About the Program

Within the requirements indicated under the Honours program and Pass program, the Department allows students considerable flexibility in the selection of HIST courses.

The study of history involves surveying and gathering evidence and evaluating, interpreting and refining it by constructing clear and logical arguments on the basis of that evidence.

To qualify for admission to year 4 (honours), students must have a minimum 70 major average and approval of the Department. The application deadline is March 1 of the preceding academic year. Students wishing to apply for admission must meet with the Humanities Academic Adviser prior to the application deadline. See the Department for additional information.

Eleven HIST credits are required for an Honours degree.

Year 1

  • Once Sciences context credit
  • One Social Sciences context credit
  • Two elective credits
  • One Credit from: HIST 1F95, HIST 1P90, HIST 1P91, HIST 1P92, HIST 1P95, HIST 1P96, HIST 1P97

Years 2 and 3

  • Six HIST credits numbered 1(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99 (see program notes 2 and 5)
  • Four elective credits

Year 4

  • One HIST credit
  • One HIST credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
  • Two HIST credits numbered 4(alpha)00 to 4(alpha)99
  • One elective credit

Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours program entitles a student to apply for a Pass degree.

The History Co-op program gives students the opportunity to gain job experience in a diverse range of professional fields at the same time that they are working on a well-rounded education.

The History Co-op program combines academic and work terms over a four year period. Students spend two year in an academic setting prior to taking the first work placement. In addition to the current fees for courses in academic study terms, Co-op students are assessed an annual administrative fee (see Schedule of).

Eligibility to continue is based on the student’s major average and non-major average. A student with a minimum 70 percent major average and a minimum 60 percent non-major average will be permitted to continue. A student with a major average lower than 70 percent will not be permitted to continue in the History Co-op program.

All students in the Co-operative Education program are required to read, sign and adhere to the terms of the Student Regulations Waiver and Co-op Student Manuals ( brocku. ca/co-op/current-students/co-op-student-manuals ) as articulated by the Co-op Programs Office. In addition, eligibility to continue in the co-op option is based on the student’s major average and non-major average, and the ability to demonstrate the motivation and potential to pursue a professional career.

Each four-month co-operative education work term must be registered. Once students are registered in a co-op work term, they are expected to fulfill their commitment. If the placement accepted is for more than one four-month work term, students are committed to complete all terms. Students may not withdraw from or terminate a work term without permission from the Director, Co-op Program Office.

The History Co-op program designation will be awarded to those students who have honors standing and who have successfully completed a minimum of twelve months of Co-op work experience.

Students admitted to the HIST Co-op program must follow an approved program pattern. The most common pattern is listed below: For other approved patterns, consult the Co-op Office.

Year 1

  • HIST 1P50 Co-operative Historical projects (0.5)
  • One Social Sciences context credit
  • One Sciences context credit
  • One and one-half elective credits

One credit from:

  • HIST 1F95 World History since 1914 (1)
  • HIST 1P90 Life in (and after) hard times: how disasters change societies (0.5)
  • HIST 1P91 Trendsetting: Global History and Fashion since 1750 (0.5)
  • HIST 1P92 Forged in Blood: Canada, Mexico and the United States (0.5)
  • HIST 1P95 Climate Change: A History (0.5)
  • HIST 1P96 Domination and Defiance: Modern Global History (0.5)
  • HIST 1P97 The History of Sports in the United States (0.5)

Year 2

  • HIST 0N90 Co-op Professional Preparation
  • Three HIST credits numbered 2(alpha)00 to 2(alpha)99
  • Two elective credits
Spring/Summer Sessions:
  • HIST 0N01 Work Placement I
  • HIST 2C01 Co-op Reflective Learning and Integration I

Year 3

  • Three HIST credits
  • Two elective credits
Spring/Summer Sessions:
  • HIST 0N02 Work Placement II
  • HIST 2C02 Co-operative Reflective Learning and Integration II

Year 4

  • Two HIST credits numbered 3(alpha)90 to 3(alpha)99
  • Two HIST credits numbered 4(alpha)00 to 4(alpha)99
  • One elective credit
Spring/Summer Sessions:
  • HIST 0N03 Work Placement III
  • HIST 2C03 Co-op Reflective and Learning and Integration III

The Department of History and the Faculty of Education co-operate in offering two Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd programs. The History BA (Honours)/BEd program combines the BA Honours program or BA Integrated Studies Honours program with the teacher education programs for students interested in teaching at the Intermediate/Senior level (grades 7-12) and at the Junior/Intermediate level (grades 4-10).

