News and events

  • Brock Professor of Music Education announces publication exploring trauma and music education

    Faculty of Education Professor Shelley Griffin’s co-edited collection entitled Traumas Resisted and (Re)Engaged: Inquiring Into Lost and Found Narratives in Music Education was recently launched in Dublin, Ireland, at the 9th International Conference on Narrative Inquiry in Music Education.

    Originally published in December 2023, the collection was co-edited by Nasim Niknafs, Associate Professor at University of Toronto Faculty of Music and published by Springer Nature.

    The collection draws on the research work Griffin has been engaged with over the last four years, uniquely merging the field of trauma studies and narrative inquiry in music education.

    Currently, there is a special offer to receive 20% off the printed book or eBook by entering the following coupon code at checkout to apply discount (valid May 22, 2024 – Jun 19, 2024):

    Springer Link – Traumas Resisted and (Re)Engaged: Inquiring Into Lost and Found Narratives in Music Education.

    Coupon code: q0qUqLwAhuPQBd

    For more information or to download the coupon code, please see the PDF.

    About this book:

    Cover of Shelley Griffin's New publication.This book focuses on the traumatic experiences within and through music that individuals and collectives face, while considering ways in which they (re)engage with their traumas in educational settings. The chapters delve into the physical, psychological, philosophical, sociological, and political aspects, as they relate to the reciprocal influences of trauma on musical practices and education. Readers are immersed in topics related to societal violence, physical injuries, grief, separation, loss, death, and ways of working through these in educational and artistic situations. In the introductory chapter, the co-editors draw attention to theoretical matters related to trauma through narrative inquiry in music education. The first section of the book, Separation Revisited, brings together notions of separation, focusing on how loss is emotionally and physically manifested when death, grief, and bodily injury are experienced. In the second section, (Re)Engaging with Lost and Found, readers are encouraged to imagine new possibilities considering trauma and loss in educational and musical spaces. These pieces offer deliberate ruminations moving the discourse toward (re)engagement in and through music education and artistic contexts. The co-editors conclude the book by drawing attention to narrative inquiry’s double-edged nature in stories of trauma and how the retelling of lost and found narratives offers a way to imagine lives otherwise—lives not smothered by grief and horror—through the conceivable reliving of unfathomable stories of experience. This book emerges from the 7th International Conference on Narrative Inquiry in Music Education (NIME7), October 2020, co-hosted by Brock University, Faculty of Education and the University of Toronto, Faculty of Music, Ontario, Canada.

  • Latest edition of Brock Education Journal now available

    The latest edition of the Brock Education Journal, Critical Perspectives on Mental Health in Education: Striving for Social Justice, is now available.

    Current scholarship that analyzes ‘mental health’ as a dynamic, socio-political and cultural construct often leaves out intersectional social factors and determinants of health and well-being. This special issue will bring attention to this need for work in critical mental health within the context of the field of education. Despite increased awareness in the fields of critical mental health studies (Cohen, 2017) and Mad Studies (LeFrançois et al., 2013; Beresford & Russo, 2021), much of the literature pertaining to mental health and well-being in schools adheres to biologically essentialist and reductionist understandings of mental health and well-being. This has the effect of limiting and narrowing understandings of mental health. This depoliticization of mental health can cause conversations regarding mental health in education to not be considered through an intersectional analytic that also considers the ongoing effects of settler colonialism, white supremacy, cis-heteropatriarchy, ableism, sanism, neoliberalism, and capitalism on educators, students, and school communities.

    In this call for papers, we seek contributions that are invested in conversations regarding critical approaches to understanding mental health in schooling and education, with “education” and “schooling” including early years education, K-12 schooling, and higher education. We seek contributions that take into consideration social determinants of health and well-being, critique reductionist understandings of mental health and well-being, and that place inclusive and affirming pedagogies at the forefront. We welcome contributions that centralize lived experiences and challenge dominant positivist approaches to researching mental health.

    Guiding questions include: How can schooling and education centralize the mental health and well-being of children, youth, students, educators, and others in their collective communities through culturally-affirming, intersectional, and critical pedagogies and practices? How might schooling and education perpetuate epistemic harms and injustices relating to the silencing and disenfranchisement of students and educators who experience mental distress, or identify with madness or as Mad? In what ways can schooling and education work with transformative praxis and consciousness-raising practices (Freire, 1970) that can seek the overall health and wellness of all students and educators?

    Access the Brock Education Journal here.

    Categories: Events, News, Uncategorised

  • Launch of the OADE Commitment to Anti-Black Racism Education and Black Inclusion in Ontario Higher Education

    The Ontario Association of Deans of Education (OADE) is committed to defending and promoting equity and human rights in, and through, education for all members of Ontario society and to promoting learning, change and dialogue to dismantle anti-Black racist structures across the education sector.

