
  • Research Seminar Series presents Malcolm Cavanagh, History, Wednesday, February 9th, 4 – 5:30 pm on Lifesize.

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology, Research Seminar Series proudly presents Malcolm Cavanagh, MA candidate, Department of History, Brock University who will be providing a talk titled “Excavating the Nation: European Popular Nationalism and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, 1890-1914” on Wednesday, February 9th from 4 – 5:30 pm on Lifesize.

    Abstract: This research examines how the excavations of Knossos and Delphi at the turn of the twentieth century were understood in relation to nationalist political projects in providing historical legitimacy to completing nation-states as the rightful successor of ancient Greece in the minds of nationally-minded European publics.

    This is a virtual event. Click here or copy the following into your browser to attend:

    Click here for a copy of the poster.

    For more information about this event, kindly contact Dr. Allison Glazebrook, Research Seminar Coordinator, Department of Classics and Archaeology at:

    Categories: Events, News

  • Mensa Latina, Thursday, February 10 at 11 am, GLB 335 International Centre

    When:  Thursday, February 10th at 11 am
    Where: GLNB 335 (International Centre)

    Find out more about jokes and humour at our first meeting of the year. What did the Romans find funny? Did Cicero have a sense of humour?

    Email Professor F. Dolansky ( or Professor S. Parker ( for further details.

    Click here to view the poster.

    Categories: Events

  • AIA / SCS Presentations

    Despite the fact that the annual meeting of the AIA and SCS was virtual again, Dr Elizabeth Greene was able to present posters and papers.

    Greene, E.S., J. Leidwanger, and L. Repola. “Toward an Inclusive Maritime Heritage: Community Perceptions of Mediterranean Connectivity in Southeast Sicily.” Paper presented at the AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2022.

    Leidwanger, J., J. Vo-Phamhi, S. Crowley, U. Patel, C. Wang, L. Wulf, S. Matthews, E.S. Greene. “Digital Analysis of Transport Amphora Efficiency in Roman Maritime Trade.” Poster presented at the AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2022.

    Vo-Phamhi, J., E. Vo-Phamhi, E.S. Greene, and J. Leidwanger. “Computational Analysis of Cargo Amphoras from the 6th-Century BCE Shipwreck at Pabuç Burnu, Turkey.” Poster presented at the AIA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA, January 2022.

    Dr Greene’s fieldwork in Sicily that many of our students will know about, is also the subject of a recent paper in the AJA (American Journal of Archaeology):

    Greene, E.S., J. Leidwanger, and L. Repola. 2022. “Ephemeral Heritage: Migration, Boats and Heritage in the Central Mediterranean Passage.” American Journal of Archaeology 126.1: 79-102 (

    Categories: Events

  • MA Information Session

    If you are curious about pursuing an MA in Classics, please join Prof. Roberto Nickel (Graduate Program Director for Classics) and Lauryn Carrick from the Faculty of Graduate Studies for an informal information session.

    We’ll provide information and tips on the application process, graduate funding packages, scholarships and what life is like for a graduate students at Brock.

    Thursday, Jan. 20 from 12:00-1:00 on MS Teams

    Meeting link: MA in Classics Information Session

    If you have any questions, contact Prof. Nickel at

    Categories: Events

  • Classics Careers Event! Where can your studies in Classics take you? Wednesday, January 19th from 4 – 5 pm

    Wondering what you can do with a degree in Classics? Love being at Brock but don’t want to become a professor? Find out from three Brock employees how their studies in Classics led to unique careers in higher education.

    Then learn about the career supports available to help you mobilize what you learn from the panel:

    WHEN: Wednesday, January 19th from 4 to 5 pm
    WHERE: MS Teams

    (A link for this virtual event will be provided to all Classics majors, minors, and graduate students in early January).
    For more information, please contact Prof. Fanny Dolansky (

    Click here for event poster.



    Categories: Events, News

  • Edward Middleton, Department of Classics, McMaster University, Research Seminar Series, Wednesday, January 26th, 4 – 5:30 pm

    The Department of Classics at Brock University, Research Seminar Series proudly presents, Edward Middleton, Department of Classics, McMaster University on Wednesday, January 26th, 4 – 5:30 pm. His talk is titled “Urban Infrastructure and Resilience in Hellenistic Thessaly“.

    This is a virtual event. Click or copy the following link into your browser to attend:

    Click here to view poster.

    Categories: Events

  • Mensa Latina, Thursday, January 20th at 11 am in GLNB 335 (International Centre)

    Are you interested in Latin or the Roman World? Do you want to learn more about aspects of Roman life and culture? Join us for an hour of fun, learning, and community. No knowledge of Latin is required!

    When:  Thursday, January 20th at 11 am
    Where: GLNB 335 (International Centre)

    Find out more about jokes and humour at our first meeting of the year. What did the Romans find funny? Did Cicero have a sense of humour?

    Email Professor F. Dolansky ( or Professor S. Parker ( for further details.

    Click here to view the poster.

    Categories: Events

  • Dive into Archaeology!

    Info session on Teams, Tuesday 7 December at 5:30 pm.

    CLAS3F75: Archaeological Practicum, Maritime Heritage of Southeast Sicily.
    Approx. dates: June 18 – July 25, 2022.

    Project ‘U Mari (“the sea” in local Sicilian dialect) explores the maritime heritage of southeast Sicily, examining millennia of connections across the Mediterranean. Participants study artifacts from shipwrecks in the area, conduct underwater survey at the ancient fishing port of Vendicari, and document the material culture and traditions of tuna fishing and contemporary voyages, considering how best to preserve and engage the public with this diverse maritime past. Students earn one full credit at the 3rd-year level in tandem with scuba certification. For information and application contact Dr. Elizabeth Greene, Department of Classics,

    Categories: Events, News

  • Dig into Archaeology!

    Info session on Teams, Tuesday 7 December at 5:30 pm

    CLAS 3F75: Archaeological Practicum: Khavania/Gournia
    Archaeological Projects in Crete, Greece, 4 weeks in June / July 2022.

    The Khavania Archaeological Project is investigating a Bronze Age Minoan harbour site on the western coast of the Mirabello Bay in eastern Crete, Greece. Participants will have the opportunity either to participate in excavations of the site or will aid in the processing and analysis of artifactual materials from Khavania as well as the nearby Minoan site of Gournia ( Students earn one full credit at the 3rd-vear level. For information and application contact Dr. Angus Smith, Department of Classics,

    Categories: Events, News

  • Classics students explore Roman Nature

    Wednesday, December 1, 3.30pm

    From Wednesday, December 1, 3.30pm visitors to the Department of Classics can view “Perspectives on Roman Nature”, a poster exhibition of work by students from Nature and the Roman Landscape (CLAS 4P67). These posters are publicly available throughout Winter Term 2022 to view at your own leisure.

    Categories: Events, News