
  • Devan O’Connor – Entry Blog, Project Assistant

    My passion and joy for sport and recreation was established at a very young age. Sport has been a constant that has not only driven foreword in life but also connected my family together for as long as I can remember. Participating in sports like soccer, basketball, and volleyball fueled the passion I have for this industry, and the opportunity to play five years of varsity volleyball reinforced this passion. The benefits volleyball has provided me in my life, the way it has challenged and helped my grow as a person, and the opportunity it presented to give back to my community (coaching the young athletes of tomorrow), is something I deeply cherish. So rarely do we get the opportunity to do what we love, so when the opportunity to work with the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) came up, I knew I had to chase the chance to contribute to such an amazing organization.

    Hi! My name is Devan O’Connor, and I am from Milton, Ontario. I am currently in my fourth year of study as an Honours Environment and Tourism Management Student, with a minor in Geography and Environmental Sustainability at Brock University. In the fall of 2023, I had the opportunity to interview with the CSC for their Project Assistant position. A graduating requirement of the Geography and Tourism department is the completion of our TOUR 4F99 Internship course, and it was here that I came across a job posting that made me so excited I knew I had to apply. In the first moments that I met Grace Nelson and listened to her talk about the Centre, I knew this was where I wanted to be. The passionate way she spoke about the Centre inspired me, and it was in those first moments I knew what a special opportunity I had in front of me. As of now, it has only been a month of working with the CSC, but every person I have met and every meeting we have, fills me with so much joy and promise and I look forward to the eight months that I will get to spend here. Since beginning I have had the wonderful opportunity to begin work on our project within the Centre, generating research for the “State of Sport in Niagara Report.” The opportunity to learn from individuals like Grace Nelson, along with CSC Director Dr. Julie Stevens, and many other members of the CSC team has been an amazing opportunity.

    The CSC’s driving force is knowledge mobilization. Knowledge mobilization works to understand and expand the capacity of sports organizations while acknowledging the challenges faced by these organizations and collaborating to create new initiatives and solutions. The opportunity to expand my knowledge past the practical experience I am familiar with, and step into a new role that focuses on research-based learning to create solutions is what most excited me about working with the CSC. The ability to better understand how to translate my own internal and practiced knowledge within sport organizations, support it with conducted research, and create practical solutions within that process is a skill I was actively looking to practice and love the challenge this process has since presented for me. A balance between constant learning and individual progress, combined with a chance to be surrounded by like-minded individuals who challenge me to think outside of my own experience is truly what makes working with the CSC unique and special.

    As a mature student who has actively worked in the sport industry in multiple veins, I want to push myself to be a force of good within the Centre and use my experience to offer creative and new perspectives and insights on the projects we complete during my time. My current experience working within the Halton and Peel regions as a youth mentor, athlete development officer, and volleyball coach all support what I am looking to accomplish with the Centre. In everything I do I look to see how I can align my own goals for personal growth with the organizations I represent. Being a varsity athlete has taught me to act with the upmost respect and care, as everything we do reflects on those we represent. I am proud to be a new member working with the CSC and am excited to represent and support them. The ability to uplift a community is a unique and beautiful experience, and it is a challenge that I am so excited to tackle.

    Categories: Students

  • Antonia Miksic – Entry Blog, Project Assistant

    Throughout my time at Brock University, I always knew I wanted to get involved in one way or another. As the COVID-19 pandemic caused the university to shut down and move to online learning, it impacted the opportunities available to students. As these restrictions were lifted, I was eager to get involved and find opportunities to engage and connect with others.

    Hi! My name is Antonia Miksic, and I am from Oakville, Ontario. I am a fourth-year Concurrent Education student with teachable’s in Geography and History and a minor in Urban and Planning Studies. I am currently enrolled in a full-year internship course (GEOG 4F99) which corresponds with my position at the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC). Until the end of the 2023-2024 school year, I will be working with the CSC as a project assistant generating a “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara” Report where I am interested in exploring the relationship of nature and outdoor tourism as well as gender inclusivity in sport.

