Congratulations to Jazz Demetrioff for her recent publications!

Congratulations to Jazz Demetrioff, a second-year MA student in Classics at Brock, for her two recent publications.

In Past Imperfect, her paper explores how malarial stricken landscapes in ancient Rome, both the city and the marshland, were negatively affected by the parasite, and how it became a problematic infestation in both ecological environments. Jazz’s article originated as a research paper while she was an undergraduate student at the University of Winnipeg. The concept behind this study is related to Jazz’s overall research interests that encompass the study of health, pharmacology and archaeology in Rome. The Past Imperfect journal is a peer-reviewed, graduate student journal based at the Department of History and Classics at the University of Alberta.

Demetrioff, J. 2020 “Miasma: Malaria’s Breeding Grounds and its Effects on Rome.” Past Imperfect 22: 3-32.

Jazz continues to pursue an interest in health in the ancient world for her current MA research here at Brock with a study of the snake and its association with health in antiquity. Related to this, she has just published a second piece in Electra, a journal published by the Department of Philology at the University of Patras, Greece. Here, she investigates the varied roles that the snake has played in ancient literary sources and material culture with a focus on its role in health.

Demetrioff, J. 2020 “Ambiguous Snake Manipulations: The ‘Powers’ and Entity of Health in Antiquity.” Electra 5.

Well done to Jazz on both of these publications and continuing her research for the MA and beyond.


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