Articles by author: nhauck
SCLA – Six Artists Reflect on Creative Process
Six artists make arbitrary lists as a starting point to generate visual and textual content and reflect on the creative process. The outcome is a series of disconcerting yet coherent sets of photographs and short statements.
Their work responds to artist Seth Weiner’s presentation on how to experience process and produce expressive text-and-image content by artist Seth Weiner (2022-2023 Walker Cultural Leader in the Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture), and follows artist talks by Karin Di Bella, Amy Friend, and David Vivian at the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, Brock University.
CONTEST!!! MLLC Students’ Poems On Languages
Submit a short poem in English that expresses how you feel about the language(s) that you are studying in MLLC! Please send in the body of the email to by Friday, Oct. 7 at midnight.
During MLLC’s 2020 and 2021 Meet & Greet, students wrote short poems (haikus) on their experiences leaning languages. Click the link to find some of their masterpieces. —> MLLCmeetandgreetHaiku
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Canada Games Internship Course (Summer 2022): FREN 4P05 – French Internship
À noter que, pour cet été, l’essentiel des stages portera sur les Jeux du Canada 2022!
Le cours FREN 4P05 vise à offrir aux étudiant-e-s des occasions d’utiliser la langue française, de manière optimale et entièrement authentique, en milieu de travail francophone.
Le cours consiste essentiellement en 50 heures de stage pratique au sein d’un organisme ou d’un département de service francophone de la région du Niagara, accompagnées d’une heure de séance hebdomadaire en classe, au cours de laquelle sont discutées des questions théoriques en rapport avec le bi/multilinguisme, le multiculturalisme, la traduction/interprétation, etc., et surtout des questions pratiques en rapport avec le stage.
Afin d’accompagner et de renforcer les connaissances pratiques acquises au cours des 50 heures de stage, les étudiant-e-s participent également à des ateliers/conférences animés par des membres proéminents de la communauté francophone du Niagara et/ou des régions avoisinantes, qui se proposent de partager avec nous leurs expériences professionnelles.
Si vous êtes intéressée-e à suivre le cours FREN 4P05 cet été (11 juillet – 19 août 2022), contactez au plus tôt Dr Jean Ntakirutimana, par courriel (
International journalist offers interview tips to Spanish students
Students in SPAN 1F90 welcomed Julio César Rivas, foreign correspondent to Canada with Agencia EFE, to their class Wednesday, March 16. Rivas shared his tips and techniques for effective interviews in preparation for interviews students will be doing with native Spanish speakers as a class project. Rivas shared from his experience of more than 30 years as a journalist in the Americas and Europe, where he has covered events including the armed conflicts in Guatemala and El Salvador, the Zapatista uprising in Mexico, and a broad range of economic, social, political and cultural affairs. In addition to working for Agencia EFE, the largest Spanish language newswire service, Rivas is also the co-founder of Lattin magazine, an online news site dedicated to the Hispanic population in Canada. Rivas is pictured offering pointers to students Lisa Carvalho and Kayla Hoyos Lewis, who will be interviewing their grandmothers for the project. The class will be sharing their completed projects in a presentation April 6 and Rivas will work with a student to publish their work in Lattin.
“Gender Treachery Against the State: The Political Function of Popular Film in the Fiction of Manuel Puig” Talk by Dr. Erin Redmond
As part of the Diaspora Speaker Series
Hosted by the Hispanic and Latin American Studies Program (Dept. of Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures)
Gender Treachery Against the State: The Political Function of Popular Film in the Fiction of Manuel Puig
Talk by Dr. Erin Redmond
15 March 2022
Online -13:00pm – 14:15pm
This is a virtual presentation.
This is a virtual presentation. Please join us at: NEW LINK:
This talk will focus on the ways in which alternative constructions of gender and sexuality emerge through dislocations of U.S. and European films to small-town Argentina in the 1930s and 1940s in the case of Traición and to the 1970s Buenos Aires prison cell in which most of Beso’s narrative unfolds. Although a number of critics have positioned homosexuality in Puig’s fiction as a form of rebellion against political authoritarianism, I argue that in keeping with Puig’s own views, these texts offer a more radical challenge to the heteronormative ideologies of both mass culture and the repressive state through their principal characters’ refusal of binary-based terms.
