David Goldblum

Associate Professor, Geography and Tourism Studies

B.A. Geography: UCLA (1988)
M.A. Geography: University of Colorado (1990)
Ph.D. Geography: University of Colorado (1994)

Office: MC C-318
Email: dgoldblum@brocku.ca

Within the field of biogeography and forest ecology my interests are in understanding how natural environments (forests, grasslands, etc.) are impacted by both natural (fire, storms, etc.) and human disturbances (climate change, logging, invasive species, etc.). I’ve worked on fire ecology in Colorado, Illinois, Alberta, and Australia; invasive species in Alberta and Illinois; forest ecology in Alberta, British Columbia, New York, Colorado, and Australia.

Current research projects focus on how trees in urban environments (SW Ontario: London and Toronto) are responding to recent climate change, how urban trees might be impacted by future climate change, and which tree species are best suited to plant to insure sustainable urban forests considering climate change and other environmental stresses.

  • Biogeography
  • Tree rings (dendrochronology & dendroclimatology)
  • Forest Ecology