The Brock University Historical Society (BUHS) is an undergraduate students’ society at Brock University closely affiliated with the department of History. The purpose of the Brock University Historical Society is to promote student interest and engagement in the study of history and its affiliation with the local Brock community.

The Society organizes academic and social events, giving students an opportunity to develop connections with faculty and those in history-related fields. The core mandate of the society is to develop opportunities for students interested in history to get to know each other, succeed academically, organize volunteer opportunities and gain valuable experiences.
Fourth-year course and experiential opportunity: The General
In 2016, BUHS launched a journal for undergraduate History students. The General has been a terrific initiative, offering a fantastic opportunity for undergrads to learn about publishing and the peer-review process, and to get a publication very early in their careers.
The Department invites fourth-year students to apply for one of two positions as co-editors for the undergraduate history journal, The General. The two students’ tasks will be to assume the role as editors for the journal for which they’ll receive a fourth-year 0.5 credit (HIST 4P70). Standing as a fourth-year Honours student in Brock’s Department of History is required. The course/work will be completed in the winter (D3) term.
The course, like all courses, will be graded based on the fulfillment of the requirements of the position. These include:
- Organizing the editorial committee of the journal
- Soliciting and obtaining submissions from Brock History undergraduates
- Assessing submissions for suitability
- Establishing peer-review guidelines
- Establishing editorial protocols
- Editing the final edition
- Publishing the final edition
Applications should consist of a letter that outlines your qualifications for the position and how you think you can promote undergraduate writing and publishing at Brock.
Please visit the BUHS website for information about application deadlines.
The selection will be made by the Department Chair, and the Chair of the Department’s Student Liaison committee. The students will be enrolled in HIST 4P70 under the supervision of the Chair and the Student Liaison Chair.