Richard W. Parker

Associate Professor (retired), Greek Language and Literature, Greek History

Richard W. Parker

BA, MA (University of California-Santa Barbara), PhD (University of British Columbia)
American School of Classical Studies at Athens (1980-1981)
University of Manitoba Centre for Higher Education Research and Development: University Management Course (1998)


Professor Parker’s research interests include Greek epigraphy and Greek history, especially Greek militaria. He retired from Brock in July 2017, but continues to reside in St Catharines, enjoying Herodotus and Xenophon in his new-found leisure.

“A Fragment of a Diocletianic Tax Assessment from Mytilene” (with E.H. Williams), Echos du Monde Classique/Classical Views 39, n.s. 14 (1995) 267-273.

“Potamon of Mytilene and his Family,” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 85 (1991) 115-129; 89 (1991) 38 (=corrigendum ad p. 129)

“A Greek Inscription from Lesbos Honoring a Julio-Claudian,” Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie und Epigraphik 75 (1988) 175-178.