Department members active at the CAC Annual Meeting

Current and former department members were active at the Annual Meeting of the Classical Association of Canada, held at the University of Laval in Quebec City on May 13-16.

Faculty members spoke on their current research initiatives: Allison Glazebrook delivered a paper titled, “Vulnerability, Sex, and Labour in Lysias 4: A Case Study.” Glazebrook also chaired a session titled, “Beauty and Ugliness.” Adam Rappold presented, “Meeting the God: Religious Innovation, Epiphany and Memory in the Homeric Hymn to Apollo”

M.A. student Madelyn Huston spoke on a topic emerging from her Major Research Paper, “Briseis’ Lament and the Agency of Enslaved People.” M.A. alumna and Ph.D student at Western University, Stephanie Dennie, discussed her dissertation research, “Legitimizing the Spartan Dyarchy: The Return of the Herakleidai in Tyrtaios fr. 2 West.” She recently defended her dissertation, “Creating Legitimacy: The Dyarchy in Spartan Social Memory.” Simone Mollard, now a Ph.D. student at McMaster completed her term as Chair of the Graduate Student Caucus of the CAC.

Congratulations to all!

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