Dr. Stephanie Mason

Assistant Professor

portrait of Dr. Stephanie Mason

PhD (Lifelong Learning, Mount Saint Vincent University, 2020); MEd (Lifelong Learning, Mount Saint Vincent University, 2013);
MA (English Literature, Dalhousie University, 1998)

905 688 5550 x6121

Dr. Stephanie Mason (PhD, MEd, MA) (she/her) is an Assistant Professor in Adult Education at Brock University. Her publications include a chapter in Portraits of Academic Life within Higher Education (forthcoming); International Journal of Talent Development and Creativity; Engaged Scholar Journal; and Art/Research International, for which she is also an Associate Editor. A member of the Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education since 2015, she specializes in informal learning, arts-informed research methodology, and public places as learning sites. Recent research includes “Everyday moments of leisure” (2023), a collaborative art exhibit (Halifax, Nova Scotia), and examining kinetic sculptures in support of adult learning methodologies.

  • Adults’ informal learning
  • Arts-informed research
  • Lifelong learning
  • Learning in public places
  • Canadian Association for Studies in Adult Education

Mason, S. (2023). Exceptance letters: Or, what I needed to hear along the way to an academic career. In D. Conrad and W. Archer (Eds.), Portraits of Academic Life within Higher Education. In press.

 Mason, S., & Aubrecht, K. (2023). Losing ground during COVID-19: Dementia caregivers’ shifting perceptions of place. Journal of Canadian Studies, 57(1), 20-39.

 Mason, S., & de Condé, R. (2022). Pathways into creativity and place for adult learning: A dialogue between a researcher and an artist. International Journal of Talent Development and Creativity, 10(2), 97-110.

Lemieux, A., & Mason, S. (2022). When in doubt, map it out: Teachers’ digital storytelling researched through documentation. Canadian Journal of Learning and Technology, 48(1), 1-20.

Mason, S. (2022). Feel’d notes in public places: Affective artful expression for engagement and transformation. Engaged Scholar Journal, 8(1), 39-49

 Mason, S. (2021). Keep candy in the house: Exercising arts-informed research methodology in lived experience of eulogy writing. Art/Research International, 6(2), 442-467.

Cameron, B., Harkins, M.J., & Mason, S. (2020/21). Perceptions of girls’ math abilities: “It’s a good thing you’re so cute.” Teaching & Learning, 13(1), 13-29.

  • Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada: Connection Grant (Brokering scientific knowledge through community arts integrated research (2023): $25,000). Funded. Contributor. Principal Investigator: Dr. Pauline Sameshima, Lakehead University
  • Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada: Insight Development Grant (Everyday moments of leisure in public spaces (2022): $65,838). Funded. Co-Applicant. Principal Investigator: Dr. Karen Gallant, Dalhousie University.
  • Social Sciences & Humanities Research Council of Canada: Doctoral Fellowship (2017-2019): $40,000
  • ADED 1P31: Learning for Success
  • ADED 3F90: Work and Learning in Organizations
  • ADED 3P11: Geragogy: The Third-Age Learner