Research and Creation

Join us for our virtual online events!

Faculty members in Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Studies in Arts and Culture; Visual Arts; Dramatic Arts; and Music regularly contribute to SCLA and share their interdisciplinary expertise with us.

Feel free to join us in the online cultural and scholarly activities these units engage in. The following list includes a few selected events. Please check the departmental site of each unit for more info, including how to access these and other events. Enjoy!

Cine/ma Chat: Hispanic and Latin Amercia Studies Film Club
Invited guest speakers on topics of film and culture:

Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures (French Studies)
Voix plurielles (peer-reviewed journal of the Association des de français des universités et collèges canadiens) :

Small Walker Press:

Centre for Studies in Arts and Culture / Research Centre in Interdisciplinary Arts and Creative Culture
2020-2021 Virtual exhibition Interiors (visual arts, creative writing, music):