Articles tagged with: leadership

  • Brock students win leadership competition

    A team of Brock University students took home first place during the Collegiate Leadership Competition’s (CLC) National Invitational last month.

    Brock students competed against other Ontario college and university teams at Wilfred Laurier University on Saturday, March 16.

    To prepare, the team spent months honing their ability to provide support and problem-solve while uncovering their unique leadership skills.

    “Everyone has the ability to be a leader in their own way. Anyone can be a leader because leadership is a process, not a position,” said Travis Greene (BA ‘19), Leadership Development Co-ordinator for Brock University’s Student Life and Success and the team’s coach.

    Greene and Assistant Coach Kanishka Wijesundara (BSc ‘23) worked with six students on Brock’s team:

    • Isabella Berardi, first-year Co-op Accounting
    • Aryan Debojyoti Purkayastha, third-year Sport Management
    • Kylor Huang, fourth-year Business Administration
    • Randa Joatar, third-year Medical Sciences
    • Ryan On, fourth-year Tourism Studies
    • Tochukwu Daniel Oguejiofo, second-year Medical Sciences

    Joatar said training for the CLC taught her valuable lessons in leadership.

    “It’s more than merely sharing a vision and delegating tasks. It’s about offering support, understanding the stresses of teammates and knowing when to act as the lead or support,” she said. “This experience was a great way to gain transferrable skills and make friends along the way.”

    Greene is hopeful the CLC win will inspire more people interested in getting involved across campus, whether that be with through Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum, volunteering or enrolling in one of the many training opportunities available to students and Brock employees.

    “The successes of these six students can be seen as a massive inspiration to all students at Brock,” says Greene. “This year’s team have acquired a wide arrange of skills, involvement and passions that any other student on campus can achieve themselves if they want to.”

    Following the national CLC success, Brock’s team went on to compete against schools across Canada and the United States in the CLC Global Championship online on Thursday, April 4 and Saturday, April 6. The team placed seventh and was one of only three teams to get a perfect score on the final activity of the competition.

    For more information about student leadership opportunities, visit Brock’s Student Life Success website.

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  • Tourism student receives 2019 President’s Surgite Award

    Some of the brightest young minds at Brock University were recognized Tuesday for their displays of leadership and contributions to both the Brock and wider Niagara community.

    Ten Brock students were selected from across the University to receive the President’s Surgite Awards, which honour the hard work they’ve completed throughout their educational journey.

    The cross-section of students have amassed impressive resumés packed with academic accomplishments, volunteer experience and community contributions — making them fitting recipients for one of the University’s most prestigious honours.

    The awards were presented by Brock President Gervan Fearon and Anna Lathrop, Vice-Provost, Teaching, Learning and Student Success, during a luncheon to celebrate the recipients on Tuesday, April 2.

    After spending time learning from each award winner about their areas of focus and highlights of their Brock experience, Fearon encouraged them to reflect on their scope of leadership.

    “What happens is we often look at ourselves as individuals and don’t realize we’re impacting and influencing so many of the people around us,” he said. “All of those influences represent your scope of leadership, which is often broader than your job and touches on your volunteer work and the example you’ve become within the community.

    “You’re all leaders and examples to your peers, who then aspire to be able to achieve the same level of excellence. When you multiply that out to the wider scope, you become an inspiration to humanity because you’re defining possibilities.”

    Fourth-year Medical Sciences student Dhruv Jivan was humbled by the honour and said he is grateful to have had such a rich university experience.

    “Brock is such a loving and connected community. That environment allows you to thrive,” he said. “I wouldn’t trade this experience for the world.”

    Through the University, Jivan spends time volunteering at the Brock Centre for Health and Well-Being, which has helped to shape his future path.

    “I’ve grown so much during my time with the centre,” he said. “My love for the geriatric community and my passion for working with them has grown exponentially since I’ve been there.”

    Lathrop told the students she’s confident the “future’s in good hands” with them at the helm. “Thank you for being at Brock and for making big differences in the world as you move forward in life,” she said.

    The 2018-19 President’s Surgite Award winners include:

    • Olivia Poulin (Business Administration — Marketing)
    • Jonah Graham (Tourism and Environment, Minor in Geography)
    • Dhruv Jivan (Medical Sciences)
    • Meghan Hickey (Medical Sciences)
    • Fayyaz Rizvi (Biological Sciences)
    • Nicolas Sardella (Biotechnology, Co-op Option)
    • Daislyn Vidal (Biological Sciences)
    • Wei Wang (Business Administration)
    • Leila Meskine (Mathematics and Statistics)
    • Taylor Lidster (Biological Sciences)

    Story reposted from The Brock News.

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