
  • Photo Contest 2024: Share your photos with the Department of Classics and Archaeology

    Let us show how Classics and Archaeology transformed your Brock experience. Share a photo of your memories of Classics and Archaeology and you could be featured in a department exhibit, as we prepare to celebrate the Department’s 60th birthday.

    All photographs will be entered into one pool, but winners will be selected in each of the following categories:

    (1) Classics at Brock
    (2) Archaeological fieldwork
    (3) Study tours and travel
    (4) Department life

    Prizes for top entries!



    All past and present undergraduate and graduate student majors and minors, faculty, and staff in the Department of Classics and Archaeology are eligible to submit photos for this contest. Submitted photos should capture some aspect of your Brock experience in Classics and Archaeology—from the classroom to the field, including the many adventures, discoveries, friendships, and memories you encountered along the way.

    Please submit your photograph by email as a high resolution .jpg (a clear cell phone shot of a printed photo is also fine—we recognize that some people’s experiences may predate the digital era) to with the subject heading, Brock Classics Photo Contest. Include the following in the body of your email:

    (1) Your name (as well as your name at Brock, if different), current address and email, graduation year and major, minor or stream.

    (2) A title and short description of your photo including the names (if applicable, and if you remember) of any people represented.

    For full consideration, entrants from alumni/ae must also update their contact information with Alumni Relations at the following link before the submission deadline.

    Submission Deadline: Friday, August 26th 2024 at 11:59 p.m. We can’t wait to hear from you!

    Categories: Events, News

  • 2024 Summer Reading Challenge in on!

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology is launching a Summer Reading Challenge this year through Instagram for the @BrockHumanities community to read fiction and non-fiction about the ancient world! Share your reviews and thoughts on classical books and get a chance to win prizes at the departmental Fall Open House in October!

    For more information and a list of book recommendations, see the Classics and Archaeology Summer Reading Challenge page.

    Don’t forget to check out and follow @BrockHumanities on Instagram!

    We can’t wait to see your posts! Now, time to get reading…


    Categories: Events, News

  • Classics and Archaeology High School Day

    On Saturday, April 6th, fourteen students (and three parents) from six high schools in the Niagara Region visited the Department to participate in Classics and Archaeology High School Day, an event organized by our Recruitment Committee.

    Katharine von Stackelberg, Angus Smith, Allison Glazebrook, Michael Carter, and Adam Rappold introduced students to ancient artifacts, Roman coins, the Greek alphabet, and traditions of games and play–including a scavenger hunt in the Department.  We hope the experience leads some of our visitors to choose Brock for their studies!

    Categories: Events

  • Humanities Research Institute’s Spring Term Symposium

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology will be well represented at the Humanities Research Institute’s Spring Term Symposium, featuring in-progress work by graduate students and faculty in the Humanities. Nadine Brundrett and Michael Carter will present in the morning session, “Rediscovering a lost Roman inscription: From provenance to provenience for CIL X 1074.” In the afternoon Fanny Dolansky and M.A. student Sarah Murray will address, “Pedagogies in progress: Creating a Latin commentary for classroom use as a component of a Major Research Paper in Classics.” The full program is available here.

    Join the event in person on Monday, April 15, 2024, 9 a.m. – 12 p.m. in the Charles A. Sankey Chamber or virtually via Lifesize. For best performance use the Chrome browser.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Madelyn Huston to present at Mapping the New Knowledges

    Congratulations to Classics (Text and Culture) M.A. student Madelyn Huston, who will deliver a presentation titled “Briseis’ Lament and the Agency of Enslaved People” at Brock’s Mapping New Knowledges Research Conference on Wednesday, April 10th. The conference includes 21 paper sessions and a poster presentation featuring graduate and undergraduate research across campus, as well as a keynote address by Dr. Adam Dickinson (Department of English Language and Literature) titled, “Writing Metabolism: Art, Science, and Research Creation.” The full program is available here.

    Categories: Events, News

  • Brock welcomed Dr. Ulrike Al-Khamis for final 2023-24 AIA Lecture Series talk

    Brock welcomed a renowned guest on Friday, March 15, 2024 when Dr. Ulrike Al-Khamis, CEO and Director of the Aga Khan Museum, gave a public lecture “An Alternate Perspective on “The Museum.” This was the closing event of Brock’s 2023-24 Public Lecture Series on Archaeology, sponsored by the Niagara Peninsula Society of the Archaeological Institute of America. Other topics this year included the Bronze Age Collapse of 1177 BCE, and the lives of early Black Canadians in Niagara. We look forward to more great public programming for our 2024-25 season!

