Stephen Sau-Shing Cheung, PhD

Professor, Kinesiology
Senior Research Fellow

Stephen Sau-Shing Cheung

Office: WC 285
905 688 5550 x5662

Our Environmental Ergonomics Lab (EEL) is interested in the effects of environmental stress (heat, cold air and water, hydration, altitude) on human physiology and performance. This research spans fundamental investigations into the mechanisms of human physiology, while at the same time being applied towards making work and recreation in extreme settings safer and more productive. We have worked with many partners (military, firefighters, miners, search & rescue, elite athletes, clothing manufacturers), from improving survival models, to clothing/equipment research & development, to developing hydration and heat adaptation policies.

  • Environmental physiology
  • Temperature regulation
  • Altitude
  • Occupational physiology
  • Elite athletic performance

Debenham, M.I.B., H.J. Kang, S.S. Cheung, and B.H. Dalton. The influence of reduced foot dorsum cutaneous sensitivity on the vestibular control of balance. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 123(1):65-79, 2023. Doi:

Wickham, K.A.* and S.S. Cheung. Finger anthropometrics may not be a primary influence on thermal response to cooling and rewarming. Temperature. 10(2):240-247, 2023.

Wickham, K.A.*, L.B. Nørregaard, M.H. Lundberg Slingsby, S.S. Cheung, Y. Hellsten. High-intensity exercise training improves basal platelet prostacyclin sensitivity and potenti ates the response to dual anti-platelet therapy in postmenopausal women. Biomolecules. 12(10):1501, 2022. doi: 10.3390/biom12101501.

McGarr, G.W.* and S.S. Cheung. Effects of sensory nerve blockade on cutaneous microvascular responses to ischemia-reperfusion injury. Microvasc. Res. 144:104422, 2022. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2022.104422.

Washif, J.A., S.S. Cheung et al. COVID-19 Lockdown: A global study investigating the effect of athletes’ sport classification and sex on training practices. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Perform.17(8):1242-1256, 2022. doi: 10.1123/ijspp.2021-0543.

Wickham K.A.* L.N. Olsen, M. Oxfeldt, S.S. Cheung, L Gliemann, M. Hansen, Y Hellsten. Short-term supplementation with fermented red clover extract reduces vascular inflammation in early post-menopausal women. Frontiers in Cardio. Med. 10:9:826959. doi: 10.3389/fcvm.2022.826959, 2022.

Schultz Martins, R.*, P.J. Wallace*, S.W. Steele*, J.S. Scott*, M.J. Taber, G.L. Hartley, and S.S. Cheung. Manipulation of skin temperature or end-tidal carbon dioxide does not alter cognitive function during passive hyperthermia. Frontiers in Psychology. 12:788027, 2021.

Tsoutsoubi, L., L.G. Ioannou, S.S. Cheung, and A.D. Flouris. Influence of core temperature changes during whole-body warming and cooling on cutaneous vascular reactivity. J. Human Perform. Extreme Envts. (Accepted November 10, 2021).

Washif, J.A., S.S. Cheung et al. Training during the COVID-19 lockdown: Knowledge, beliefs, and practices of 12,526 athletes from 142 countries and 6 continents. Sports Med. 52(4):933-948, 2022. doi: 10.1007/s40279-021-01573-z.

Tyler, C.J., T. Debevec, and S.S. Cheung. Keeping environmental physiology education up and running during the COVID-19 pandemic. Adv. Physiol. Edu. 45(3):538-540, 2021.

Wickham, K.A.*, D.G McCarthy, L.L. Spriet, and S.S. Cheung. Sex differences in the physiological responses to exercise-induced dehydration: Consequences and mechanisms? J. Appl. Physiol. 131(2):504-510, 2021.

Steele*, and S.S. Cheung. Effects of acute dietary nitrate supplementation on cold-induced vasodilation in healthy males. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 121(5):1431-1439, 2021.