    Throughout my university experience, I have completed a handful of research projects where I have gained knowledge and learned new skills to help prepare me for future opportunities in the workplace. As I found an interest in research, I knew I wanted to find an internship opportunity related to this field. When applying to different internship opportunities, the CSC stood out to me the most. As a geography student, I was eager to contribute my knowledge of tourism and relate it directly to the “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara Report”. In addition to the hands-on and real-world learning experience this project includes, the final report will be distributed across the Niagara region. I mean, who could pass up on an opportunity like that!

    Growing up I always participated in some form of sport. My experiences in sports such as soccer, hockey, dance, and gymnastics provided me with opportunities to engage with others and learn from many role models. Given my background in sport and educational interests in geography/tourism, I believe I can provide the CSC with ongoing knowledge and connections with personal experiences as well as an open mind willing to learn something new every day! My positive attitude and dedication to the position will be a great asset to the team!

    Within the past month during the beginning stages of my internship, I have had the opportunity to meet and begin research with the CSC Director Dr. Julie Stevens, Coordinator Grace Nelson and classmate Devan O’Connor generating research for the “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara Report”. The CSC is full of welcoming and supportive individuals which has made starting this role a great experience so far and I am eager to continue and learn from the whole team!

    During my time working with the CSC, I hope to be a valuable asset to the team and incorporate new ideas with a positive attitude and an open mind. Something so unique about this experience is the various perspectives team members will incorporate to generate this report. It is a new opportunity that has been great so far and hope to thrive as my experience with the CSC continues. As the pandemic impacted many opportunities to get involved, I knew I needed to put myself out there and be a part of a team which is what I envision while working with the CSC!

    Categories: Students

  • Taela Ritchie – Entry Blog, Event, Marketing, and Communications Assistant

    Hi! My name is Taela Ritchie. I am a fourth-year student in Business Communications at Brock University from the city of Barrie, Ontario. I am very enthusiastic about starting my placement as the Event, Marketing, and Communications Assistant at the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) at Brock. 

    With assistance from my academic advisor, I was introduced to the internship course (Internship in Communication, Popular Culture or Film, COMM 4F00). In wanting to weigh all possible career options within the field of Business Communications, I gave myself the opportunity to explore the idea of Public Relations (PR) and Social Media (SM).  

    Upon reviewing the list of internship possibilities, I was immediately drawn to the CSC at Brock University. I believe that the CSC will afford me the opportunity to see in action how sports can be implemented into my profession and help me identify if PR or SM are where my passions align. While interning for the CSC, I wish to learn a variety of strategies, skills, and techniques that are used by SM to gather the target audiences’ attention and stop scrollers in their tracks. Additionally, I want to use this internship as an opportunity to meet new people and develop relationships with others who are interested in the same field of work as myself, to build my professional community.  

    Growing up, my siblings and I were very engaged in sports; from playing a variety of different sports to watching them on the TV, my siblings and I were immersed in the sport community. I have, for as long as I can remember, been intrigued by the prospect of pursuing a career in sport, however I wasn’t sure what opportunities were available to me. Since the first days of my Business Communications program, I have had the chance to explore different job opportunities within the sports industry. I have had a high interest in the field of PR agency and SM, giving me the chance to work behind the scenes within the industry. I also thoroughly enjoy the concept of damage control and conflict resolution which are factors within the sport industry. These are important factors to consider in the sport industry because in the face of conflict you need someone well versed in crisis communication so the organizations reputation does not get tarnished, and they can bounce back. Although I feel drawn to the concept of being a sport PR agent, I never had the opportunity to really explore what this would look like. I am interested in pursuing a career in the field of PR and SM as it allows me to be the “middleman” and communicate with the public on behalf of the company, through various SM platforms.  

    I see myself being an asset to the CSC team as I bring a positive attitude and am always willing to try something new; learning and growing from educational experiences. Throughout my program so far, I have learned how to communicate (in various forms such as written, oral, non-verbal, digitally, reports, and proposals), ethics and etiquette, active listening, conflict and crisis communication, developing strategies to achieve and measure goals, and inter- and intra-communication within the professional and public environment. This placement opportunity will allow me to build relationships with individuals and companies in the world of sport and sport research. 

    In everything that I do, I aim to be a force for good. It is important to remember who you represent and to do so honorably and respectably, whether this be your family, your school, your sports team, or your place of employment. I take pride in the person I am and the work I accomplish and aim to improve the CSC’s output for good through events, marketing, and communications to all members of the public and target audiences.   

