Students and Alumni

Current MA Students

Interests: Greek and Roman Archaeology; Roman household material culture; Space Syntax and Archaeology; Roman frescos.

Miranda was born and raised in Halifax, NS. She attended Mount Allison University in Sackville, NB for her undergraduate degree. She completed her BA with Honors in Visual and Material Culture Studies with a Major in Classical Studies in May 2023. Her undergraduate thesis was the analysis and contextualization of a catalogue of unpublished small finds from the Sanctuary of Venus at Pompeii. She has participated in field work at Pompeii, Metaponto, and Pantelleria.

She is enrolled in Brock University’s MA in Classics, in the Art and Archaeology stream. Her current research project is focused on the contextualization and analysis of architectural material from the sanctuary at the Lago di Venere on Pantelleria.

2024 recipient of the Danielle Anne Parks Memorial Scholarship

2024 recipient of the Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarship (SSHRC)

2024 recipient of the Dean of Graduate Studies Excellence Scholarship

2024 recipient of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South (CAMWS) Outstanding Accomplishment Award

2023 recipient of the Department Prize for Outstanding Commitment to Visual and Material Literacy award

2022 recipient of the Outstanding Achievement in Visual and Material Culture Studies award

Daniel Belanger

Interests: [coming soon]

[Bio to come]

2024 recipient of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award

2023 recipient of the Brock university Dean’s Medal

2023 recipient of the Governor General Silver Medal

2023 recipient of the Harry C. Maynard Scholarship

2023 recipient of the Ontario Classical Association Award for Achievement in Ancient Languages

2023 recipient of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award

ionic column cartoon

Interests: [coming soon]

[Bio to come]

2024 recipient of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award

2023 recipient of the Department of Classics and Archaeology Book Prize in Introductory Ancient Greek

ionic column cartoon

Interests: [coming soon]

[Bio to come]

2024 recipient of the Ontario Classical Association Award for Outreach and Leadership in Classics

2023 recipient of the Tom and Linda Goldspink in Honour of Rosemary Hale Scholarship

2022 recipient of the David W. Rupp Practicum Award

2022 recipient of the Studium Book Prize in Classics

Interests: Ancient Greek (and Latin) language and literature, particularly epic and lyric poetry, philology, and translation theory.

Lucie holds a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Classics with First-Class Standing (Greek and Roman Studies) from Brock University. She is pursuing her Master of Arts in Classics (Text and Culture).

2024 recipient of the Ontario Classical Association Award for Achievement in Ancient Languages

2024 recipient of the School of Restoration Arts at Willowbank Vasilios and Kostas Poulimenos Book Prize

2024 recipient of the Frederick H. Casler Memorial Awards in Greek and Latin

Sarah Murray

Interests: Latin language and literature; social and religious history of Rome; Latin philology and the study of commentaries.

I am a part-time, mature student in my first year of my Master’s.  I was a nurse for many years, and I am now enjoying my second life as a perpetual student.

I am interested in pretty much everything Classics, but my MRP will be focused on creating a Latin commentary. I enjoy the history and especially the archaeology. I have been on six digs so far and I hope to continue volunteering on different archaeological projects for many years.

2022 recipient of the Frederick H. Casler Award in Latin

2022 recipient of the Brock University Classics Distinguished Student Award

2022 recipient of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award

ionic column cartoon

Interests: [coming soon]

[Bio to come]

2024 recipient of the Trine Varcoe Memorial AWard

2024 recipient of the Department of Classics and Archaeology Book Prize in Ancient Art and Archaeology

Cassidy Robertson

Interests: Maritime archaeology; G.I.S.; computer modelling; changes and modifications of landscapes over time; Roman shipwreck distribution; deposition.

Cassidy graduated from Trent University with a BA Hon. in Archaeology and a minor in History. Her specialization was in Mediterranean Studies. Her undergraduate thesis was on demonstrating the use of Predictive Modeling on shipwreck locations in Lake Ontario with Professor James Conolly. In 2022 she participated in a Field School in Italy with Florida State University working on a Bath Complex of the Roman Colony of Cosa.

Her current project focuses on pre-survey selection techniques in the Eastern Mediterranean through probability modelling, as part of which she participated in intensive and preliminary underwater survey for the Marzamemi Maritime Heritage Project in 2024.

2024 recipient of the Canada Graduate Scholarship – Master’s program (SSHRC)

2024 recipient of the Danielle Anne Parks Memorial Scholarship

2020 recipient of the Norma Miller Essay Prize

Interests: Ancient Greek art and archaeology, gender and sexuality studies, ancient Greek prostitution and enslaved women, and Greek ceramic analysis

Madi grew up in British Columbia. She graduated from Simon Fraser University with a BA in Archaeology and a minor in Global Humanities. Her undergraduate research focused on Prostitution and Slavery in Ancient Greece. She has participated in field work in British Columbia, Italy, and Macedonia. Between her BA and starting at Brock University she spent time working for CRM in British Columbia.