Wallace, P.J.*, R.Schulz Martins*, Jake S. Scott*, Scott W. Steele*, M.J. Greenway, and S.S. Cheung. The effects of acute dopamine reuptake inhibition on cognitive function during passive hyperthermia. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metabol. 46(5):511-520, 2021.

Wickham, K.A.*, P.J. Wallace*, and S.S. Cheung. Sex differences in the physiological adaptations to heat acclimation: a state-of-the-art review. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 121(2):353-367, 2021.

Mallette, M.M.*, S.S. Cheung, R.I. Kumar, G.J. Hodges*, M.W.R. Holmes, and D.A. Gabriel. The effects of local forearm heating and cooling on motor unit properties during submaximal contractions. Exp. Physiol. 106(1):200-211,2021.

Walsh, J.J., P.J. Drouin, T.J. King, K.A. D’Urzo, M.E. Tschakovsky, S.S. Cheung, and T.A. Day. Acute aerobic exercise impairs aspects of cognitive function at high altitude. Physiol Behav. 223:112979 doi: 10.1016/j.physbeh.2020.112979, 2020.

Tyler, C.J. R. Lambert, A. Kumar, M.A. Stroud, and S.S. Cheung. Single-digit cold-induced vasodilation adaptations during an Antarctic expedition. Polar Biology. 43:555-563, 2020.

Walsh, J.J., P.J. Drouin, T.J. King, K.A. D’Urzo, M.E. Tschakovsky, S.S. Cheung, and T.A. Day. Acute aerobic exercise impairs aspects of cognitive function at high altitude. Physiol Behav. (Accepted May 20, 2020).

Tyler, C.J. R. Lambert, A. Kumar, M.A. Stroud, and S.S. Cheung. Single-digit cold-induced vasodilation adaptations during an Antarctic expedition. Polar Biology. (Accepted March 24, 2020).

Mallette, M.M.* S.S. Cheung, R.I. Kumar, G.J. Hodges*, M.W.R. Holmes, and D.A. Gabriel. The effects of local forearm heating and cooling on motor unit properties during submaximal contractions. Exp. Physiol. (Accepted January 7, 2020).

Kumar R.I., M.M. Mallette*, S.S. Cheung, D.W. Stashuk, and D.A. Gabriel. A method for editing motor unit potential trains obtained by decomposition of surface electromyographic signals. J Electromyograph Kinesiol. 50:102383. doi: 10.1016/j.jelekin.2019.102383, 2020.

Hodges, G.J.* and S.S. CheungNoninvasive assessment of increases in microvascular endothelial function following repeated bouts of hyperaemia. Microvasc. Res. 128:103929. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2019.103929, 2020.

Hodges, G.J.*, P. Klentrou, S.S. Cheung, and B. Falk. Comparison of laser speckle contrast imaging and laser-Doppler fluxmetry in boys and men. Microvasc. Res. 128:103927. doi: 10.1016/j.mvr.2019.103927, 2020

Hurst, H.T., A.R. Novak, S.S. Cheung, and S. Atkins. Knowledge of and attitude towards concussion in cycling: a preliminary study. J. Sci. Cycling, 8(1):11-17, 2019.

Hodges, G.J.*, M.M. Mallette*, A. Rigby, P. Klentrou, S.S. Cheung, and B. Falk. Comparison of different wheelchair seating on thermoregulation and perceptual responses in thermoneutral and hot conditions in children. J. Tissue Viability. 28(3):144-151, 2019.

Mallette, M.M.*, L.A. Green, G.J. Hodges*, R.E. Fernley†, D.A. Gabriel, M.W.R. Holmes, and S.S. Cheung. The effects of local muscle temperature on force variability. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 19(5):1225-1233, 2019.

Tsuji, B., Y. Hoshi, Y. Honda, N. Fujii, Y. Sasaki, S.S. Cheung, N. Kondo, and T. Nishiyasu. Respiratory mechanics and cerebral blood flow during heat-induced hyperventilation and its voluntary suppression in passively heated humans. Physiol. Rep. 7(1): e13967,, 2019.