    OADE is pleased to announce the launch of its Commitment to Anti-Black Racism Education and Black Inclusion in Ontario Higher Education. OADE commits to more substantive, timely, and tangible actions to redress anti-Black racism and to foster Black scholarship, research, teaching, and learning within Faculties of Education. This work is guided by the Scarborough Charter on Anti-Black Racism and Black Inclusion in Canadian Higher Education’s four overarching principles of Black flourishing, inclusive excellence, mutuality, and accountability.

    We call on all educators, students, and community partners to commit to address anti-Black racism in all of its forms and to learn, reflect and celebrate Black history and excellence all year round.

    Read OADE’s Commitment to Anti-Black Racism Education and Black Inclusion in Ontario Higher Education [English / French].


    Ligne d’objet: Lancement de l’engagement de l’ADÉO en faveur de l’éducation contre le racisme anti-Noirs et de l’inclusion des personnes Noires dans l’enseignement supérieur en Ontario

    L’Association des doyennes et doyens de l’éducation de l’Ontario (ADÉO) s’est engagée à défendre et à promouvoir l’équité et les droits de la personne dans et par l’éducation de tous les membres de la société ontarienne et à promouvoir l’apprentissage, le changement et le dialogue afin de démanteler les structures racistes anti-Noirs dans le secteur de l’éducation.

    L’ADÉO est heureuse d’annoncer le lancement de son engagement envers l’éducation contre le racisme chez les Noirs et l’inclusion des personnes Noires dans l’enseignement supérieur de l’Ontario. L’ADÉO s’engage à prendre des mesures plus substantielles, opportunes et concrètes afin de remédier au racisme anti-Noirs et d’encourager l’érudition, la recherche, l’enseignement et l’apprentissage pour les personnes Noires au sein des facultés d’éducation. Ce travail est guidé par la Charte de Scarborough contre le racisme anti-Noirs et pour l’inclusion des personnes Noires dans l’enseignement supérieur au Canada, dont les quatre principes fondamentaux sont l’épanouissement des personnes Noires, l’excellence inclusive, la mutualité et la responsabilisation.

    Nous demandons à tous les éducateurs, aux élèves et aux partenaires communautaires de s’engager à lutter contre le racisme anti-Noirs sous toutes ses formes et d’apprendre, de réfléchir et de célébrer l’histoire et l’excellence des personnes Noirs tout au long de l’année.

    Lisez l’engagement de l’ADÉO en faveur de l’éducation contre le racisme anti-Noirs et de l’inclusion des personnes Noires dans l’enseignement supérieur en Ontario [anglais / français].

  • Celebrating the life and legacy of Dr. William Purkey

    With profound sadness, we announce the passing of Dr. William Purkey, esteemed educator, author, and the pioneering founder of Invitational Education, at the age of 95 on 7th of April, 2024. Dr. Purkey’s innovative vision and compassionate approach to education have left an indelible mark on the field, influencing countless educators and students across the globe.

    Dr. Purkey’s legacy is particularly felt at Brock University (Faculty of Education), where he had significant connections through his collaboration with Dr. John Novak, co-creator of the Invitational Education movement. His numerous visits to our campus have been inspirational, fostering a strong bond with our Faculty of Education and contributing to enriching our academic community.

    In 1982, Dr. Purkey was pivotal in establishing the International Alliance for Invitational Education (IAIE), an organization dedicated to developing and implementing invitational strategies to enhance life in schools, families, and workplaces. His work has guided our educational practices, emphasizing respect, trust, optimism, and care as fundamental principles for nurturing potential in every individual.

    A testament to his enduring impact, the Journal of Invitational Theory and Practice, the flagship publication of the IAIE, is proudly housed by Brock University. This journal serves as a critical platform for sharing research and insights on the principles of Invitational Education, further cementing Dr. Purkey’s connection with our institution and his substantial influence on educational theory and practice.

    Dr. William Purkey

    As we mourn his loss, we also celebrate Dr. Purkey’s remarkable contributions to education. His legacy will continue to influence our approach to teaching and learning, inspiring us to create inviting and inclusive environments that empower every student to thrive.

    In memory of Dr. Purkey, we extend our deepest condolences to his family, friends, and the many lives he touched. We are reminded of his enduring message that education is not just about imparting knowledge but inviting each individual to discover their worth and potential.

    As we reflect on Dr. Purkey’s impact, we encourage the Brock University community to honour his memory by embracing the principles of Invitational Education in our classrooms, our relationships, and our lives. His vision for a more positive and welcoming world is a guiding light for us all.