She is enrolled in Brock University’s MA in Classics in the Art and Archaeology stream. She plans to research the evolution of the Hetaerae.

2024 recipient of the Canada Graduate Scholarships Master’s (CGS M)

2024 recipient of the Hughes-Reid Graduate Scholarship in Classics

2024 recipient of the Dean’s Graduate Student Excellence Scholarship

2022 recipient of the André Gerolymatos Undergraduate Scholarship in Hellenic Studies

2022 recipient of the Ingrid Nystrom Archaeology Award

Interests: Roman world’s society, history, and politics; women and their power in society.

I am a first-year Master’s student in the Text and Culture stream. My interest and research are focused on the Roman world’s society, history, and politics, especially that of women and the soft power they wielded in society.

2024 recipient of the Department of Classics and Archaeology Book Prize in Classical Literature and History

2024 recipient of the Classical Association of Canada Outstanding Student Award

2024 recipient of the Department of Classics and Archaeology Book Prize in Classical Literature and History

2023 recipient of the Harry C. Maynard Scholarship

2023 recipient of the Studium Book Prize in Classics

2022 recipient of the Archaeological Institute of America Niagara Peninsula Society Prize in History

2022 recipient of the School of Restoration Arts at Willowbank Vasilios and Kostas Poulimenos Book Prize

Ethan Luckasavitch

Interests: Ancient Mythologies (especially cosmogonies and succession myths); Ancient religions; Mystery religions; Ethnozoology; Thracian culture


What have some of our graduates been doing since they completed their degrees?

  • PhD programs at Leeds University, McMaster University, University at Buffalo, University of Calgary, University of California at Santa Barbara, University of Chicago, University of Cincinnati, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, University of Toronto, Western University, York University
  • Osgoode Hall Law School
  • Fellowships at the American School of Classical Studies in Athens
  • Master’s program in conservation at the Getty Institute in Los Angeles
  • Bachelor’s of Education program at Brock University
  • Cultural resource management and contract archaeology in Ontario
  • Archival work for the Canadian Armed Forces
  • Archaeological illustration work for classical archaeologists and social historians working in Cyprus, Greece, and Turkey
  • Editorial intern for Canadian Scholars’ Press
  • Employment at the Centre for Pedagogical Innovation at Brock University
  • Employment at the Ministry of Education in Victoria, British Columbia
  • Law clerk
  • Market research manager at Intuit
  • Project Coordinator for PI Fine Art/Creative Art
  • Social Media Coordinator for Faculty of Humanities, Brock University
  • Teaching at a community college in Ohio
  • Technical Account Manager at Igloo Software

Overseas projects

Current and former students have been or presently are involved in faculty research projects overseas in:

  • Bodrum, Turkey
  • Burgaz, Turkey
  • Gournia, Crete
  • Larnaca, Cyprus
  • Marzamemi, Italy
  • Nemea, Greece
  • Pantelleria, Italy

In addition, students have worked on campus and abroad on research and manuscript preparation for projects concerning gardens, gender, gladiators, Greek prostitution, shipwrecks, and slavery.

Thesis and Major Research Paper Topics

The following is a sample of some of the topics addressed in theses and major research papers (supervisor in brackets) completed in the department:

  • Snakes in Roman Medical Thought (von Stackelberg)
  • Step by Step Stories: Experiential Narratives in the Great Hunt Mosaic at Piazza Armerina (Murray)
  • Early Christian Martyr Cults (Carter)
  • Speech acts in the Homeric Hymns (Nickel)
  • Homosexual subculture in Classical Athens (Glazebrook)
  • Archaeological ethics and the preservation of Cypriote antiquities (Greene)
  • Childhood disability in the Roman world (Dolansky)
  • Gender and Bodily Adornment in Grave Circle B at Mycenae (Smith)
  • Propertius and Augustan identity (Merriam)
  • Roman Wall Painting in the House of the Menander, Pompeii (von Stackelberg)
  • Intra-Regionality in Etruscan Tomb Paintings (Murray)
  • Mycenaean hunting iconography (Smith)
  • Rape narratives in Ovid’s Fasti (Dolansky)
  • Female authority in the oikos (Glazebrook)
  • Dreams in Homer and Herodotus (Nickel)
  • Shopping and marketplace in the Classical agora (Greene)
  • Numidian elites and wars in North Africa in the third century BCE (Carter)