Dr. Erin Redmond received her Ph.D. in Hispanic Literatures from the University of Texas at Austin in 2008. She completed her B.A. in Women’s Studies and History at the University of Toronto. Her research and teaching interests include questions of gender and sexuality in fiction and film from Argentina, Brazil and Cuba.
Contact information: Dr. Irene Blayer // Dr. Cristina Santos
New publication – Image and Imagery series
Small Walker Press Salon für Kunstbuch
Brock University, Canada Vienna, Austria
Image and Imagery series
Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures
Brock University, Niagara Region, Canada
L’impact du numérique : textes/images en littérature et dans les arts
Engaging with Digital Texts/Images in Literatures and the Arts
Les nouveaux outils numériques continuent de transformer la pensée des artistes et, ainsi que leur façon de s’engager dans la création. Au cours des dernières décennies, les avancées technologiques ont permis de concevoir et de développer de nouvelles pratiques en littérature et dans les arts, avec pour résultat d’innombrables créations innovantes. Les outils numériques rendent possible un meilleur accès aux textes littéraires et facilitent des interactions complexes entre la littérature et les autres arts. De même, les arts visuels et autres ont conçu de nouvelles intégrations du texte dans leurs réalisations. Ces nouvelles pratiques ont changé notre discours visuel et textuel.
New digital tools continue to transform the way artists and writers think about, engage with, and create works. In the last decades, advances in technology have facilitated the design and writing process, allowing the creation of countless virtual renditions of concepts or works. Digital tools have impacted the traditional literary world, opening access to a variety of digitized texts and enabling increased interactions with other art forms. In turn, visual and other creative arts have conceived new integrations of text within their medium, all of which has impacted and changed our visual and written discourse.
Comité éditorial / Editing committee
Carmela Colella, Tamara El-Hoss, and Catherine Parayre
Pratiques artistiques / Art Practices
L’art traditionnel du tissage à l’heure du numérique / Aicha Nairi
De l’écran d’ordinateur au data mining : art numérique et techno-féminisme dans les œuvres de Lynn Hershman Leeson / Marie-Laure Delaporte
Exil et technologies numériques : les nouvelles modalités de production et de réception des œuvres / Ann Valérie Epoudry
Arts littéraires / Literary Arts
« Data is Beautiful. » De la data visualization à la data poetry / Barnabé Sauvage
La littérature en expansion : la LittéraTube de Tálata Rodríguez et Mariano Blatt / Gianna Schmitter
Expositions / Curating
Les musées numériques et virtuels, vers un renouveau esthétique, expérientiel et formel du milieu expographique / Laure Le Vaillant
Modalités et défis de l’expérience patrimoniale en réalité virtuelle : réflexions autour du corps recevant / Léa Dedola
Perceptions / Réception / Reception
Paradoxe du jugement esthétique 2.0 / Théodora Domenech
Experiencing Art in the Age of COVID-19 / Leanne Unruh
ISBN 978-1-990208-06-5
Catalogage avant publication de Bibliothèque et Archives Canada
Titre: L’impact du numérique : textes/images en littérature et dans les arts / dir. Carmela
Colella, Tamara El-Hoss et Catherine Parayre = Engaging with digital texts/images in literatures
and the arts / ed. Carmela Colella, Tamara El-Hoss and Catherine Parayre.
Autres titres: Engaging with digital texts/images in literatures and the arts
Noms: Colella, Carmela, éditeur intellectuel. | El-Hoss, Tamara, éditeur intellectuel. | Parayre,
Catherine, 1966- éditeur intellectuel.
Description: Mention de collection: Image & Imagery | Comprend du texte en anglais.
Identifiants: Canadiana 20210366192 | ISBN 9781990208065 (PDF)
Vedettes-matière: RVM: Art numérique. | RVM: Littérature numérique. | RVM: Images numériques dans l’art. | RVM: Littérature et technologie.
Classification: LCC N7433.8 .I47 2021 | CDD 776—dc23