Connor O’Rourke awarded the Desmond Conacher Scholarship

Congratulations to recent graduate, Connor O’Rourke, who was awarded the Desmond Conacher Scholarship by the Classical Association of Canada to support his M.A. study in the Department of Classics and Archaeology here at Brock.

This scholarship is offered in memory of Desmond Conacher, formerly Professor of Classics at Trinity College, Toronto, Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, and Honorary President of the CAC. The scholarship has been endowed through donations from his family, friends, colleagues, and universities with which he was associated. Its purpose is to assist and encourage a young scholar entering graduate studies in classics. The scholarship is administered by the CAC through its Awards Committee. One award of $4,000 is offered each year.

After spending his summer working with Carrie Murray on the excavations at Pantelleria, Connor will return to Brock to begin research with Angus Smith on regional trade and interaction in the Minoan World as visible through the circulation networks of Marine Style pottery.

Marine style ceramics