
  • AIA Niagara Online Lecture Series

    The 2020-21 AIA Niagara Peninsula Society lecture series is being conducted virtually. Fall lectures will be held online using MS Teams. Over the course of the year, a link will be added to each of the events on our AIA Niagara webpage.

    If you would like to join us for an event, please visit the AIA Niagara webpage and click on the link associated with that event. This link will take you to a registration form that will give you the MS Teams link needed in order to join the event. Please save the link in order to use on the day to join us. You will need to register for each AIA event that you want to attend.

    Lectures are free and open to the public. All are welcome to attend!

    Categories: Events

  • Welcome message from Dr Smith and Classics Open House online Sept 17

    Welcome to Brock Classics fall 2020!

    The Chair of the Classics Department, Dr Angus Smith, has recorded a welcome video with information for Classics majors, minors, and others interested in Classics to help get started with the fall term.

    Click here for the Welcome Video

    In particular, we would like to bring to your attention to the Classics Fall Open House which will be held online via MS Teams on Thursday, September 17 from 3:00-4:00.

    Please email the Classics Department Administrator, Barb Chatwin to sign up for the mailing list (

    Click here for the direct ExperienceBU link for registering for the MS Teams Classics Open House event. 


    Categories: Events, News

  • Dolansky lecture at Royal Ontario Museum

    On March 1, Fanny Dolansky presented a lecture, “Religion at Court” at Caesar’s Palace: Inside the Court of Early Imperial Rome, a symposium at the Royal Ontario Museum. The symposium aimed to reassess the Roman court – often imagined as a world of luxury, intrigue, and murder – using archaeological and textual evidence to explore the court’s importance for the exercise and presentation of power in Ancient Rome. The event website can be found here.


    Categories: Events, News

  • Workshop on Journeys of Forced and Undocumented Migration

    On February 20-21, Elizabeth Greene, Richard Leventhal, Justin Leidwanger and Brian Daniels co-organized a workshop: Memory, Movement, Materiality: Journeys of Forced and Undocumented Migration, featuring a keynote event by artist Michael Rakowitz. The workshop, which explored the materiality of passages, past and present, of forced and undocumented migration, was sponsored by the Perry World House and the Penn Cultural Heritage Center at the University of Pennsylvania. It provided an opportunity for an international group of archaeologists, museum professionals, artists, and policy makers to consider ongoing questions of human movement in a contemporary light.


    Categories: Events

  • Brock Classics at the AIA / SCS Annual Meeting

    The Department of Classics was well-represented at the 2020 joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies in Washington, D.C.

    Elizabeth Greene delivered a paper in a panel dedicated to the ongoing collaborative fieldwork in Sicily as part of the Marzamemi Maritime Heritage Project: “Engaging the Past with the Present: Connectivity and Maritime Heritage at Marzamemi. She also organized a workshop panel, “Antiquities, Illicit Trafficking, and Public Advocacy: The Future of the 1970 UNESCO Convention.”

    In a panel on Prehistoric Cretan Ceramics, Angus Smith spoke on, “New Evidence from Late Minoan I Pottery Deposits at Gournia.

    Brock alumni speakers included Lana Radloff (M.A. ’11, now faculty at Bishop’s University), who delivered two talks: one on harbors in Hellenistic Asia Minor, and a second on Athenian tragedy and the Canadian experience of displacement. Archaeological illustrator Tina Ross (B.A. ’03) showcased her professional work with a booth in the Exhibit Hall.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Graduate Student Exhibition: The Rich Past of Cyprus

    Students from our new MA course, CLAS 5V15: Archaeology Skills, taught by Dr Carrie Murray, installed an exhibition into the large display case of the Cypriote Museum on the third floor of the International Centre. The Rich Past of Cyprus exhibition explores highlights of the Brock Cypriote collection with more than two dozen artifacts chosen for the display along with information detailing ancient life and change over time in the archaeology of Cyprus. We hope you can visit the Department of Classics to see the exhibition.

    Categories: Events

  • Poster Conference on the Archaeology of Migration

    Students from our fourth-year seminar, CLAS 4V21: Archaeology of Movement and Migration, taught by Dr Elizabeth Greene, participated in a poster conference, presenting their research on archaeological evidence for ancient and contemporary migration. Please come see the posters along the central hallway of the department.

    Categories: Events

  • Brock Talk by Adam Rappold at the St Catharines Library

    The 2019-2020 Brock Talks in the St Catharines Library begin on Wednesday, September 25 with a lecture by Adam Rappold, “Ancient Drama and the Modern Citizen.” The talk will take place in the Mills Room of the St Catharines Public Library (Central Branch). Free admission – all are welcome!

    Abstract: Perhaps the greatest difficulty of Democracy, ancient or modern, is that it requires ordinary people to make impactful decisions — often between unpalatable options. This talk examines a number of familiar Greek tragedies to demonstrate that the ancient Athenians attempted to solve this problem through theatre: creating a low stakes, experiential education wherein individual audiences members were allowed to listen to the clashing arguments of towering figures and ultimately choose between options which were at once both morally repellent and righteous. This focus on ambiguity, choice, and education further demonstrates the relevance of tragedy to contemporary society and government.

    Categories: Events

  • Brundrett to speak at St Catharines Public Library, March 12

    Join Nadine Brundrett for a Brock Talk, “Spectacular Games in Ancient Pompeii” at the St Catharines Public Library on Tuesday, March 12 at 7:00 p.m. in the Mills Room, Central Library.

    Click here for directions and parking. This event is free of charge and all are welcome to attend. Brock Talks reflect a collaboration between the Faculty of Humanities and the St. Catharines Public Library. The series connects community members with current Humanities scholarship at Brock. For more information:

    Categories: Events

  • Glazebrook to lecture in Athens for International Women’s Day

    In tandem with celebrations of International Women’s Day in Athens, Allison Glazebrook will deliver three public lectures on women’s work in Classical Greece. Delivered by invitation of the Canadian Embassy in Athens, the talks will take place on March 14th and 15th in the Acropolis Museum, Deree College, and the University of Athens. Please see the schedule below:

    Thursday, March 14, 13:40-15:00
    Arts Center Auditorium, Deree College, American College of Greece
    “From Healers to Sex Traffickers: Working Women in Classical Athens”

    Thursday, March 14, 18 :30-20 :30
    Auditorium, Acropolis Museum
    “Working Women: Female Labour in Classical Athens”
    Welcome remarks by HE Mark Allen, Ambassador of Canada

    Friday, March 15, 18:00-19:30
    Department of Political Science & Public Administration, University of Athens
    “Putting her in her Place: Sex Labourers and Wives in Ancient Greek Oratory”

    Categories: Events, News