
  • Brock News: Inaugural Ernesto Virgulti Lecture

    Annual Ernesto Virgulti Lecture – Faking the “Other Voice”: Gender & Literary Forgery in Renaissance Italy

    Experience BU Link:

    Brock News: Retired prof’s legacy inspires renaissance lecture series

    Retired prof’s legacy inspires renaissance lecture series



    Categories: News, Other events

  • Brock News: A beautiful new display with challenges (and prizes)

    Brock News: A beautiful new display with challenges (and prizes)

    Categories: News

  • MLLC Meet & Greet – September 25, 2024

    Join us for our annual MLLC Meet & Greet!

    Wednesday, September 25th
    6:00 – 8:45 pm

    Pond Inlet

    For more information please visit the Experience BU link for the MLLC Meet & Greet.

    Pizza & Refreshments! Raffle Draw and Prizes, too!

    *Meet your fellow Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures students and faculty.
    *Learn about our student clubs and upcoming events.
    *Learn about Brock’s international exchange programs.
    *Receive Campus-Wide Co-Curriculum (CWC) credit.

    All MLLC students and their friends are invited to attend for all or part of the evening!

    Categories: News, Other events

  • Salon du livre des francophonies du Niagara (SAFRAN), March 21-24

    Salon du livre des francophonies du Niagara (SAFRAN), a special collaboration at the MIWSFPA, opens March 21

    Media Release: Celebrating creativity and diversity in Niagara with SAFRAN 2024

    Salon du livre des francophonies du Niagara (SAFRAN):
    Les contradictions dans les littératures

    March 21-24, 2024
    Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine & Performing Arts
    15 Artists’ Common, St. Catharines

    SOFIFRAN is delighted to announce the details of the next edition of the Salon du Livre des Francophonies du Niagara (SAFRAN), an exceptional literary event in and for the peninsula. The event will take place March 21st to 24th, 2024, and will begin at 10am each day in the prestigious space of the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts, Brock University, downtown St Catharines. The opening will be held at the Film House, in the First Ontario Performing Arts Centre, also located in downtown St Catharines.

    We are especially honoured to present Nafée Faïgou, the director of the Salon du Livre des Francophonies du Niagara. Nafée Faïgou is passionately devoted to Niagara’s francophone literary ecosystem and plays a central role in the planning and development of this major event. You can contact her directly at the following email address: [email protected].

    SAFRAN is made possible thanks to the financial support of the Ministry of Francophone Affairs, through the Francophone Community Grants Program.

    We invite all members of the community to come and celebrate the diversity of francophone literatures at the Salon du Livre des Francophonies du Niagara. Join us and immerse yourselves in captivating stories, literary discoveries, workshops, and inspiring encounters.

    For more information and to stay connected with the latest updates, follow us on social media and visit our official website:


    Categories: News, Other events

  • Brock linguist studies richness of African languages, Brock News

    Brock linguist studies richness of African languages




    Categories: News

  • NEW! Spring 2024 Course Offerings

    Please see pdf Poster as well.

    Categories: News

  • Free Film Screening of IL MORO – The Moor: February 6, 2024

    The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Culture invites you to a free screening of IL Moro – The Moor on Tuesday February 6 starting at 7 p.m. at the Film House, FirstOntario Performing Arts Centre, downtown St. Catharines.

    This film is based on a true story and was longlisted for the 2024 Oscars. The run time is 22 minutes and the film will be followed by a roundtable featuring Professors Andre Basson, Colin Rose, and Felipe Ruan.

    View poster or visit Experience BU for more details!

    Participants MUST have a ticket. To order your free ticket, click here. Limited seating available.

    We hope to see you at this exciting event!

    Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
    Brock University

    Categories: News, Other events

  • Storytelling, Erasure, and Trauma: Survivor Testimonies of the Argentinean Dictatorship (1976-1983): February 29, 2024

    Storytelling, Erasure, and Trauma: Survivor Testimonies of the Argentinean Dictatorship (1976-1983)

    Date: Thursday, February 29, 2024
    Time: 1:00pm – 6:00 pm
    Location: Sankey Chamber, Brock University

    POSTER: Storytelling, Erasure, and Trauma

    Trigger Warning: Speakers will be sharing personal stories of kidnappings, torture, rape, and other traumatic and possibly triggering experiences.

    Note: The event sill be recorded as part of filming a documentary. Please let the research team know if you do not wish to be recorded.

    Guest Speakers:

    Eduardo Veiga
    Eduardo Veiga was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on July 14th, 1974 while his mother was unlawfully imprisoned at Devoto Penitentiary in Buenos Aires. Eduardo was raised by his maternal grandparents in Goya, Corrientes Province. He immigrated to Canada with his parents who were refugees soon after their release from jail in 1985.

    Gustavo De Marinis
    Gustavo De Marinis was born in the province of Mendoza, Argentina and currently works as the editor of Diario Uno, where he has been employed for 30 years. He has been a journalist since 1980 and has also worked for various newspapers in Mendoza. He is a member of the Association of Family Members of Detained and Disappeared for Political Reasons and the Mendoza Collective Justice which is dedicated to the coverage of truth trials on human rights in Mendoza.

    Olga V Araujo-Mendieta, PhD
    She obtained her MA in Latin American History in the University of Amsterdam (1986), her destination after being exiled from Argentina. In 1991 she received a second MA from the University of Toronto, where, in 1997, she went on to successfully defend her doctoral thesis in Latin American Literature. She presently works for the General Council of Education in Misiones, Argentina.

    Alba Vega D’Andrea
    Her parents were political prisoners during Argentina’s last dictatorship and they were able to leave into exile. This was the context within which Alba entered the world—caught between persecution and clandestinity. She was born in La Paz, Bolivia and lived there until she was 6 years old when her parents returned to Argentina with the return of democracy. She has been living in Mendoza since 1985.

    Categories: News, Other events

  • Abstract Filters at the Museum in the Hallway: January – March 2024

    Abstract Filters

    Museum in the Hallway
    Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts

    Abstract Filters
    A Research-Creation Project

    In Fall 2023, students in the graduate program Studies in Comparative Literatures and Arts at Brock University engaged in a research-creation project in the course “Comparative Critical Theory in Literatures and the Arts” and in cooperation with the Musée du Niel, Giens Peninsula, France.
    The exhibition Abstract Filters (15 January-16 March 2024, Museum in the Hallway, Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts) is the outcome of a semester-long reflection and a thoughtful, theory-based response to the Summer 2023 exhibition Les chemins de l’abstraction. 17 peintres non-figuratifs dialoguent avec Jean Grenier / Pathways to Abstraction. 17 Non-Figurative Painters in Dialogue with Jean Grenier at the Musée du Niel.

    To view the virtual catalogue of Abstract Filters, please click on the link below:

    Musée du Niel, Giens Peninsula, France
    Josh Müller, Vienna, Austria

    Categories: News

  • ITAL 3P93 Dante’s Inferno Class Conference: November 23

    The Department of Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures and
    The Centre for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
    The Circles of Hell in Dante’s Inferno
    Presenting the ArcGIS of Dante’s Inferno – Funded by the CEWIL Canada Program

    NOVEMBER 23, 2023
    PLZ 600F

    8:15 AM

    9:00 AM

    9:00 AM-11:00 AM

    ITAL 3P93 Class Conference Poster

    Categories: News, Other events