    Categories: Students

  • Jonathan Pinnington – Entry Blog, Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator

    From a very young age, I knew I wanted to work in sport. Participating in various youth community sports such as hockey, soccer, and baseball was beneficial in me gaining a passion for sports and the sport industry. In addition, it has also helped me see the many values and benefits that sport brings to both an individual and a community. This is why interning at the Centre for Sport Capacity was a must for me!

    Hi, my name is Jonathan Pinnington, and I am from Toronto, Ontario. I am a fourth-year student at Brock University studying Sport Management. This fall of 2023, I am fortunate to have the opportunity to intern with the Centre for Sport Capacity at Brock University, in the Marketing, Communications, and Event Intern position. If there is one thing to know about me, it is that I am an avid sports fan. I love all sports, but hockey is by far my favourite (being a die-hard Leafs and Penguins fan). During my time at Brock, I have been fortunate enough to continue playing sports, participating in various intramural teams. My most notable-non-academic achievement is being a member of Brock’s Men’s Ultimate Frisbee Team, for which I am currently serving as the team President. As an outgoing and creative individual, I am excited to bring these two traits to the Centre and continue to develop both personally and professionally.

    Entering my fourth and final year, I had heard about the opportunity to acquire an internship through many of my professors. After expressing interest in acquiring an internship, I was directed to Brock CareerZone and began looking. I recognized the Centre for Sport Capacity immediately after having its Director, Dr. Julie Stevens, as a professor in my third year Sport Management Field Work course. I was intrigued about the Marketing, Communications, and Event Intern position as I have always enjoyed those three areas. Specifically, the creative aspect behind them. The idea of being able to use my creativity in those areas was very enticing, so I applied and was granted an interview.

    As already indicated, I am very outgoing and creative and am excited to bring these two traits to the Centre. I am especially excited to get to work with and get to know my fellow colleagues, while continuing to learn more about the Centre and the work they do in various areas of sport. Now in my fourth year, I have realized that I really enjoy marketing and brand management. Specifically, putting my own creative touch on an existing brand or creating and developing my own brand. Honestly, I really like just being able to unleash my creativity on projects. One thing that I was really impressed about from my interview was Dr. Stevens and the Centre Coordinator Grace Nelson’s commitment to tailor the internship to my learning style and strengths. I am a very hands-on learner and like to be able to get my hands dirty and immerse myself in whatever I do. After a few days here, Grace and Dr, Stevens have definitely followed through on their actions! I have been able to explore the Centre’s LinkedIn and Instagram accounts while also getting to experiment with the different design features on Canva and WordPress. I find their commitment and ambition to their colleagues and interns is crucial to personal and professional development as well as experiential education. These are two things Dr. Stevens is very passionate about and likes to incorporate in every setting. I speak from experience having her as a professor. That’s why, after completing my first week here, I knew the Centre was the right choice for me.

    The biggest thing I want to accomplish at the Centre is to build, grow, and expand the Centre’s brand. I feel that I can accomplish this by using the many lessons and skills I have learned from my past experiences. One past experience that I feel will help me accomplish my goal is my time as the Social Media Coordinator for Brock’s Women’s Basketball team in my third year Sport Management Field Work Course. In that role, I gained experience in social media management (running the team’s Instagram account) and digital editing softwares (e.g., Boxout Sports to create game day graphics). Both skills are easily transferable to my position here at the Centre as I will be managing the Centre’s social media accounts and creating professional content with Canva. One thing I want to accomplish is becoming proficient with social media management and using digital editing softwares, such as exploring and playing around with different designs, features, fonts, etc. on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Canva. Another area I hope to become more proficient in is communication, explicitly learning how to communicate effectively in a professional workplace setting and in meetings. I feel that working alongside my colleagues here at the Centre as well as with other Centre members and partners on various events, initiatives, and workshops will help me accomplish this goal. Personally leading meetings, new initiatives, and workshops will also be beneficial in strengthening my communication skills. The last area I hope to strengthen is decision-making. Throughout my time at Brock, I have always been hesitant about making decisions on projects, most notably decisions about micro details, such as fonts, design style, and other elements. During my short time here, I have already needed to make decisions on various projects, and I already feel I am becoming more confident in making those decisions. I hope that by working alongside my peers, I continue to gain more confidence.

