Articles by author: egreene

  • Visualizing the Networks of the Ancient World: Dec. 13, 12-2 PM

    Please visit the Department for a poster display by the students of CLAS 5V14, titled: Visualizing the Networks of the Ancient World. Students will be available to discuss their projects on December 13th, 12 PM – 2 PM, IC 3rd floor, east hallway, but the posters can be seen any time.

    Categories: Events

  • Flos Veronensum iuvenum: A celebration of research on Catullus

    Join the students of LATI 5V23 in a celebration of research on Catullus!

    Friday, December 8th, 2017 in IC 335, 1:30-5:45 P.M.

    1:30 Prof. Fanny Dolansky, Opening remarks

    I. Literary and philosophical influences and inspiration

    1:35 Rick Castle, “Inspired Invective: Archilochian Influence on Catullus”

    2:00 Helen Hsu, “Scortillum mihi visum est : The Meretrix in Catullus”

    2:25 Jeff Masse, “Was Catullus an Epicurean? A Firm Stance”

    II. Sickness and suffering

    2:50 Olivia Holcombe, “The Use of Disease in Catullus”

    3:15 Heather Roy, “Wicked Tongues and Evil Eyes: Extending the

    Concept of Cursing in Catullus”

    Coffee break in IC 306

    III. Objects of reproach

    3:55 Taylor Johnston, “The Women of Catullus’ Carmina ”

    4:20 Esther Knegt, “The Association of Romulus with the Roman”

    IV. Greed, gifts, and gain

    4:45 Natalie Armistead, “A Rich Man’s World: Financial Criticism in


    5:10 Thomas Kocjan, “The Duality of Munus : Gift and Duty in the Catullan


    Reception in IC 306

    Categories: News

  • von Stackelberg and Macaulay-Lewis’ new volume reviewed in BMCR

    In search of a book to read over the holidays? This week’s Bryn Mawr Classical Review describes Katharine von Stackelberg and Elizabeth Macaulay-Lewis’ edited volume, Housing the New Romans. Architectural Reception and Classical Style in the Modern World (Oxford University Press 2017) as “a pleasant and inspiring read.”

    Categories: News

  • Congratulations to Nadine Brundrett, winner of the Clarke Thomson Award for Excellence in Sessional Teaching

    Congratulations to Nadine Brundrett, winner of the Clarke Thomson Award for Excellence in Sessional Teaching. The award recognizes the contributions of part time/sessional teaching staff who contribute significantly to student learning at Brock University. Clarke Thomson is a professor emeritus who, throughout his university career, promoted the support, development and recognition of university teaching and was Brock University’s first recipient of a national 3M teaching award (1989).

    Don’t miss a chance to learn from Professor Brundrett in CLAS 2P61: Women in the Ancient World (offered now) and CLAS/HIST 3P06: History of the Roman Empire this winter.

    Categories: News

  • Lecture by Aleydis van de Moortel: Sunday, November 19th at 3:00 PM

    Join the Niagara Peninsula Society of the Archaeological Institute of America for a public lecture in AS 216 at 3 pm on Sunday, November 19th. As the AIA’s Machteld Mellink lecturer, Professor Aleydis van de Moortel from the Department of Classics at the University of Tennessee will present on “Archaic Greek Ship Graffiti in Attica.”

    Categories: Events

  • Lecture by John Bonnett: Thursday, November 16th at 5:00 PM

    Join us in IC 335 at 5 pm on Thursday November 16 for a research seminar by Professor John Bonnett of the Department of History titled: “Having Eyes to See and Ears to Hear: 3D, the Past Near and Far, and some Potential Futures for Humanist Practice.”

    John Bonnett is an intellectual historian and former Tier II Canada Research Chair in Digital Humanities.  Much of his research has been focused on the life and thought of the media theorist Harold Innis, including his book Emergence and Empire, which received the 2014 Gertrude J. Robinson prize,  the Canadian Communications Association’s award for best book of the year.  Bonnett is also a digital humanist exploring how 3D and multi-modal forms of expression can be used to support scholarship and teaching.  He was the principal developer of The 3D Virtual Buildings Project, an initiative that uses 3D modeling of heritage buildings as a basis to develop student critical thinking skills.  He is also the principal developer of HistorySpace, an initiative that is developing tools to support story-telling in virtual spaces, and DataScapes, an initiative that is using text and protein data as the basis for algorithmic and sonic art.

    Reception to follow in the faculty lounge.

    Categories: Events

  • BUAS Student Symposium: November 10th at 5:00 PM

    Join the Brock University Archaeological Society (BUAS) for their Annual Student Symposium on Friday November 10th at 5:00 PM in IC 104. The symposium will feature talks by undergraduates Alex Moore, Emma Celestini, Sydney Bryk, and Chris Hamilton.

    This event is free of charge and all are welcome to attend.

    Click here for more information about BUAS.

    Categories: Events