Associate Professor
905 688 5550 x3307
[email protected]
Linguist and language teacher since 1987, I have obtained a Ph.D. and an M.A. in Linguistics from University of Montreal. I have a B.A. in African Linguistics and literatures, with specialty in 1st and 2nd Language Teaching, from University of Bujumbura.
As a language specialist, my research activities are guided by the multi-level nature of words, and are, thus, conducted on different levels. They involve a multi‑range analysis of words, from their minimal sound structures (phonetics) to their complex values in textual databases. Between these two poles, my interdisciplinary work also explores other linguistic domains such as morpho-lexicology, lexicography, terminography, syntax, semantics, stylistics and translation, language learning and language contact, inspired by new trends in the area of ecolinguistics.
One particular area where my fascination for words has been more inspiring is new information and communication technologies (NICT), as applied to lexicon processing, which have driven my core research interest in computer aided lexicography and terminography, textual databases (also called Corpus Linguistics), Machine Translation, and other related domains of Natural Language Processing.
Désambiguïsation de la synonymie adjectivale : Pour une lexicomatique contextuelle. Sarrebruck: EUE, 2010. 180 p.
“Ambiguïté de la synonymie en lexicographie française”. Cahiers de linguistique, Revue de sociolinguistique et de sociologie de la langue française: Lexique, dictionnaire et connaissance dans une société multilingue. Eds. Xavier Blanco Escoda et al. Cortil-Wodon: E.M.E., 2007 [2008]. 117-137. (Special issue 43/1).
“Écriture et violence”. Voix plurielles 03.02. Eds. M. O’Reilly & J. Ntakirutimana. Brock University, (Special Issue 2006). 2011-01-05 <>.
“SYCO : un modèle d’utilisation des BDTI en lexicomatique et en traduction”. La traduction : diversité linguistique et pratiques courantes. Eds. Salah Mejri et al. Tunis: CERES, 2000. 205-215.
“Traitement de l’ambiguïté dans les logiciels de traduction automatique en ligne”. Voix plurielles 04.01 (2007). 2011-01-05 <>.
“De la valeur éducative du genre narratif dans les sociétés africaines traditionnelles”. Ethiopiques 77 (2006). 173-192.
“Des classes d’objets partout et pour tout”. Dire 9.3 (2000). 8-19.
“Assessing Web-Based Translation Software”. Proceedings of the World Congress on Specialized Translation, (La Habana, December 2008). La Habana, UL-Maaya, 2009. 104-112.
“La lemmatisation dans un dictionnaire contextuel”. Proceedings of JADT 2002(Saint-Malo, March 13-15, 2002). Rennes: IRISA-INRIA, 2002. 809-820.
“Les mécanismes d’intégration de l’emprunt dans les langues bantu”. L’éloge de la différence: la voix de l’Autre (actes des VIièmes journées scientifiques du RLTT [AUPELF-UREF] de BEYROUTH, 11-13 nov 1999). Montréal: AUPELF-UREF, 2000. 205-215.
“Studying sub-standard languages through TDB”. (Paper presented at the Brock-MLLC & UTM-LS Colloquia, April 2009, Team presentation with Profs. B. Allouche and P. Bessler).
“Didactique corrective informatisée dans un cours de composition française”. Paper presented at the CAUCTF-APFUCC Congress. University of British Columbia (May 2008).
“Ecolinguistics and Language Acquisition.” Paper presented at the Humanities Research Institute (HRI) Spring Symposium, Faculty of Humanities, Brock University (April 2008).
“La phonétique et la phonologie appliquées à l’enseignement de la poésie”. Paper presented at the CAUCTF-APFUCC Conference. University of Saskatoon (May 2007).
“Le TALN et ses applications aux langues bantu : Comment en faire profiter le Kinyarwanda?” Paper presented at University of Butare, Faculty of Languages Studies (August 2006).
“Which language for which development in Africa?” Paper presented at the African Day Symposium. Humanities Research Institute & Brock International. Brock University (February 2006).
- FREN 1F90, Intermediate French (core course)
- FREN 2F00, Grammar and Composition (core course)
- FREN 2P98, Phonetics & Phonology
- FREN 3P03, Composition & Stylistics (core course)
- FREN 4P03, Linguistic Approach to Textual Analysis (core course)
- SWAH 1F00, Introductory Kiswahili
- MLLC 3Q90, Foreign Languages and Information Technology