    Overall, I feel I can be a force for good within the Centre by bringing my extroverted personality, enthusiasm, and creativity to the workplace each day. I feel that the lessons I have learned both in class and in life, as well as my enthusiasm for sport will help to both improve the Centre’s output and offer new perspectives and insights on projects and events. Moreover, I feel that I can use my creativity skills on various projects such as planning events like the Safe Sport Forum and Unleash Your Influence Webinar and posting on social media to further grow and expand the Centre’s brand. I hope to continue to learn as much as I can and continue to develop both personally and professionally.

    Categories: Students

  • Adam Green – Exit Blog, Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator

    I entered this internship three months ago hoping to learn new skills and develop as a student and a professional. I am now grateful to state that the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) has exceeded my hopes and allowed me to expand my knowledge in various operational areas.  

    Hi, my name is Adam Green, and I am going into the fourth year of my Sport Management degree at Brock University. During the Summer 2023 term, I served as the Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator (Intern) for the CSC. It is difficult to narrow down what I learned during this experience as the CSC provides such a wide range of developmental opportunities. For the time being, I can outline my development in the three main pillars of the internship. 

    To start, my marketing skills have improved significantly throughout my experience at the CSC. I took on the role of maintaining and enhancing the visual brand of the Centre through the creation of designs for its social media. I was able to effectively promote the services that the CSC provides as well as expand its reach through creative visuals and strategic copywriting. I am especially proud of launching the CSC’s official Instagram account. This was such a valuable experience managing an entire launch and execution of a professional organization’s social media platform. These are the types of experiences that are hard to come by in an internship, making the CSC so unique in its developmental opportunities.  

    Additionally, being an Intern at the CSC has helped me to refine my communication skills. Through daily interactions with my team, in-person meetings with our members and industry professionals, and networking at events in the community, I was able to consistently practice my oral communication. One of my favourite experiences at the CSC was leading our Smart Start activation booth. During this activation, I was able to practice my oral communication when pitching the value of the Centre to incoming Brock students. Developing my written communication skills was also a learning objective of mine interning for the CSC. Thankfully, I was able to craft emails, social media captions, reports, blog posts, and more during my time with the Centre which did wonders in improving my professional written language. 

    The Centre for Sport Capacity also supported my progress in event management. I had the opportunity to build the CSC’s Safe Sport hybrid forum from the ground up. I gained experience in event research, goal setting, target audience analysis, budget creation, risk assessments, engagement strategies, and overall event planning. On top of this, managing the planning of an event allowed me to reach out and make a variety of connections. I was responsible for initiating discussions with expert consultants, speakers, professors, and AV employees, whose insight will all play a role in the success of this event. The CSC Safe Sport forum is happening on November 17th at Brock University, I am excited to see it come to fruition. 

    Overall, the knowledge and experience I have gained at the Centre for Sport Capacity will last me a lifetime. I would like to thank Dr. Julie Stevens, the Director of the CSC, and Grace Nelson, the Coordinator of the CSC for all their support in my learning experience. Throughout my internship this summer, I have helped the Centre grow as it has helped me grow, and I will always be grateful for this. 

    Categories: Students

  • Cameron Hubscher – Exit Blog, Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator

    Just three months ago, I began my internship as the ‘Marketing, Communications, and Event’ Intern at the Centre for Sport Capacity. Now that it is coming to an end, I can take a birds-eye view of what I’ve done at the CSC, and the lasting impact the Centre will have on my career. 

    Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. Julie Stevens, Director of the CSC, and Grace Nelson, Coordinator at the CSC, for granting me this opportunity. From the first time I met them during the interview process to my last day at the Centre, I have been treated exceptionally well. They have granted me every opportunity to succeed and grow. If you are a student interested in gaining experiential education, the Centre for Sport Capacity is an organization that offers so many amazing opportunities.  

