Greene elected corresponding member of the DAI

Congratulations to Elizabeth Greene, who was elected as a corresponding member of the Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI). Founded in 1829, the German Archaeological Institute is one of the leading international archaeological organizations. It has its headquarters in Berlin and a worldwide network of departments and branches, including its long-established departments in Athens, Rome, Cairo, Istanbul, and Madrid. It has sponsored numerous important excavations around the world and publishes some of the leading archaeological journals and monograph series.

Each year the Board of Directors of the DAI elects a small group of Corresponding Members from among those “individuals who are most meritorious concerning the literature and monuments of the ancient world” (homines eximios et de litteris monumentisque aetatis antiquae). She was presented with a diploma by Prof. Dr. Ortwin Dally, Director of the Rome division of the German Archaeological Institute, at the Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America in January 2024.

Greene receives diploma from Ortwin Dally