    For more information on the Niagara Peninsula Society AIA please visit

    Categories: Events, News

  • Join the Department’s Latin Table (Mensa Latina)

    In winter term 2022, the first gathering of the Mensa Latina was held in the department; now two years later, the Mensa Latina (Latin Table) is still going strong! Once a month, a group of undergraduate and graduate students interested in learning more about the Roman world and Latin and expanding their knowledge beyond the classroom meet with professors Sarah Parker and Fanny Dolansky to explore a wide range of topics. Previous sessions have focused on Roman humour; petkeeping; manuscripts and paleography; medicine and the body; and the poetry of Catullus and Martial. We’ve also tried our hands at playing Roman games and our tongues at speaking conversational Latin. On January 25, students learned about Roman satire; February 26 participants examine the calendar and Roman festivals. In the final meeting of the term on March 25, Dr. Katharine von Stackelberg introduces Roman cuisine and authentic Roman recipes from Apicius’ nearly two-thousand-year-old cookbook. No knowledge of Latin is required and everyone is welcome.

    Mensa Latina – Winter 2024 dates

    Students and faculty participate in the Mensa Latina.

    Categories: Events

  • Humanities Graduate Student Symposium, “Narratives of Identity

    Kudos to Daniel Belanger, Miranda King, and Cassidy Robertson for their roles in the 2024 Humanities Graduate Student Symposium, “Narratives of Identity,” which took place on Saturday, February 10th. King spoke about “The Small Finds from the Sanctuary of Venus at Pompeii” in Panel 2: Voicing the Visual. Belanger presented, “Hepatitis Bee: The influence of Roman culture on their understanding of bee disease” in Panel 4: Negotiating Nature. Robertson served as Administrative Coordinator for the conference. Click here for more information about the papers and presenters in this celebration of Brock Humanities graduate student research.

    Humanities Graduate Student Symposium poster

    Categories: Events, News

  • 10th annual Saturnalia makes Brock News

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology’s annual Saturnalia event marks its 10th anniversary and makes Brock News by bringing a taste of an ancient Roman experience to students:

    Brock University students are invited to experience a bit of ancient Roman Thursday, Dec. 8 when the Department of Classics and Archaeology holds its 10th annual Saturnalia event.

    Based on an ancient Roman festival, the event gives students the opportunity to connect with each other and with faculty in a fun environment while learning about the ancient Mediterranean world.

    “It’s an opportunity to embrace everyone’s company and celebrate that we’re a community of people who really love learning about ancient Greece and Rome,” says Fanny Dolansky, Associate Professor and one of the organizers for this year’s event.

    Continue reading here: Experience ancient Rome at Brock’s 10th annual Saturnalia

    Categories: Events, News

  • All are invited as CLAS 4P69/5V55 present their research projects on Dec. 6th, 2022

    The Department of Classics and Archaeology is proud to present “Peoples, Plants, and Panthers: Exploring Environment and Ethnography in Roman Expansion”, a presentation of research projects from CLAS 4P69/5V55 Empire and Environment.

    Tuesday, December 6th, 2022

    Poster Presentations, 1-2 pm, GLB 3rd floor

    “The Thracian Horseman in Imperial Roman Funerary Stelae: Appropriation or Appreciation?” Ethan Luckasavitch
    “The Mighty Crocodiles of Roman Egypt” Ashley Rydzik
    ExperienceBU event:

    Graduate Symposium, 4-7pm, GLB 335

    4:00-4:05 Introduction
    4:05-4:35 “The Natural Resources of Anatolia: Experiential Empire in Pliny’s Natural HistoryMadelyn Huston
    4:35-5:05 “The Lion & The Gladiator: Big Cats as Analogous to Subject Peoples”, Taylor Ménard
    5:05-5:20 Intermission
    5:25-5:55 “Syncretism and Imperium: Othering and Hybridization in the Imperial Cult of Provincial Achaea”, Sabrina Perreault
    5:50-6:20 “Jewish Perceptions of Rome: The Limits of Imperial Hegemony in Judaea”, Samantha Fisher
    6:20-6:50 “Ancient Truths and Modern Myths: Perceptions of Gallo-Roman Peoples Through French Museums”, Jessie Simpson
    6:50-7:00 Final Discussion and Closing Comments

    *The last ten minutes of each presentation slot are set aside for questions.
    Light refreshments will be served.
    ExperienceBU event:

    All are welcome!

    Categories: Events