2025 Symposium:
Technology and Transformation
Saturday, February 8, 2025
10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Pond Inlet, Brock University
The third annual Humanities Graduate Student Symposium invites graduate students to explore the impacts, relationships, and possibilities of technology from the immediate future to the ancient past. The symposium’s theme of “Technology and Transformation” will foster dialogue on the diverse ways technology influences, shapes, and transforms our world.
The 2024 Humanities Graduate Student Symposium provides an opportunity for humanities graduate students to discuss their research as it relates to the theme in a welcoming environment. “Technology and Transformation” is a formal, graduate student-run symposium consisting of three sessions. Each session will have three 10-minute paper presentations followed by a 30-minute round-table discussion with presenters and attendees.
This free symposium is open to any Brock University graduate student, or upper-year undergraduate student, and faculty. No tickets are required but please RSVP on ExperienceBU.
Snacks and lunch will be provided.
Questions? Contact hgss@Brocku.ca