
  • BUAS Scholarly Symposium, Sat. March 9th

    The Brock University Archaeology Society’s 30th Annual Spring Symposium will take place on Saturday, March 9 from 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m. in Academic South 215. This year’s theme is “Sailing the High Seas: Seafaring in the Ancient Mediterranean.”

    Tickets are $5 for students and $25 for non-students for the symposium only, or $40 for a ticket that includes the evening banquet at George’s Greek Village Restaurant. For tickets and more information, contact society officers at

    Categories: Events

  • C. Murray to lecture at McMaster, March 7th

    On Thursday, March 7th, Carrie Murray will deliver a lecture to the Department of Classics at McMaster University titled, “Votives & Volutes: Investigating the Lago di Venere Sanctuary on Pantelleria (Italy).” The lecture will take place at 4:30 p.m. in TSH 701 on the McMaster campus.

    Click here for directions and more information.

    Categories: Events

  • Classics at the HRI Symposium, Dec. 11th

    The Humanities Research Institute (HRI)’s annual fall symposium takes place on Tuesday, Dec. 11 at 9 am to 12 noon in Sankey Chamber. This year’s theme, “A Learned Feast,” features three papers from members of the Classics Department:

    Jeff Masse (MA, Classics) “The Iliad’s Social Network: Visualizing Heroic Speech Performance”

    Katharine von Stackelberg (Classics) “How to Eat a Flamingo: Exploring the Ancient Sensorium”

    Angus Smith (Classics) “The Archaeology of Feasts: Banqueting at the Minoan Site of Gournia on Crete”

    Don’t miss hearing these great papers!

    Categories: Events

  • Greene to speak in Toronto, Nov. 29th

    On Thursday, November 29th, Elizabeth Greene will deliver a lecture to the Canadian Society for the Advancement of Turkish Studies titled, “Fluid Technologies: Amphoras and Exchange Mechanisms on the 6th-Century BCE Shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu, Turkey.” The lecture will take place at 6:00 p.m. in 4 Bancroft Hall, Room 200B, at the University of Toronto.

    Categories: Events

  • Glazebrook to deliver Brock Talk at the Public Library

    On Thursday November 22, Prof. Allison Glazebrook will deliver a lecture titled “Working Women in Classical Athens.” Sponsored jointly by the Brock Talks series and the Niagara Peninsula Society of the Archaeological Institute of America, the talk will take place from 7-9 pm in the Mills Room of the St Catharines Public Library.

    Categories: Events

  • Archaeology Day event featured in Brock News

    Check out the Brock news for a writeup of the Department’s International Archaeology Day event, planned by Dr. Murray!

    Celebrating International Archaeology Day

    Categories: Events, News

  • Nickel and Rappold on why Antigone matters, Oct. 31

    Save the date for an interdisciplinary panel discussion on the Department of Dramatic Arts’ production of Sophocles’ Antigone and the play’s contemporary relevance. Featuring Dr. Nickel and Dr. Rappold as panelists, the discussion will take place on Wednesday, October 31 from 3:00-4:15 pm in the Cairns Atrium.

    See the writeup in the Brock News.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Glazebrook to speak in Toronto, Sat. 29 Sept.

    On Saturday, September 29 at 11:00 am, Allison Glazebrook will deliver a lecture titled, “The Erotics of Characterization: Problematizing Desire in Lysias 3 and 4.” She is speaking at the Midwestern Ancient Greek History and Theory Colloquium at the University of Toronto. The colloquium will take place 29-30 September in Room 205, Lillian Massey Building, 125 Queens Park.

    Categories: Events

  • Classics Graduate Symposium, Monday April 9th

    Join the students from Greek Lyric and the Roman Villa for presentations of their research projects. Talks begin at 10 AM and continue until 5 PM according to the program below:

    10.00-10.30 Vanessa Cimino, A Place for the Invisible: The Allocation of Slave Space in Roman Villas

    10.30-11.00 Taylor Johnston, Villas à la Martial: A Study of Villas in Book 10

    11.00-11.30 Francesca Patten, Mental and Emotional Wellness in Greek Lyric

    11.30-12.00 Jeff Masse, In Search of the Better: Naturalizing the Epistemology of Xenophanes

    12.00-1.00 Lunch

    1.00-1.30 Nicole Gavin, Recreating an Imperial Roman Garden: The Reflection of the Villa of Livia’s Garden Room

    1.30-2.00 Natalie Armistead, Blurred Lines: Landscape Paintings in the House of Menander in Pompeii

    2.00-2.30 Heather Roy, These Floors were Made for Walking: Socio-Political Pathways at Piazza Armerina

    2.30-3.00 Rick Castle, The Nature of Memory (or Memory of Nature) in Sappho’s Poetics

    3.00-3.30 Tea/Coffee

    3.30-4.00 Esther Knegt, The Network of Lesbian Trade in the Archaic Period

    4.00-4.30 Brian Abfal, The Cotswolds Estates: Assessing Roman Villa Culture in Southwest Britain

    4.30-5.00 Marina Ekkel, The Homeric ideal of Κλέος in the poetry of Callinus and Tyrtaeus

    Categories: Events

  • BUAS Scholarly Symposium, Saturday March 10

    Join us for the 29th annual Brock University Archaeological Society (BUAS) scholarly symposium. Please support our students for what should be a fantastic event featuring speakers from McGill, York, and Brock who explore the borders of the ancient world!

    Here are the talk titles:

    • Dr Benjamin Kelly (Department of History, York University) “Living on the Edge in Roman Egypt: Floods, Revolts, and Polar Archaeology”
    • Dr Darian Totten (Department of Classical Studies, McGill University) “Movement on the ‘edges’: shepherds, salinae, and seasonal cycles in the making of a region in southern Italy”
    • Dr Allison Glazebrook (Department of Classics, Brock University) “Bodies in Place: the Sexuality of Space in Aeschines 1 Against Timarchos”
    • Dr Carrie Murray (Department of Classics, Brock University) “Far from the Madding Crowd? Questioning the Role of Pantelleria in Antiquity”
    • Dr Colin Rose (Department of History, Brock University) “Homicide and the borders of state power in early modern Europe”

    The event will take place in Academic South 217 from noon to 5 PM on Saturday March 10th. Contact society to reserve tickets for the symposium or banquet.

    Categories: Events