CCOVI Lecture Series continues via livestream April 6

After a brief hiatus, the next presentation in the Cool Climate Oenology and Viticulture Institute (CCOVI) Lecture Series will be held via livestream on Monday, April 6 at 2 p.m.

CCOVI’s Senior Oenologist Belinda Kemp will livestream her lecture, “Effect on honey, dusty off-flavours and acetic acid in sparkling wines made from varying amounts of sour rotten grapes” from her home using the Lifesize video conferencing service.

The lectures are open to the public, and all are welcomed to tune in online and learn something new while practicing safe physical distancing at home. Details about accessing the livestream can be found on CCOVI’s Lecture Series webpage. The lecture will also be recorded, and that video, as well as Kemp’s lecture slides, will be available online on the same website. All other slides and videos from past lectures in the series are also housed on the website and will be updated regularly.

The final lecture scheduled in the series will not take place this year and will instead be added to the 2021 CCOVI Lecture Series. Lester Kwong, CCOVI Fellow and Brock Associate Professor and Department Chair of Economics, Faculty of Social Sciences, will give his lecture presentation in 2021. Stay tuned for the date of this lecture, and the entire program for the 2021 series, when it is announced.