Read all about the Marzamemi Project

The Marzamemi Project Field Report by Justin Leidwanger, Elizabeth S. Greene, and Andrew Donnelly has just been published on AJA Online. The report covers the 2013-2019 fieldseasons of excavating a 6th century CE shipwreck off the southeast coast of Sicily.


Dr Greene would like to thank the many Brock students who have volunteered for the project over the years: Michael Anderson, Calantha Babineau, Sydney Bryk, Carol Buckingham, Charles Craik, Nicole Gavin, Liz Hoffer, Esther Knegt, Aileen Lawless, Colin Mackenzie, Alex Moore, Matthew Snider. Additional students who enrolled in the Brock practicum from elsewhere are: Sarah Crabbe, Kyle Hubbard, and Sheri Kapahnke.

AJA Online April 2021

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