Classics Department at the AIA/SCS Annual Meeting

The Department of Classics was well represented at the 2019 Joint Annual Meeting of the Archaeological Institute of America and the Society for Classical Studies by faculty and graduates from our M.A. program. The conference took place from 3-6 January in San Diego, California.

Papers were delivered by Carrie Murray (Brock University), “Gathering at the Lake’s Edge: Report for the 2017 and 2018 Seasons at the Lago di Venere, Pantelleria (Italy),” and Allison Glazebrook (Brock University), “(Dis)Placing Timarchos: The Use of Place in Aeschines 1.” Elizabeth S. Greene (Brock University) and Brian I. Daniels (Penn Cultural Heritage Center) organized a roundtable titled, “Best Practices for the Treatment of Human Remains: A Mediterranean Regional Perspective.”

M.A. program alumni also shone with a paper by Elliott Fuller (University of Toronto), “Performing Death: Gender, Bodily Adornment, and Ideology at Grave Circle B at Mycenae.” and a poster by Lana J. Radloff (Bishop’s University), “Seafarers and Urban Networks: Mapping Maritime Movement in Mediterranean Settlements.

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