    Let us remember Dr. William Purkey as a visionary leader whose life’s work continues to inspire a brighter future for education. – Rahul Kumar, on behalf of Dr. John Novak and Dr. Tony DiPetta

  • Short listed candidates presentation schedule – Dean of the Faculty of Education

    The process to search for a Dean, Faculty of Education was launched last fall and is proceeding under the Policy on the Appointment of Academic Administrators. The Advisory Committee has interviewed a long list of candidates and agreed upon a short list. Candidates will be visiting Brock during the week of April 15. This second round of interviews will include opportunities for engagement, as well as public presentations.

    Please see the following post on the Provost’s Office website announcing the candidate presentations for the role of Dean, Faculty of Education, which will take place from April 17 to 19.

  • The latest issue of the Brock Education Journal is now available

    The Faculty of Education is please to announce the next issue of the the Brock Education Journal is live:


    Cover art & design by Peter A. Vietgen, Art Director, Brock Education


    View the journal here.

  • Global Affairs Canada’s International Development Week

    In celebration Global Affairs Canada’s International Development Week (February 4 -10, 2024) and this year’s theme highlighting the 17 United Nation’s Sustainable Development Goals, here are some of the ways that the Faculty of Education’s work is helping the world move closer to having quality education, gender equality, innovation, justice and sustainable communities: View the PDF presentation.


  • Student participants needed for Brock Equity Census focus group

    Brock is hosting a student focus group next week that will help inform the University’s upcoming Equity Census. This is in addition to focus groups currently under way with Brock faculty and staff.

    The Equity Census — a short, voluntary and confidential survey — is part of Brock’s continual journey and commitment to equity, diversity and inclusion (EDI). As a part of Brock’s ongoing efforts, the University is working with MNP to develop an Employee EDI Strategy.

    The student focus group session, which will inform how the census is communicated, carried out and reported on,  will be held on Tuesday, Sept. 12 at 3 p.m.

    Participants can register on the Equity Census web page.

    Participants will be contacted directly with meeting details by consultants from MNP, and an interview guide will be sent in advance of the focus group session.  Participants do not need to prepare anything in advance of the focus group session.

    What is shared with MNP will remain anonymous and confidential.

    More information on the Equity Census will be provided in the coming weeks.

    Categories: Events, Uncategorised

  • Acts of hate have no place in our community

    Hate, in all its expressions, is unacceptable. The Faculty of Education stands in solidarity with those who experience such hatred and is committed to eradicating anti-Black racism and anti-2SLGBTQIA+ discrimination and oppression.

    The anti-Black racism and anti- 2SLGBTQIA+ acts at Harriet Tubman Public School earlier this week highlight that we must continue to work to confront hate in all its forms. The Harriet Tubman Public School, named for an anti-slavery leader and educator, is an exemplar of diversity, equity and decolonization. The Faculty is proud that many of our Teacher Candidates experience such an inclusive educational community in their program. As educators, we see the power of education to cultivate diverse, equitable, anti-racist, anti-homophobic communities.

    Please the statement below for Brock’s response to these events and resources for students and staff:

  • Brock Mathematics Education Seminar Series

    Bodymarking: Interpreting Students’ Embodied Experiences in the Mathematics Classroom

    Presented by Dr. Joshua Markle, PhD.
    Friday May 06, 2022, at 2 p.m.

    Register here  (MS Teams or Lifesize link will be emailed to you prior to event.)
    Inquiries about seminar: Dr. Steven Khan (

    The work described in this presentation sits at the intersection of two critical areas of research in mathematics education: spatial reasoning and embodiment. Spatial reasoning has been identified as integral to both general mathematical capability and the potential for individuals to flourish in life beyond formal mathematics education. Research on the body in mathematics education points to the constitutive role the body plays in the development of mathematical understanding, the importance of understanding students’ experience of the body in the mathematics classroom, and how our senses, such as sight and touch, are integral to how we know and do mathematics. In this presentation, I discuss the development and use
    of a tool for observing and describing everyday classroom actions, such as gesture and gaze, to offer an interpretation of how students use the body to both sense and make sense in a spatial reasoning activity.


    Josh is an Assistant Professor (LTA) of mathematics education in the Faculty of Education at Brock University. His research explores students’ experiences in classroom mathematics and is oriented by three key themes. The first is a focus on how spatial reasoning skills are developed and used in mathematical problem solving and posing. The second explores the role of embodiment and the experience of the body in coming to know and do mathematics. And a third, all-encompassing theme investigates how mathematics can enable students to flourish, both within and beyond the classroom. His work is grounded in theories of embodied cognition, such as enactivism, and he primarily draws on interpretive traditions as research methodologies.