Co-op program

A History Master of Arts Co-op option is available to select students each year. Facilitated by Brock’s Co-op Office, the program provides contact with employers and offers seminars in resume preparation, interviewing and presentation skills.

Our innovative Co-op option includes two four-month work terms where you will get hands-on experiential learning in business, government, or non-governmental organizations.

Program at a Glance

Terms 1 and 2 (September – April):
Two P- course electives (approved by the History Department)

Terms 3 and 4 (May – December):
Term 5 (January – April):

Is Co-op is right for you?

Learn more about co-op education at Brock.

Examples of co-op placements held by former MA students

Student testimonial:

My work term experience has been amazing. It has exceeded all of my expectations. I am working on some very interesting projects – some of which include a historical aspect – and my work is valued here. The Master’s program definitely helped prepare me for my position, through seminar discussions, research papers, and research.

Shaunna Hubert,
MA History (2015)
Student Placement
Ministry of Francophone Affairs

Employer testimonial:

“A well-developed skill set that included research, analytical thinking, problem solving and communications skills, enabled Nick to be a contributing member of the Division Services Office, Provincial Highways Management Division at the Ministry of Transportation. Nick was able to apply his diverse skill set to a public sector office environment to successfully complete a wide range of assignments.”

Maureen Fenlon
Ministry of Transportation Ontario
Supervisor for Nicholas Timmers, MA History (2015)