Hodges, G.J.*, Ferguson, S.A.H.* and S.S. CheungCardiac autonomic function during hypothermia and its measurement repeatability. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 44(1):31-36, 2019.

Ferguson, S.A.H.*, N.D. Eves, B.D. Roy, G.J. Hodges*, and S.S. Cheung. The effects of mild whole-body hypothermia on self-paced exercise performance. J. Appl. Physiol. 125(2):479-485, 2018.

Coletta, N.A.*, M.M. Mallette*, D.A. Gabriel, C.J. Tyler, and S.S. Cheung. Core and skin temperature influences on the surface electromyographic responses to an isometric force and position task. PLoS One. 13(3):e0195219. 2018.

Hodges, G.J.*, D.G. Stewart†, P.J. Davison†, and S.S. Cheung. Episodic bouts of hyperaemia and shear stress improve arterial blood flow and endothelial function. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 118(4):795-803, 2018.

 Mallette, M.M.*, L. Green, D.A. Gabriel, and S.S. Cheung. The effect of local forearm muscle cooling on motor unit properties. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 118(2):401-410, 2018.

 Mallette, M.M.*, D.G. Stewart†, and S.S. Cheung. The effects of hyperoxia on sea-level exercise performance, training, and recovery: a meta-analysis. Sports Med. 48(1):153-175, 2018.

Cheung, S.S. and M.D. Zabala. Cycling Science. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-1450497329, 2017.

Allen, H. andS. Cheung. Cutting-Edge Cycling. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-0-73609-109-1, 2012.

Cheung, S.S. and C.J. Tyler. Thermal Stress. In: Mayo Clinic: Medicine in Challenging Environments for Apple iOS (Version 7.1). Stepanek, J., R. Johnson, and D. Cocco (Eds). Retrieved from 2014.

Cheung, S.S. and C.J. Tyler. Hydration. In: Mayo Clinic: Medicine in Challenging Environments for Apple iOS (Version 7.1). Stepanek, J., R. Johnson, and D. Cocco (Eds). Retrieved from 2014.

Farra, S.D., S. Cheung, S.G. Thomas, I. Jacobs. Rate dependent influence of arterial desaturation on self-selected exercise intensity during cycling. PLOS One. 12(3):e0171119, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0171119, 2017.

Mallette, M.M., G.J. Hodges, G.W. McGarr, D.A. Gabriel, and S. Cheung. Spectral analysis of reflex cutaneous vasodilatation during passive heat stress. Microvasc. Res. 111(5):42-48, 2017.

Wallace, P.J., B.J. McKinlay, N.A. Coletta, J.I. Vlaar, M.J. Taber, P.M. Wilson, and S. Cheung. Effects of motivational self-talk on endurance and cognitive performance in the heat. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 49(1):191-199, 2017.

Tyler, C.J., T. Reeve, G.J. Hodges, and S. Cheung. The effects of heat adaptation on physiology, perception, and exercise performance in the heat: a meta-analysis. Sports Med. 46(11):1699-1724, 2016.

Taber, M.J., G.L. Hartley, G.W. McGarr, D. Zaharieva†, F.A. Basset, Z. Hynes, F. Haman, B. Pinet, M.B. DuCharme, and S. Cheung. Cognitive performance during a 24-hour cold exposure survival simulation. Biomed. Res. Int. 8130731, 2016.

Cheung, S.S., J.K.W. Lee, and J. Oksa. Thermal stress, human performance and physical employment standards. Physiol. Nutr. Metabol. 41(6 (Suppl. 2):S148-S164, 2016.

Hartley, G.L., C.L. Watson, P.N. Ainslie, C.D. Tokuno, M.J. Greenway, David A. Gabriel, D.D. O’Leary, and S. Cheung. Corticospinal excitability is associated with hypocapnia but not changes in cerebral blood flow. J. Physiol. (London) 594:3423-3437, 2016.

