4th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute Conference (Ontario, Canada)
Thank you for your interest in the 4th Annual Digital Pedagogy Institute. We’d like to thank all of our attendees, speakers, volunteers and organizers for a great event.
The 2017 Digital Pedagogy Institute conference was held at Brock University (St. Catharines, Ontario) on Wednesday August 16, 2017 & Thursday August 17, 2017.
A partnership between Brock University, the University of Guelph, and the University of Toronto Scarborough, the two day conference will include keynote addresses, presentations, workshops, and digital tool training that focus on the innovative use of digital technologies to enhance and transform undergraduate and graduate teaching.
Faculty, educational developers, librarians, graduate students, and other university personnel are invited to attend and submit a presentation proposal – a 20 minute presentation, a 60 minute interactive workshop, or a poster – related to one or more of the following conference themes:
- digital pedagogy best practices in the Humanities or Social Sciences;
- digital pedagogy collaborations between faculty, educational developers, librarians, and/or graduate/undergraduate students;
- digital pedagogy collaborations with organizations outside the academy;
- the state of digital pedagogy education in higher education;
- digital pedagogy case studies, including course and assignment innovations;
- innovative new uses for traditional digital pedagogy tools.
Learn more about the 2015 & 2016 conferences below:
2015 (3 days): https://www.utsc.utoronto.ca/conferences/dpi/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2015/07/DPI-Program-4.pdf
2016 (1 day): https://www.uoguelph.ca/arts/arts-research/digital-humanities-guelph/dpi2016/schedule-digital-pedagogy-institute