Astrid Heyer

Astrid Heyer

Assistant Professor
905 688 5550 x5406
[email protected]

State Examination French/English Free University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany

Ph.D. French Literature University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada

Having taught at Western University, King’s University College, Brescia University College, and Brock University, I delight in awakening students’ passion for the French language (especially everybody’s favourite subject: grammar) and literature in French.

“The Christian View of Maritain and Bernanos”, The Chesterton Review . XV, no  4, vol.  XVI, no 1, November, 1989, February, 1990. pp. 557-567.

” Sous le soleil de Satan . Une structure dénaturée”, Revue des  Lettres Modernes 1039-
1044(1991), «Etudes bernanosiennes» 20: 7-20.

A Critical Bibliography of French Literature.  The Nineteenth Century .  In Two Parts.  Edited by David Baguley.  Syracuse: Syracuse University Press, 1994. (Contribution to Chapter XXXVIII: entries on female novelists: Juliette Adam, Marie Bashkirtseff, la comtesse de Ségur née Sophie Rostopchine)

La femme dans le monde imaginaire de Georges Bernanos . New York: Peter Lang Inc., 1999.

Article on Henri Massis for the Encyclopedia of Modern French Thought.  New York: Routledge Reference, Taylor and Francis Books, Inc., March 2004, p. 465-467.

“Suicide in the Fiction of Georges Bernanos and Stefan Zweig: The Death of Two Female Adolescents” Christianity and Literature, Vol. 56, No. 3, Spring 2007.

FREN 1F00 Introductory French I

FREN 1F50 Introductory French II

FREN 1F90 Intermediate French

FREN 2F00 Grammar and Composition

FREN 3P03 Composition and Stylistics