
  • Travel Study Course Featured by the Isle of Man BBC

    The students in MARS/HIST 3F51 are now back on Canadian soil! Photos are posted over on the MARS website.

    The group’s adventures have generated quite a buzz. They were recently highlighted in the Isle of Man BBC, and a podcast was produced by Manx Radio.

    Congratulations, Professors Andrew McDonald and  Renee-Claude Breitenstein on making this the trip of a lifetime for our students!


    Categories: Courses, Faculty, Graduate, News, Student Research and Travel, Undergraduate

  • New Postdoctoral Fellow: Eric Story

    Eric Story (PhD Candidate, Wilfrid Laurier) is starting his Postdoctoral Fellowship this winter with Dr. Maureen Lux. He will give a talk on January 25th (1pm, GLA 201) as a part of the winter Speakers Series.

    Welcome to the Department, Eric!



    Categories: News, Postdocs and Scholars

  • MA Student Kat Rice Receives Horizon Scholarship

    Photo credit: The Brock News

    Kat Rice, BA (’23), is featured in the Brock News as a recipient of the prestigious Horizon Graduate Scholarship. The award, valued at $5,000, supports research-based students from under-represented groups at Brock (BIPOC, 2SLGBTQ+, low-income or low socioeconomic status backgrounds, first generation graduate students, and people living with disabilities).

    Kat’s research focuses on the representation of queer women in hockey in the Niagara region. “Through oral interviews, which involve collecting, interpreting and preserving memories of people in communities in their own voice, Rice is putting the spotlight on recreational players, coaches, organizers and officials. She is eager to examine how the experiences of queer women relate to their sense of belonging within their own team, their league and their country.” (The Brock News)

    Congratulations, Kat!




    Categories: Awards and Scholarships, Graduate, News

  • 2023 Sankey Lecture to Focus on Freemason Material Culture

    Sankey Lecture on Freemason Material Culture to offer a “Masonic Antique Roadshow” 

    The Marie Kondo Method. Swedish Death Cleaning. “Hoarders” reality TV shows. Downsizing.  

    De-cluttering is a hot trend in our heavily material culture. 

    At risk, however, is the loss of culturally significant objects and entire collections of ephemera, records, and artifacts.  

    Dr. Heather K. Calloway, the current Executive Director of University Collections at Indiana University, is working to manage and preserve collections of fraternal organizations, namely, the Freemasons, that are at serious risk of being discarded. 

    “Whether a lodge is moving, closing, or downsizing their space, the collections amassed by fraternal groups are at risk of being orphaned… They are often stored in closets, basements, and attics where environmental and storage conditions are abysmal. There is little or no emergency planning for these objects,” says Dr. Calloway. 

    Dr. Calloway will be presenting her lecture, “Skeletons in the Lodge Hall: Hidden Collections and Fraternal Curiosities,” at the 14th Annual Charles A. Sankey Lecture Series on Sunday, March 26th, in Sean O’Sullivan Theatre. 

    The annual lecture series was created in 2009 by the Sankey Centre for Masonic Studies in conjunction with Brock University. The Centre is named in honour of Dr. Charles A. Sankey, who served as Chancellor of Brock University from 1969-1974 and was a renowned Masonic scholar. He was active in all the concordant bodies of Masonry including the Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite, the Royal Order of Scotland, and Royal Arch Masons. His extensive collection of rare Masonic books and papers is in the Special Collections of the James Gibson Library at Brock. 

    “We are always excited when the Sankey Lecture comes around,” says archivist David Sharron, the Head of Archives and Special Collections at the Brock Library.  “Hearing presenters like Heather Calloway and the attending Masons and scholars speak about Freemasonry so intelligently and passionately makes us feel secure that the Masonic book collection we have at Brock will always be needed and regarded in the best light.”  

    As a part of the event, which is back in person for the first time since 2019, Dr. Calloway will be bringing some objects from the Indiana University’s collection of Freemason objects. Along with Mr. Sharron, she invites members of the public to bring in their own Freemason objects to discuss their historical significance.  

    Dr. Calloway notes that, “Fraternal history and material culture is found everywhere. It is held by private groups, archives, public and academic libraries, historical societies, and museums… Without action to address these needs for collection stewardship, many are at high risk for damage or loss.” 

    When: Sunday, March 26, 2023, 3:00 pm.
    Where: Sean O’Sullivan Theatre

    Reception and “Masonic Antiques Roadshow” to follow in Market Hall. 

    Please reserve your FREE TICKETS in advance.  

    More details can be found on ExperienceBU. 


    Categories: News, Sankey