Brock’s History Master of Arts Program stands out from other programs by our students’ easy access to faculty and supervisors. Master of Arts students are welcomed into the department’s collegial atmosphere, and are respected as scholars in the regular colloquia that feature invited speakers, faculty, and Master of Arts students presenting their research. We provide a challenging academic program and we support our students so they can succeed.
Our program offers a high-quality Master’s degree in History consistent with the excellence and dedication of the faculty who teach it. A distinctive feature of the program is an emphasis on theme rather than on region or timeframe. Those themes include:
- Book History
- History of Indigenous Americas
- History of Slavery
- History of Medieval Early Modern Europe
- History of Colonialism, Totalitarianism and Revolutions
- History of Ideas and Intellectuals
- History of Gender and Sexuality
- History of Migration, Ethnicity and Identity
- History of Science, Technology and Medicine
- Digital History and Historical GIS
We only accept a select number of students per year so you will get to know your peers in the shared Graduate Student offices where you can work and (judging by the noise at times) socialize and debate.
The Master of Arts in History provides students with training, through course work and research experience, in the various fields of history. The focus is on developing critical analysis of both primary and secondary sources. Students will be required to study historiography and methodology and will be encouraged to engage the vibrant theoretical debates in the study of history.
The History Master of Arts Program offers full-time students the opportunity to gain valuable teaching experience (and income) while they study. As teaching assistants for first and second year undergraduate courses, Master of Arts students lead, or facilitate, seminars, as well as mark essays and exams. History faculty may also provide research assistantships to MA students.
Professional Development
In the History Master of Arts Program’s historiography/methodology course students are also mentored in their professional development. They prepare applications to the Humanities Research Institute to engage in a larger community of scholars. Students are also encouraged to prepare a conference proposal and to present their research at the History Department colloquia, the Annual Mapping New Knowledge conference at Brock, and at various national and international academic conferences.
The History Master of Arts program cultivates skills that employers want: critical reading and analysis, excellent written and oral communication, the ability to understand and organize large amounts of information into logical and cogent presentations. The History Master of Arts program helps students and employers recognize and apply these skills in the workplace.
Research Support
Office space is provided for History Master of Arts students in the History Department. This shared facility provides space for our Master of Arts students to work and gather. Students are also provided with space to meet with their undergraduate students as part of teaching responsibilities. The Master of Arts program provides our students with financial support for conference travel and research expenses. Computers, printers, scanners, and photocopiers for research and teaching are available.
MA Program Statistics
MRP: 90.91%
Co-op MRP: 4.55%
Thesis: 4.55%
There were a diverse range of responses from a wide variety of options. Responses included the following fields:
Education: 32%
Still in school: 18%
Finance: 9%
Heritage: 9%
Business: 9%
Recreation: 9%
Media/Journalism: 5%
Not working: 5%
Other industry/field: 5%
The majority of respondents were working in education or still in school themselves.
Contact Information
For general inquiries about graduate studies at Brock University, including questions about applying to BrockU as an international student, please write to the Faculty of Graduate Studies,
For inquiries specific to the graduate program in History, please contact the Graduate Program Director, Professor Michael Driedger, or the Graduate Program Assistant.