Mallette, M.M., G.J. Hodges, G.W. McGarr, D.A. Gabriel, and S. Cheung. Investigating the roles of core and local temperature on forearm skin blood flow. Microvasc. Res. 106:88-95, 2016.

Haman, F., O. Mantha, S. Cheung, M. DuCharme, M.J. Taber, D. Blondin, G.W. McGarr, G.L. Hartley, Z. Hynes, and F. Basset. Oxidative fuel selection and shivering thermogenesis during a 12 and 24h cold survival simulation. J. Appl. Physiol. 120:640-648, 2016.

Hodges, G.J., G.W. McGarr, M.M. Mallette, A.T. Del Pozzi, and S. Cheung. The contribution of sensory nerves to the onset threshold for cutaneous vasodilatation during gradual local skin heating of the forearm and leg. Microvasc. Res. 105:1-6, 2016.

Zhao, J., L. Lai, S. Cheung, S. Cui, N. An, W. Feng, and S. Lorenzo. Hot environments decrease exercise capacity and elevate multiple neurotransmitters. Life Sci. 141:74-80, 2015.

Hodges, G.J., A.T. Del Pozzi, G.W. McGarr, M.M. Mallette, and S. Cheung. The contribution of sensory nerves to cutaneous vasodilatation of the forearm and leg to local skin heating. Eur. J. Appl. Physiol. 115:2091-2098, 2015.

Wallace, P.J., A.T. Masbou†, S.R. Petersen, and S. Cheung. The effects of cranial cooling during recovery on subsequent uncompensable heat stress tolerance. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metabol. 40(8):811-816, 2015.

McGarr, G.W., G.J. Hodges, and S. Cheung. An adjustable stabilizing device for imaging the cutaneous microcirculation with Sidestream Dark Field imaging. Microvasc. Res. 100:1-3, 2015.

Cheung, S.S., G.W. McGarr, M.M. Mallette, P.J. Wallace, C.L. Watson, I.M. Kim†, and M.J. Greenway. The separate and combined effects of dehydration and thirst on exercise performance in the heat. J. Med. Sci. Sport 25(Suppl. 1): 104-111, 2015.

Tyler, C.J., T. Reeves, and S. Cheung. Cold-induced vasodilation during single digit immersion in 0°C and 8°C water in men and women. PLOS-One 10(4):e0122592, doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0122592, 2015.

Cheung, S.S. Responses of the hands and feet to cold exposure. Temperature 2(1):105-120, 2015.

Montgomery, R.E., G.L. Hartley, C.J. Tyler, and S. Cheung. Effect of segmental, localized lower limb cooling on dynamic balance. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc. 47(1):66-73, 2015.

Tyler, C.J., C. Sunderland, and S. Cheung. The effect of cooling prior to and during exercise on exercise performance and capacity in the heat: a meta-analysis. Br. J. Sports Med. 49(1):7-13, 2015.

Morrison, S.A., S. Cheung, and J.D. Cotter. Importance of airflow for physiologic and ergogenic effects of precooling. J. Athl. Train. 49(5):632-639, 2014.

Cheung, S.S., N.E. Mutanen, H.M. Karinen, A.S. Koponen, H. Kyrolainen, H.O. Tikkanen, and J.E. Peltonen. Ventilatory chemosensitivity, cerebral and muscle oxygenation, and total hemoglobin mass before and after a 72-day Mt. Everest expedition. High Alt. Med. Biol. 15(3):331-340, 2014.

Morrison, S.A., S. Cheung, and J.D. Cotter. Bovine colostrum, training status and gastrointestinal permeability during exercise in the heat: A placebo-controlled double-blind study. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 39(9):1070-1082, 2014.

Morrison, S.A., P.N. Ainslie, R.A.I. Lucas, S. Cheung, and J.D. Cotter. Compression garments and aerobic fitness do not alter cerebrovascular responses to orthostatic stress after passive heat. Scand. J. Med. Sci. Sports 24(2):291-300, 2014.

