Dean’s Discretionary Fund

The Faculty of Humanities has money available in the Dean’s Discretionary Fund to support initiatives related to the following strategic priorities: teaching, research, student experience, and community engagement. This money is grouped as follows:

The Hire-a-Student Fund

Small grants of up to $500 each are available to any member of the Faculty of Humanities to hire a student.  Students can be hired to work on any project related to the academic mission of the University.  Full time faculty members proposing to hire students as research assistants must explain why their PER is not sufficient for the project.

Either undergraduate or graduate students may be hired.  The rates of pay will be in accordance with the University’s Part-time and Student Employment Rate Schedule as posted by the Office of People and Culture on SharePoint.

A maximum of ten grants will be made during each round of competition. Grants expire 6 months after receipt and all payments must be posted to Workday by that date.

The Speakers and Events Fund

Small grants of anywhere from $100-$1000 are available to support visiting artists, speakers, or performers, or for small colloquia, exhibits, or performances. Preference will be given to events of multi-disciplinary interest, and especially those promoted by more than one academic unit.

A maximum of ten grants will be made during each round of competition. Grants expire 1 year after receipt and all payments must be posted to Workday by that date.

The Projects and Materials Fund

Small grants of up to $1000 are available to support projects and initiatives that do not fall into the previous two categories. Purchase of materials or equipment is also a valid use for this money. Full time faculty members must explain why their PER is not sufficient for the equipment, materials, or activity proposed.

Applicants must demonstrate that the funding will have significant impact on one or more of the strategic priorities noted above.

A maximum of five grants will be made in each round of competition. Grants expire 1 year after receipt and all payments must be posted to Workday by that date.

Applications will be adjudicated by a committee that will include the Dean and Associate Deans, as well as at least one other member of the Faculty of Humanities.

Applications and process

All applications are to be submitted to the Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Executive Assistant to the Dean by 4:00 pm on the due date (October 15th).

Applications may be submitted by any faculty or staff member of the Faculty of Humanities.

All of the material for each application should be combined into one PDF.  This should include a cover sheet including the name(s) of the applicant(s), the envelope from which funding is sought, and details of the work, project or event. The budget template, found here must be attached.

Application should include:

  • What tasks the student would perform;
  • The anticipated outcome of the work;
  • Detailed budget;
  • What skills would the student gain from this employment;
  • An explanation of why applicant’s/applicants’ PER is not sufficient for the project (if any applicants have PER).

Application should include:

  • Title, date, and location of event;
  • Explanation of nature of event, expected audience, and interest to members of the University community;
  • Budget and budget justification: outline the projected total costs, and sources of revenue currently in hand or applied for, and in kind support;
  • Identification of other sources of funding being tapped for the event;
  • Further comments (if any).

Application should include:

  • Outline of project OR specifics of materials to be purchased;
  • Justification of project or purchases;
  • Budget and budget justification;
  • Explanation of how this enterprise supports one or more of the identified priorities;
  • Identification of other sources of funding being tapped for the project;
  • Plans for future grant applications for this project;
  • An explanation of why the applicant’s/applicants’ PER is not sufficient for the equipement, materials, or activity (if any applicants have PER).