    Throughout my time at the Centre for Sport Capacity, I was constantly given opportunities to develop skills that I already considered my strengths while being supported in areas that I wanted to develop. From a day-to-day perspective, my tasks revolved around content creation for the CSC’s Twitter and LinkedIn accounts, responding to emails, attending meetings, and collaborating with the rest of the CSC team on supporting our members. This allowed me to develop skills surrounding copy writing, social media and web design, and the management of social media accounts across multiple platforms. I was also granted the opportunity to attend four events: Parasport Ontario’s Niagara Parasport Festival, Niagara Geoparks’ Niagara Trail Summit, Sport Niagara’s Launch Event, and Brock University’s SMART START activation for incoming students. Being a part of these events as well as numerous meetings allowed me to develop my networking skills 

    My main task throughout the duration of my internship at the Centre was to reimagine their social media, website, experiential education, and events analytic databases. The CSC collects a lot of data in order to engage their target audience, enhance social media and website performance, and analyze the Centre’s growth. I was in charge of finding ways to collect data in an efficient and sustainable manner. This meant developing Excel databases that could be replicated for future semesters while connecting them to the CSC’s Master files. To accomplish this, I utilized a number of different Excel formulas that count, sum, average, and sort the range of different metrics the CSC collects. With formulas that are linked to various different sheets and other files through the CSC database, retrieving analytics from semester-to-semester and over the course of a year is an effortless process.  

    While being in charge of the CSC’s data management, I was tasked with defining the terminology of the databases, gathering key metrics and comparing analytic performance across the Centre’s social media, website, experiential education, and event analytics. This resulted in the production of a number of internal reports used to showcase the growth of the CSC to the Faculty of Applied Health Sciences. Due to the statistical evidence of growth within the Centre, the CSC was able to acquire operational support until the end of 2024. Seeing the results of my work at the Centre was a major source of gratification. It also reinforced my commitment to leave the CSC with a method of sustainability for their data collection.  

    One of the projects that I am most proud of is my legacy piece. This document is a culmination of all the terminology that makes up the databases, the process of data management at the CSC, visuals, and external resources. Within these topics are the definitions of each term in the databases and their application for the Centre, data collection methods, and the steps to add data into the Semesterly and Master CSC files. Future interns will be able to search through and reference this document when participating in the data collection process. As a legacy piece, I am happy to know that my work will be supporting the Centre long after my time has passed.  

    As I conclude my internship at the Centre for Sport Capacity, I feel that my professionalism, technical skills revolving around social media and Excel, as well as my ability to translate and mobilize knowledge can be considered assets going forward in my Sport Management undergraduate degree, and beyond. While I will continue my professional development beyond time at the Centre for Sport Capacity, the foundation the Centre has given me for my career in sport is something I will never forget. Leaving filled with pride knowing that my impact on the Centre will go beyond my internship, I am excited to see what’s to come for the CSC!  

    Categories: Students

  • July Member Showcase – Dr. Ashley Thompson


    I did my undergrad, master’s, and Ph.D. at the University of Ottawa. During my master’s and Ph.D., I focused on understanding organizational change in nonprofit sport organizations in Canada in hopes of helping these organizations better manage change. I also had the opportunity to work on a SSHRC-funded project which set the stage for the research I do now. 


    This year, my courses include SPMA 4P25 –  Strategic Alliances, SPMA 2P98 – Sport Event Management, and SPMA 3P98 – Sport Event Critical Issues Management. Strategic alliances is essentially a course about managing a sport organization’s strategy – what is called strategic management. To practice developing and executing a strategy, the students participate in a semester-long simulation called The Business Strategy Game, where they run an athletic show company (think Nike or Adidas) and compete against each other. Sport Event Management introduces students to the world of sport events. We discuss events of all sizes, including small-scale, medium-sized, large-scale, major, and mega events such as the Olympic Games. Students go out into the field and evaluate a sport event themselves, connecting their experiences back to what we learn in the classroom. Finally, Sport Event Critical Issues Management can be considered an advanced course in sport events. The goal of this course is to bridge the gap from the classroom to industry practice; it’s designed for those students looking to work in sport events in the future. 

    Research Work/Project

    My research focuses on three interrelated streams: governance, strategy, and organizational change. One major project recently concluded was a study focusing on understanding the impacts of certain dynamics on the success or failure of organizational change initiatives. Specifically, the project focused on exploring how culture, politics, capacity, and technology, enabled or constrained (blocked) organizational change from happening. In addition, I was part of a SSHRC-funded project which examined the interrelationship between governance, brand, and social media in Canadian national sport organizations. From a governance standpoint, the project focused on understanding the structure and design of these contemporary sport organizations. 

