Undergraduate Students Celebrated at Floralia

Back row (L-R): Sam Kelly, Daniel Belanger, John-Michael Bout, Kaylee Janzen
Front row (L-R): Kathy Rye, Jessica Kroeze, Ashley Rydzik, Jessie Simpson
Missing: Sukhmeet Dhur, Sarah Carlton Murray

On Monday, April 11th, 2022 the Department of Classics and Archaeology at Brock University recognised the achievements of its undergraduate students at the annual Floralia. Pictured here are Sam Kelly, recipient of the Trine Varcoe Memorial Scholarship; Daniel Belanger, winner of the Classical Association of Canada Outstanding Student Award and the Geoffrey William Brown Memorial Prize; John-Michael Bout, winner of the Department of Classics Book Prize in Classical Studies; Kaylee Janzen, recipient of the Richard Parker Travel Award; Kathy Pye, winner of the Willowbank School of Restorations Arts/V. & K. Poulimenos Book Prize; Jessica Kroeze, winner of the David W. Rupp Practicum Award and the Studium Book Prize in Classics; Ashley Rydzik, winner of the Classical Association of the Middle West and South Outstanding Accomplishment Award (Undergraduate); and Jessie Simpson, recipient of the Willowbank School of Restoration Arts/V. & K. Poulimenos Practicum Award and the Department of Classics Book Prize in Anicent Art and Archaeology. Not pictured are Sukhmeet Dhur, winner of the David W. Rupp Practicum Award; and Sarah Carlton Murray, winner of the Society for Classical Studies Distinguished Student Award (Undergraduate). These awards are all stepping-stones to further success in their academic careers and we celebrate their success!

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