BUAS Scholarly Symposium, Saturday March 10

Join us for the 29th annual Brock University Archaeological Society (BUAS) scholarly symposium. Please support our students for what should be a fantastic event featuring speakers from McGill, York, and Brock who explore the borders of the ancient world!

Here are the talk titles:

  • Dr Benjamin Kelly (Department of History, York University) “Living on the Edge in Roman Egypt: Floods, Revolts, and Polar Archaeology”
  • Dr Darian Totten (Department of Classical Studies, McGill University) “Movement on the ‘edges’: shepherds, salinae, and seasonal cycles in the making of a region in southern Italy”
  • Dr Allison Glazebrook (Department of Classics, Brock University) “Bodies in Place: the Sexuality of Space in Aeschines 1 Against Timarchos”
  • Dr Carrie Murray (Department of Classics, Brock University) “Far from the Madding Crowd? Questioning the Role of Pantelleria in Antiquity”
  • Dr Colin Rose (Department of History, Brock University) “Homicide and the borders of state power in early modern Europe”

The event will take place in Academic South 217 from noon to 5 PM on Saturday March 10th. Contact society officers:buarchaeologicalsociety@gmail.com to reserve tickets for the symposium or banquet.

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