Faculty and staff


Department Chair
Michael Pisaric, Professor
Office: MC C321
905-688-5550 x6152

Graduate Program Director
Atsuko Hashimoto, Professor
Office: MC C422
905-688-5550 x4367

Administrative Coordinator & Academic Advisor, Graduate and Undergraduate Programs
Teresa Shanley
Office: MC C322
905-688-5550 x3484

Academic Advisor & Communications Coordinator
Samantha Morris
Office: MC C324

Microcomputer Support Analyst/Technician
Dimitre Iankoulov
Office: MC C312
905-688-5550 x3485


Julia Baird
Associate Professor
Office: SH 300
905-688-5550 x5426

  • Water management
  • Water governance
  • Social-ecological resilience
  • Sustainability science
  • Agriculture management
  • Social network analysis

Jeff Boggs
Associate Professor
Office: MC C328
905-688-5550 x4975

  • Applied quantitative research, especially using georeferenced Statistics Canada data
  • Economic development in second-tier cities and deindustrialized regions
  • Niagara’s changing economy
  • Economic geography
  • Locational dynamics of media and other cultural industries
  • Regional political economy

David T. Brown
Associate Professor
Office: MC C425
905-688-5550 x3293

  • Digital tourism and interpretation
  • Municipal cultural mapping
  • Niagara Greenbelt Gateway Project
  • Land management plans for the Niagara Parks Commission
  • Trail and greenway management
  • Sustainable integrated waste management theory and practice

David Butz
Office: MC C315
905-688-5550 x3205

  • Social and cultural geography
  • Qualitative research design
  • Community level social organisation in northern Pakistan
  • Mobility justice
  • Mobilities, road construction and social change in the global south
  • Transport labour in the Karakoram/Hindu-Kush/Himalaya
  • Reggae music and spatiality

Danuta de Grosbois
Associate Professor
Office: MC C421
905-688-5550 x5676

  • Sustainable tourism management
  • Tourism certification
  • Measurement of CSR performance
  • CSR reporting in tourism industry

David Fennell
Office: MC C420
905-688-5550 x4663

  • Ecotourism
  • Nature-based tourism
  • Tourism ethics
  • Ecotourism policy and planning

Christopher Fullerton
Office: MC C417
905-688-5550 x3487 

  • Rural planning and development
  • Rural tourism
  • Ottawa’s urban and regional planning history
  • Public transit planning and policy
  • U-Pass programs at post-secondary institutions

David Goldblum
Associate Professor
Office: MC C318

  • Biogeography
  • Tree rings (dendrochronology & dendroclimatology)
  • Forest Ecology

Atsuko Hashimoto
Professor and Graduate Program Director
Office: MC C422
905-688-5550 x4367

  • Socio-cultural and human aspects of tourism development (especially women and children)
  • Dark tourism
  • Green tourism in rural Japan

Phillip Gordon Mackintosh 
Office: MC C319
905-688-5550 x 5221

  • The urban historical geography of the modern city
  • Historical mobilities, including bicycling
  • Public space and bourgeois culture
  • Urban reform and city planning
  • Victorian gender relations and fraternalism
  • Historical newspapers
  • Liberalism
  • Victorian “race” science, and creationism

John Menzies
Professor, Earth Sciences
Office: MC D421
905-688-5550 x3865

  • Glacial sedimentology at Lichtenegg, Baden-Wurttemburg
  • Micromorphology of Antarctic marine diamictons
  • Structural geology of tills
  • The science of geomaterials

Michael Pisaric
Professor and Chair
Office: MC C321
905-688-5550 x6152

  • Climate change
  • Dendrochronology
  • Paleolimnology
  • Arctic ecosystems
  • Landscape evolution

Mike Ripmeester
Office: MC C331
905-688-5550 x 4416

  • Geographies of popular memory
  • Geography and ethnohistory
  • Historical and cultural geography
  • Historical geographies of First Nations in Ontario
  • Historical Geographies of  Native – Euro – Canadian relationships in 19th century Canada
  • Landscape and identity
    • Geographies of private green space
    • Mnemonic landscapes
    • Wine and identity
    • Culture and economy

Dragos Simandan
Office: MC C327
905-688-5550 x5010

  • Economic Geography
  • Critical Human Geographies and Critical Urban Theory
  • Health, Well-being, and the Politics of Biomedical Research
  • Social Theory and Philosophy of the Social Sciences
  • The Interface between Geography and the Cognitive Sciences

David J. Telfer
Office: MC C415
905-688-5550 x4100

  • Linkages between tourism and development theory
  • Tourism planning and development
  • Rural tourism development

Kevin Turner
Associate Professor
Office: MC C330
905-688-5550 x5399

  • Response of northern lake-rich landscapes to climate change
  • Hydrology
  • GIS, spatial analysis, and remote sensing
  • Water isotope tracer techniques
  • Paleolimnological reconstruction of past lake conditions

Ebru Ustundag
Associate Professor
Office: MC C314
905-688-5550 x4417

  • Urban Geography
  • Citizenship Studies
  • Emotional/Affective Geographies
  • Feminist Geographies
  • Geographies of Health and Addiction
  • Geographies of Sex-Work
  • Graphic Medicine

Professors Emeriti

Hugh Gayler
Professor Emeritus

  • Social and cultural geographies
  • Urban planning and development
  • Digital cities, cyberspace, and mobilities

Anthony Shaw
Professor Emeritus

  • Detection and prediction of road surface icing conditions
  • Microclimate analysis for specialty crops
  • Thermal and moisture behaviour of stud wall vs structural insulated panel
  • Wind machine for freeze protection
  • Wind resource assessment for wind power
  • Wine terroir and sub-appellations
  • Applied climatology and meteorology
  • Viticulture, vineyard site selection and freeze protection methods for specialty crops
  • Climate change and building climatology

Adjunct faculty

Jayson Childs
Adjunct Professor
Office: MC C329
905-688-5550 x5891

  • Aeolian geomorphology of the Great Lakes
  • Coastal conservation and management
  • Coastal geomorphology of the Great Lakes
  • Education
  • Polar geography
  • Water resources geography

David Grimes
Adjunct Professor

David Morimoto
Adjunct Professor
Office: MC C418

  • Dendrochronology
  • Paleoecology
  • Climate Change


Denise Smith
Head, Research Lifecycle (including the Maps, Data and GIS Library)

Retired Faculty and Staff

  • Daryl Dagesse
  • Loris Gasparotto, Cartographer
  • Hugh Gayler
  • Alun Hughes
  • John Jackson
  • John McNeil