Research Seminar Series presents Malcolm Cavanagh, History, Wednesday, February 9th, 4 – 5:30 pm on Lifesize.

The Department of Classics and Archaeology, Research Seminar Series proudly presents Malcolm Cavanagh, MA candidate, Department of History, Brock University who will be providing a talk titled “Excavating the Nation: European Popular Nationalism and Eastern Mediterranean Archaeology, 1890-1914” on Wednesday, February 9th from 4 – 5:30 pm on Lifesize.

Abstract: This research examines how the excavations of Knossos and Delphi at the turn of the twentieth century were understood in relation to nationalist political projects in providing historical legitimacy to completing nation-states as the rightful successor of ancient Greece in the minds of nationally-minded European publics.

This is a virtual event. Click here or copy the following into your browser to attend:

Click here for a copy of the poster.

For more information about this event, kindly contact Dr. Allison Glazebrook, Research Seminar Coordinator, Department of Classics and Archaeology at:

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