Why Brock?

  • Annual opportunities to research, study, and travel in the Mediterranean
  • Mentoring by engaged, interdisciplinary faculty, and active involvement in faculty research projects
  • Dedicated graduate facilities including office space; an Archaeology Laboratory; Cypriote Museum; and Departmental Library/Workroom
  • First year pro-seminar with an emphasis on professionalism in the fields of Classics and Classical Archaeology

Funding Opportunities

Please see the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs website for information on fees and funding packages (here). The department normally offers MA students teaching assistantships in undergraduate courses such as Classical mythology; Greek and Roman civilization; Greek and Roman history; and introductory classical archaeology. These are an integral part of the graduate student experience, providing experience in the classroom and professional development. Recently, students have also received funding through research fellowships and positions as research assistants.

Research at Brock

The Department of Classics and Archaeology has a small collection of over 170 Cypriote artifacts housed in its Cypriote Museum. This study collection is intended to promote student familiarity with the protocols of handling such objects and with publication methodology. The department has a new, spacious archaeology lab where students can work with faculty on archaeological projects, with an adjacent storage room for the Cypriote collection. At the entrance to the department are two display cases, which provide the opportunity for rotating exhibits designed by our students.

Brock Library

A research guide to help you find relevant books and articles in the fields of Classics and Classical Archaeology. The department also owns a slide and image collection, which is in the process of being digitized and stored in a database program.

The Canada Foundation for Innovation and the Ontario Innovation Trust have provided funds for the purchase of equipment intended for use on archaeological projects, including two reflectorless total stations, a Trimble Geoexplorer Global Positioning System, a stereomicroscope, and a variety of photography equipment.

The Department of Classics and Archaeology is an institutional member of the American School of Classical Studies in Athens and the Canadian Institute in Greece. Faculty regularly conduct research under the auspices of these institutions, as well as at the British School in Rome and the American Academy in Rome.