Gagnon, D.D., H. Rintamäki, S.S. Gagnon, J. Oksa, K. Porvari, S. Cheung, K-H. Herzig, and H. Kyröläinen. Fuel selection during short-term submaximal treadmill exercise in the cold is not affected by pre-exercise low-intensity shivering. Appl. Physiol. Nutr. Metab. 39(3):282-291, 2014.

McGarr, G.W., G.L. Hartley, and S. Cheung. Neither short-term sprint nor endurance training enhances thermal response to exercise in a hot environment. J. Occup. Environ. Hyg. 11(1):47-53, 2014.

Hasegawa, H. and S. Cheung. Hyperthermia effects on brain function and exercise capacity. J. Phys. Fitness Sports Med. 2: 429-438, 2013.

Bain, A.R., K.J. Smith, N.C. Lewis, G.E. Foster, K.W. Wildthong, C.K. Willie, G.L. Hartley, S. Cheung, and P.N. Ainslie. Regional changes in brain blood flow during severe passive hyperthermia; the effects of PaCO2 and extra-cranial blood flow. J. Appl. Physiol. 115(5):653-659, 2013.

McLellan, T.M., H.A.M. Daanen, and S. Cheung. Encapsulated Environment. Comprehensive Physiol. 3(3):1363-1391, 2013.

Carrillo, A.E., S. Cheung, and A.D. Flouris. Autonomic nervous system modulation during accidental syncope induced by heat and orthostatic stress. Aviat. Space Environ. Med. 84(7):722-725, 2013.

Morrison, S.A., S. Cheung, R.D. Hurst, and J.D. Cotter. Cognitive function and blood-brain barrier permeability during exercise in the heat: effect of fitness and bovine colostrum supplementation. J. Thermal Biol. 38(7):374-383, 2013.

Gagnon, D.D., H. Rintamäki, S. Gagnon, S. Cheung, K-H. Herzig, K. Porvari, and H. Kyröläinen. Cold exposure enhances fat utilization but not non-esterified fatty acids, glycerol or catecholamines availability during submaximal walking and running. Frontiers Physiol. 4:99 doi: 10.3389/fphys.2013.00099, 2013.

De Pauw, K., B. Roelands, S. Cheung, B. de Geus, G. Rietjens, and R. Meeusen. Guidelines to classify subject groups in sport science research. Int. J. Sports Physiol. Performance 8(2):111-122, 2013.

Hartley, G.L. and S. Cheung. Freely chosen cadence during a covert manipulation of ambient temperature. Motor Control 17(1):34-47, 2013.


Cheung, S.S. and P.N. Ainslie. Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology, 2nd Edition. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-1-4925-9398-0, 2022.

Cheung, S.S. and M.D. Zabala. Cycling Science. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-1450497329, 2017.

Allen, H. and S.S. Cheung. Cutting-Edge Cycling. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-0-73609-109-1, 2012. (Translated into German ISBN: 978-3-936376-93-7 2013)

Cheung, S.S. Advanced Environmental Exercise Physiology. Human Kinetics, Champaign, USA. ISBN: 978-0-73607-468-1, 2010.

  • Cardiorespiratory & Environmental Physiology
  • Physiological Responses to Adverse Environments (Graduate)

I am passionate about the sport and science of cycling. I have competed in road, mountain bike, and cyclocross since 1986. I am heavily involved in the popularization of science, serving as a Sport Science & Training Editor for since 2002, along with co-authoring the book “Cutting-Edge Cycling” (2012) and co-editing the book “Cycling Science” (2017). I am also the Chief Sport Scientist for Baron Biosystems and its training software Xert. When not on the bike, I can generally be found snowboarding or literally climbing the walls, recently taking up the sport of bouldering and climbing, surviving a death-defying fall in the process.

Seeking Post-doctoral, PhD, and MSc students, domestic and international.

NSERC Undergraduate Summer Research Assistants, Honours (KINE 4F91), and Independent Studies (3P99/4P99).