Past Sankey Lectures


Dr. Cecile Revauger

Professor, Universite Bordeaux Montaigne
“Freemasonry, the daughter of the Enlightenment: From Religious Tolerance to Universalism”


Dr. Heather K. Calloway

Executive Director of University Collections, Indiana University
“Skeletons in the Lodge Hall: Hidden Collections and Fraternal Curiosities”


Prof. J. Scott Kenney

Associate Professor of Sociology, Memorial University of Newfoundland
“A Tale of Two Lodges: Weberian Ideal Types and an Analytical Model of Canadian Masonic Involvement in the 21st Century”


Prof. Margaret C. Jacob

Professor of History, University of California at Los Angeles
“Enroute to the History of Freemasonry: Frances Yates, Northern Ireland, John Toland and the Knights of Jubilation”


Prof. Cécile Révauger

Professor Emerita of English Studies, Bordeaux University
“Enlightenment, Gender and Race: Personal Reflections of Leading Issues in Masonic Studies”


Prof. Chernoh Sesay Jr.

Associate Professor of Religious Studies, DePaul University, Chicago, Illinois
“Democracy, Freedom and the Beginnings of Black Freemasonry”


Prof. William D. Moore

Associate Professor of American Material Culture, Department of the History of Art & Architecture, Boston University
“Catechism, Spectacle, Burlesque: American Fraternal Ritual Performance, 1733-1933”


Dr. Aimee E. Newell

Executive Director, Luzerne County Historical Society, Wilkes- Barre, Pennsylvania
“The Badge of a Freemason: New Stories from Old Aprons”


Prof. Andrew Prescott

Professor of Digital Humanities, University of Glasgow
“Searching for the Apple Tree: What happened in 1716?”


Prof. Susan Mitchell Sommers

Professor of History, Saint Vincent College, Pennsylvania

“The Masonic Empire of Thomas Dunckerley: England to Quebec and the Broad Oceans In-between”


Prof. Renée Lafferty-Salhany

Associate Professor of History, Brock University
“Brothers in Arms: Freemasons and the War of 1812”


Prof. Joy Porter

Professor of Indigenous History, Hull University
“Native American Freemasonry: From Joseph Brant to the 21st Century”


Prof. Steven Bullock

Professor of History, Humanities & Arts – Worcester Polytechnic Institute
“The Heart of Masonry: Upstate New York and the New Nation, 1776-1826”


Prof. Jessica Hartland-Jacobs

Associate Professor of History, University of Florida
“Global Fraternalism: Canadian Freemasons, the British Empire, and the World”


Prof. Joy Porter

Professor of Indigenous History, Hull University
“Native American Freemasonry: From Joseph Brant to the 21st Century”