Researchers in the Lifespan Institute investigate psychological, social, health, neurophysiological and educational aspects of life from infancy to old age. These studies provide important information for our community, programs, and services.
We are always looking for community volunteers of all ages who are interested in participating in research studies either online or in person at Brock. You (or your child) will get the opportunity to take part in fun and interesting studies and learn more about your (their) development – all in the name of science!
You can sign up for the Brock Lifespan Research Registry
By signing up, you can learn about various research opportunities. By joining the registry, you will be informed about studies that match your interests and age group. Your privacy is important to us! Any information you provide will be stored in a secure database in the institute and be kept private and confidential. Only researchers conducting studies within the Lifespan Institute will have access to the information. You can contact us at any time if you would like to make any changes.
You can also view specific opportunities below
Take me to the studies that are available for:
- Have you ever wondered how children learn the meaning of words?
- Who can participate? Monolingual children, 4 to 6 years of age
- What’s involved? A single one-hour and in-person session at Brock University (free parking is provided)
- Click here for more information
- Have you ever wondered what your child’s muscles look like?
- Who can participate? Children 4 to 12 years old.
- What’s involved? Two 30–90-minute sessions at Brock University – free parking is provided.
- Click here for more information
Teenagers and Young Adults
- Have you ever wondered how teenagers can develop a kind mind?
- Who can participate: Children and Adolescents 11-18 years
- What’s involved: 60-90 min on-line (MS teams) session with researcher
- Click here for more information
- Have you ever wondered how being a perfectionist impacts teenagers’ day to day lives?
- Who can participate: Adolescents between the ages of 12 to 18 who consider themselves to be perfectionists and one parent or guardian.
- What’s involved: Answering questions about perfectionism in day-to-day life using pictures, followed by a short survey and a joint interview that will take place either in-person at Brock (free parking provided) or online depending on preference.
- Click here for more information
- How does your brain work when you focus attention, control impulses and ignore distractions? How do these processes relate to your mental health?
- Who can participate: Undergraduate Brock university students ages 17-30 years.
- What’s involved: Participation will involve computer activities while wearing an EEG net and filling out questionnaires about your mental health and lifestyle. This will take about 2 hours total.
- Click here for more information.
Older Adults
- Have you ever wondered how mind-wandering affects your perception of the world around you?
- Who can participate? Older adults aged 65-80
- What’s involved? A single, two-hour in-person session at Brock University – free participant parking is provided, and you will receive $20 in appreciation of your participation.
- Click here for more information
- Have you ever wondered how your eyes reveal what you remember?
- Who can participate? Older adults aged 60-80
- What’s involved? A single, two-hour in-person session at Brock University involving eye-tracking and reading – free participant parking is provided.
- Click here for more information