Classics and Archaeology Programs (Undergraduate)

For more information on Classics and Archaeology programs, including course descriptions, please refer to the undergraduate calendar.

Spring-Summer 2024 Classics course offerings
Fall-Winter 2024-2025 Classics course offerings

*Please note that updates are frequently being made. Attached is the most updated version.

See Registration & Important Dates to find out when you can register.


The eleven-credit Honours program in Classics combines the study of Greek and Roman history, art, archaeology, languages, and literature. The study of Ancient Languages (credits labelled LATI or GREE) is not mandatory but is strongly encouraged. Students enrolled in the Honours program may also specialize further with Concentrations in:

Concentrations are recommended for students who wish to pursue advanced studies in Classics, Archaeology, or Ancient History. Note that students enrolled in the Honours program are required to maintain a minimum grade average.

BA with Major Program

A combination of ten credits in CLAS, LATI and/or GREE is required for the BA with Major program. Students enrolled in this program do not need to maintain the minimum grade average required for the Honours program.

Pass Program

The Pass Program is a three-year degree. Seven credits labeled CLAS, GREE or LATI are required, with at least one required course in Greek or Roman History at the second-year level.

Combined Major Program

In the Combined Major Program, a student may combine either an Honours or a Pass program in Classics with another program in Humanities, Sciences or Social Sciences. For requirements in the other discipline, the student should consult the relevant department/centre. It should be noted that not all departments/centres provide a combined major option.

Minor in Classics

Students enrolled in another discipline can obtain a four-credit Minor in Classics by completing the following courses (with a minimum 60 percent overall average):

  • one credit from CLAS 1P91, 1P92, 1P94, 1P95 and 1P97, GREE 1F00, LATI 1F00
  • one credit from CLAS, GREE, LATI
  • one credit from CLAS, GREE, LATI numbered 2(alpha)00 or above
  • one credit from CLAS, GREE, LATI numbered 2(alpha)90 or above

Certificate Programs in Classics

Introductory Certificate in Ancient Greek and Latin Language

Part-time students and students enrolled in other programs can earn a three-credit Introductory Certificate in Ancient Greek and Latin Language from a selection of designated 100- and 200-level classes. This Certificate is recommended to students who have a personal interest in the subject, or who wish to pursue concentrated language study at the university level.

Enhanced Certificate in Ancient Greek and Latin Language

Part-time students and students enrolled in other programs can earn a three-credit Enhanced Certificate in Ancient Greek and Latin Language from a selection of classes designated 200-level and above. The Enhanced Certificate is especially recommended for students who have some experience with Greek and/or Latin and wish pursue advanced studies, but who have not achieved the required level of proficiency in Greek and/or Latin to meet Graduate Programs’ admittance requirements.