Two new publications on fieldwork at Burgaz, Turkey

Take a look at these two new articles on Elizabeth Greene’s fieldwork in the harbors at Burgaz, Turkey, conducted in collaboration with Middle East Technical University, Stanford University, and the Institute of Nautical Archaeology. Many Brock students participated in the fieldwork and post-excavation research.

Greene, E.S., J. Leidwanger, and N. Tuna. 2019. “Archaeological Investigations in the Harbors of Burgaz, Turkey: 2011-2015 Field Seasons.” International Journal of Nautical Archaeology 48.1.

Greene, E.S. and J. Leidwanger. 2019. “Knidian ‘Anyports’: A Model of Coastal Adaptation and Socioeconomic Connectivity from Southwest Turkey.”Mediterranean Historical Review 33.2.


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