    Are you involved in any clubs/associations?

    North American Society for Sport Management; European Association for Sport Management; Sport Management Association of Australia and New Zealand.

    What’s your favourite TV show right now?

    Friends, it’s always Friends. Or Suits. 

    What are your current hobbies/interests?

    I like to be outside and physically active as much as possible. My favourite hobbies include golf, hiking, basketball, and cycling. 

    What’s your favourite book?

    I don’t know if it’s a favourite, but one book that profoundly impacted me during my graduate studies was “Lean In for Graduates” by Sheryl Sandberg and Nell Scovell. It’s a great book for young professionals – particularly women – entering the workforce. I highly recommend it. 

    Categories: Member Showcases

  • Summary of the North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM)


    If you missed the North American Society for Sport Management Conference (NASSM), no need to worry! We have the full rundown for you here. Eight of the Centre for Sport Capacity’s fantastic members headed to Montreal, Quebec, on Wednesday, May 31st. Our members and their students came prepared for a week packed with learning, making connections, and mobilizing knowledge. Our Centre Coordinator followed along to capture the team in action and showcase their important work.  


    Dr. Kyle Rich & Larena Hoeber

    To start off the week, our very own, Dr. Kyle Rich facilitated the Qualitative Research Pre-Conference Workshop with his colleague Larena Hoeber. The workshop was organized as part of the Interdisciplinary and Impactful Sport Research Series. The entire day provided an opportunity for new and established researchers to engage in learning contemporary qualitative research methodologies, including participatory research, evaluation methods, go-along interviews, anti-oppression research, and digital research methods. 


    Dr. Corliss Bean & Caroline Hummell

    For one of the sessions, our CSC members, Dr. Corliss Beanand Caroline Hummell, walked us through some new and exciting ways to use practical qualitative evaluation methods in sport. We were so lucky to learn from this outstanding line-up of thought leaders in qualitative research.


    Dr. Kirsty Spence and Jesse Porter

    To kick off day one of the conference, Dr. Kirsty Spence’s graduate student Jesse Porter presented her work which critically explores the emotional labour of female coaches to show how such labour may become invisible and gendered. This important work will contribute to the evolution of coach development that more adequately reflects emotional realities of coaching work. The picture below highlights the ‘athlete first, women coach last’ theme from Jesse’s findings.  


    Dr. Kirsty Spence, Dr. Michael Van Bussel & Bobby Dhaliwal

    Next up, Dr. Kirsty Spence, Dr. Michael Van Bussel, and Graduate student Bobby Dhaliwal delivered a workshop on ‘Exploring the impact of SLR (Sport Leaders Retreat) core components on sport leaders’ competency development: An interactive session.” The session intended to highlight the impact of these specific SLR core components on participants’ competency development and stimulate creative thinking toward new ways of leadership development in sport contexts.  


    Dr. Kyle Rich & Grace Nelson

    Then, CSC members Dr. Kyle Rich and Grace Nelson took the stage to discuss the impact of geography and demography on sport participation. To date, research has mainly focused on the programs and management practices within the sport system, with limited research examining external factors related to geography that impact sport participant patterns. Their findings suggest a need to consider the implications of ethnicity, gender, rurality, and competition level in developing sport policy intended to increase sport participation of equity deserving groups.  


    Megan Piché

    We then moved into a wonderful presentation from MeganPiché on her work with Dr. Michael Naraine, Dr. Shannon Kerwin, and Anna Wojtis. Important findings from this work indicate that program administration should consider investment in preparation, coaching, and incorporating participant feedback into programming to maintain sustainability.  

    Dr. Kyle Rich & Grace Nelson

    The next day we moved into some awesome discussions happening with this team of outstanding faculty and students, one of which was our very own Dr. Shannon Kerwin. The team in the picture to the right presented critical work about destabilizing whiteness in sport as well as another presentation on the intersection of motherhood and coaching. These insights highlighted the importance of reflection, accountability, and continued learning in the sport sector.  