Refer to the Education – Concurrent BA (Honours)/BEd (Intermediate/Senior) or Education – Concurrent BA Integrated Studies (Honours)/BEd (Junior/Intermediate) program listings for further information.

Students may take a combined major in History and a second discipline. For requirements in the other discipline, the student should consult the relevant department/centre. It should be noted that not all departments/centres provide a combined major option.

  • Six HIST credits
  • One HIST credit numbered 4(alpha)00 to 4(alpha)99
  • Seven credits from the co-major discipline
  • One Sciences context credit
  • One Social Sciences context credit
  • Four elective Credits
  • Five HIST credits
  • Five credits from the co-major discipline
  • One Sciences context credit
  • One Social Sciences context credit
  • Three elective Credits

Honours and Pass programs are available.


Year 1
  • One LABR credit number 1(alpha)90 to 1(alpha)99
  • One Sciences context credit
  • Two elective credits
  • One credit from: HIST 1F95, HIST 1P90, HIST 1P91, HIST 1P92, HIST 1P95, HIST 1P95, HIST 1P97
Year 2
Year 3
  • One HIST credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
  • One HIST credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above
  • Two LABR credits numbered 2(alpha)90 or above
  • One elective credit
Year 4
  • One LABR credit numbered 4(alpha)00 or above
  • One-half LABR credit numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
  • One-half LABR credit numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
  • Two HIST credits numbered 3(alpha)90 or above
  • One elective credit


Satisfactory completion of the first three years of the Honours Program entitles a student to apply for a Pass Degree.

Students in other disciplines can obtain a Minor in History within their degree program by completing the following courses with a minimum 60 percent overall average:

  • One HIST credit numbered 1(alpha)90 to 2(alpha)99
  • Two HIST credits numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
  • One HIST credit numbered 3(alpha)00 or above

History and Labour Studies – George Brown College

This program involves courses offered through Brock University and George Brown College. This four-year program combines courses and training in applied labour studies settings at George Brown College with a degree in History and Labour Studies at Brock. The program caters to individuals who wish to have a career in a wide variety of areas including unionized environments, occupational health and safety, politics, or human resources. The program allows students to gain both solid applied skills in these areas, and a strong theoretical knowledge about a variety of these topics. Students who successfully complete the requirements for this program will be granted both a degree from Brock, and two certificates from George Brown College 1) a certificate in Contemporary Labour Perspectives from the George Brown School of Labour, and 2) a Post-Graduate Certificate in Human Resources Management. Gaining both a degree and these certificates would ordinarily involve attending college after gaining a university degree, but the Brock and George Brown program combines the two in a single integrated package that can be completed in four years. Enrolment is limited.

Please consult the Labour Studies entry for a listing of program requirements.

Concentration in Cultural Transmission and Heritage Studies

Consult the Studies in Arts and Culture entry for a listing of program requirements.

Minor in Africana Studies

Consult the Department of Sociology‘s entry for a listing of requirements.

Robin Guard, Brock's oldest graduate at 95 years of age, is hooded at his convocation ceremony
The crowd gave Robin Guard a standing ovation on June 9, 2017 when he broke his own record as Brock University's oldest-ever graduate. He'll break that record again on Friday, June 14 when he earns a Classics degree at the age of 95. Image courtesy of the Brock News.
Students and professors in a classroom
Professor Mike Driedger speaks to high school students during History Day (2018).

To assist students in refining their analytical and critical skills, weekly seminars are a crucial part of every history course. In many courses, individual students are given the responsibility of organizing and leading discussions on particular topics.

A list of undergraduate courses currently being offered can be found on the Current Courses Offerings page.

Please see the Brock University Undergraduate Calendar for the most up-to-date information on program options and requirements in the Department of History.