injury
psychological symptoms following a mild head injury. Mindfulness, 8(6), 1594-1602.
22. Van Lieshout, R.J., Krzeczkowski, J.E. (2016). Just DO(HaD) It! Testing the Clinical Potential of the
DOHaD Hypothesis to Prevent Mental Disorders using Experimental Study Designs. Journal of
Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, 7(6), 565-573.
I am currently accepting applications for graduate students.