    Dr. Nick Burton & Dr. Michael Naraine

    The great discussion didn’t stop there. Dr. Nick Burton and Dr. Michael Naraine’s presentation on TikTok, sport sponsorship, and the attention economy was up next. Their findings suggested that Tiktok’s focus on content creation and generation presented advantages in driving engagement and tailoring promotions.  


    Dr. Kyle Rich, Dr Corliss Bean, Dante Losardo, Jayne Morrish, & Veronica Allan

    In the afternoon, Dr. Kyle Rich led another noteworthy workshop with his co-presenters Dr. Corliss Bean, Dante Losardo, Jayne Morrish, and Veronica Allan. We discussed not only the importance of knowledge translation (KT), but also how to evaluate your impact. 

    What were our key takeaways?   

    🔑 Use plain language when communicating 

    🔑Think of your knowledge users when selecting knowledge translation strategies  

    🔑Don’t forget KT evaluation! We need to assess if our KT efforts are having the impact we intended 


    Dr. Brad Millington

    To run us across the finish line on day 3, our CSC member Dr. Brad Millington presented a frame analysis of a high-profile debate over the future of public golf courses in Vancouver, British Columbia. Thank you to Dr. Millington for this discussion that provides important contributions to the literature on sport media, sport facilities management and policy, and the politics of urban space.  


    Bobby Dhaliwal

    And to wrap up the presentations from the Brock University Team, Bobby Dhaliwal led us through his presentation on utilitarian and hedonic factors that influence professional sport team app use. This important research can help professional sport teams to improve user interfaces to maximize engagement 



    The week at NASSM was a time for new knowledge and reflection provided by an array of thought leaders in the sport sector. Our CSC Brock University Team showed up and delivered exceptional knowledge mobilization to all attendees. The takeaway from the CSC team is that there are amazing steps being taken in the sport sector to be more inclusive, innovative, and reflexive. We need to work collaboratively by giving participants a seat at the table to voice their needs, advocate and work towards policy change, and implement evaluation strategies to assess our impact! Let’s keep the momentum going from NASSM and implement these lessons into our Niagara community.  

    Categories: CSC News

  • July Member Showcase – Dr. Changwook Kim


    I am currently in my first year at Brock University, serving as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sport Management. Prior to joining Brock, I completed my PhD in Health and Human Performance with a concentration in Sport Management at the University of Florida. Before pursuing my doctoral studies, I spent three years as a full-time instructor and naval officer (first lieutenant) in the Department of Sport and Culture at the Korea Naval Academy, where I taught courses in sport and physical education to naval cadets. As a researcher, I have developed a diverse range of skills in sport management, spatial analytics, and community science through my involvement in numerous projects. I have applied spatial panel data analysis, longitudinal panel data analysis, and simulation modeling to these projects. My expertise lies in advanced statistics and methodology, utilizing tools such as Mplus, Stata, ArcGIS, Geographically Weighted Regression, and the R programming language. These advanced analytical skills allow me to contribute significantly to the design of population-based regional sport policies. Additionally, I highly value collaboration with colleagues from different disciplines to conduct interdisciplinary research and uncover new theoretical and practical insights. I seek interdisciplinary work using aspatial and spatial analytics to analyze a variety of sport-related data in the context of sport and community. To date, artificial intelligence and its derivatives (e.g., machine learning) have garnered great attention in real-world businesses and academic environments. Thus, I endeavor to combine my spatial analytical skills and traditional models (e.g., the latent growth curve model) with machine learning algorithms (e.g., random forest), employing the ArcGIS, GWR, and R programming languages. Such integrated approaches would contribute significantly to unique analytical model developments that cannot be addressed or produced by traditional methods used in sport discipline. I believe my innovative approaches could extend the limits of the existing scholarship by bringing attention to measurements and further engendering applications within sport literature. I am thrilled to have the opportunity to join the CSC team, as it allows me to not only make meaningful contributions to Brock’s high-quality academic culture but also generate and disseminate knowledge that empowers the sport industry in enhancing active, healthy, vibrant, sustainable, and resilient communities.


