Kimberly Monk

Adjunct Professor

Office: GLA 244
905 688 5550 x5129
[email protected]

Ph.D. University of Bristol (Maritime Archaeology) 
M.A.  East Carolina University (Maritime History & Nautical Archaeology) 
B.A.   Western University (Anthropology) 

2023 Understanding the Historic Legacies of Empire from the Timbers left behind: Toward Critical Dendroprovenancing in the British North Atlantic. Co-authored paper with K.Greer, A.Csank K.Calvert, A.Smith, M. Maddisson-MacFadyen and S. Morrison.  The Canadian Geographer 67, pp. 124-138.   

2021 Launching new life into old shipyards. ACORN Magazine: A Publication of Architectural Conservancy Ontario, Fall 2021. 

2023 From Shipyard to Shipwreck:  Reengaging Niagara’s Maritime Cultural Landscape.  Ontario Museum of Archaeology, World Water Day. March. 

2022 Unearthing Niagara’s Industrial History: 2022 Shickluna Shipyard Project.   Virtual Museum Lecture Series: St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre.  December.  

2020 ‘Reading’ St. Catharines’ Maritime Past: 2019 Shickluna Shipyard Project.   Virtual Museum Lecture Series: St. Catharines Museum and Welland Canals Centre.  June.  

2019 The Archaeology of Great Lakes Ship(wreck)s. Collingwood and District Historical Society. April.  


2023 Enhancing the Historian’s Toolkit:  Digital and Archaeological Methods for Advancing Historical Research at the Shickluna Shipyard.  Co-authored paper with Colleen Beard and John Bonnett. Canadian Historical Association Annual Meeting.  May. 

2021 Partnership for Maritime Archaeology in Canada – Ontario Region Virtual Roundtable.  Session chair (with Dr. Lisa Sonnenberg).  48th Annual Ontario Archaeological Society Online Symposium. October. 

2021 Maritime Archaeology and the Ontario Sport Diver.  Save Ontario Shipwrecks Sponsored Event.  Panel co-organizer and chair (with Durrell Martin).  May.   

2020 Toward a Partnership for Maritime Archaeology in Canada – Ontario Virtual Roundtable.  Session chair (with Dr. Lisa Sonnenberg).  47th Annual Ontario Archaeological Society Online Symposium. November. 

2019 Building a National Framework for Maritime Archaeology in Canada. West Coast Workshop, Simon Fraser University. Session organizer, 1-Day Workshop, sponsored by Simon Fraser. November. 

2019 Reengaging Niagara’s Historic Landscape: Excavations at the Shickluna Shipyard.  46th Annual Ontario Archaeological Society Symposium. Toronto, ON.  November. 

2018 Museum-University Partnerships to Manage Ontario’s Maritime Cultural Resources.  45th Annual Ontario Archaeological Society Symposium. Chatham, ON.  November. 

2018 Empire, Identity and Maritime Mobilities: Characterizing the Provincial Marine.  American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. New Orleans, LA. April.   

2018 Shipwreck Timbers as Boundary Objects: A Case Study in Critical Dendroprovenancing. American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting. Co-authored paper with A.Csank. New Orleans, LA. April.   

HIST 2F00 Great Lakes Maritime and Coastal History 
HIST/CLAS 3M60 Fieldschool in Local Historical Archaeology 
HIST/CLAS 3M61 Local Historical Archaeology