    I teach SPMA 3P07 (Quantitative Analysis for Sport Management), SPMA 3P94 (Information Systems for Sport Analytics; scheduled for Fall 2023), and SPMA 2P92 (Data Management and Technology for Sport Management; scheduled for Winter 2024). Specifically, I have invested my time and effort in course content development for advanced analytics, using Excel, R programming languages, Tableau, and ArcGIS. Advanced data analytics has recently been in the spotlight in business, public health, and community development. Thus, such analytics courses could provide students with new knowledge of sport business and sport policy as they learn how to identify and organize information in the decision-making process for designing competitive community sport resource distributions. 

    Research Work/Projects

    1. Sport Industry and Community Resilience: Kim, C., Kim, J., & Jang, S. (2021). Sport clusters and community resilience in the United States. Journal of Sport Management, 35(6), 566-580.

     Community resilience—a set of interconnected adaptive capacities based on economic, social, and community resources—has been increasingly highlighted as the key framework within which to build a model to cope with disturbances in socioeconomic conditions derived from adversity (Norris et al., 2008). Thus, in my paper published in the Journal of Sport Management, I attempted to empirically investigate the macro-level association of sport industry clusters with community resilience in light of (a) whether the clustering of sport industries influences community resilience and (b) how the association between sport industry clusters and community resilience varies across communities. To address those objectives, I applied aspatial (e.g., OLS model) and spatial (e.g., GWR model) econometric analyses to macro-level empirical data on sport industry clusters (e.g., location quotient) and community resilience across 3,108 counties in the contiguous United States. I found that some of the clusterings of sport industries (e.g., sport facilities) could play a vital role as providers of transformative industry services, whereas their overall impact on community resilience could be either positive or negative, depending on the spatial heterogeneous effect affected by the local (nonsport) assets and resources. From an overarching perspective, this study has provided insight into the question of whether the community’s sport infrastructures and businesses contribute to the development of a set of community assets and resources that help prepare for, respond to, and recover from crises and disasters.  

    1. Sport Media and Consumer Resilience: Kim, C., Kim, J., Lee, J. H., & Inoue, Y. (2023). Bouncing back: unpacking the influence of sport media on consumer resilience. Journal of Sport Management, 37(1), 51-65.

    The primary objective of this study is to empirically examine the influence of sport media consumption on the relationships between spatially explicit risks of COVID-19, resilience, and positive and negative affect, while considering social class. To accomplish this, in my paper published in the Journal of Sport Management, I employed an integrated approach that combined spatial and aspatial analyses. The results revealed that sport media consumption helps mitigate the negative impact of spatially explicit COVID-19 risks on resilience. In turn, a higher level of resilience contributes to increased positive affect and decreased negative affect. Additionally, individuals belonging to the upper social class displayed a more pronounced resilience process through sport media consumption compared to those from the lower social class. By uncovering the moderating effect of sport media consumption within social classes and addressing the spatially explicit risks of COVID-19, this study enhances our understanding of the association between sport and resilience. These findings serve as a foundation for developing resilience strategies based on sports during challenging times.  

    1. Community-Level Physical Activity and Well-Being: Kim, C., & Kim, J. (2022). Urban sprawl and leisure time physical activity. Sport Management Review, 25(4), 608-630.

    In my published article in Sport Management Review, I attempted to measure the association of urban sprawl with different leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) types at the county level (sixty-seven counties in Florida), considering spatial features (spatial heterogeneity and dependence). To that end, spatial regression analysis using GWR with GIS-based mapping was employed to address the spatial heterogeneous effect in the association between urban sprawl and LTPA types. The findings indicate that different types of LTPA (e.g., moderate and vigorous LTPA) at the county level could be positively or negatively associated with urban sprawl and, thus, affected by the spatial heterogeneous factors. This study has extended the behavior-specific framework of LTPA primarily used in existing research to area-specific modeling by identifying the spatial variability between urban sprawl and LTPA. In addition, the findings have provided a better understanding of the spatial and regional approach for increasing LTPA along with specific regional attributes that link community-level strategies. 

    Are you involved in any clubs/associations? 

    • North American Society for Sport Management 

    What’s your favourite TV show right now? 

    • Netflix K-dramas and sports documentaries 

    What are your current hobbies/interests? 

    • Gym Workouts (burning belly fat, losing weight, and trimming body) 

    What’s your favourite book? 

    • Joy of Learning by Hironawa Heisuke 

    What’s your favourite sport or sports team? 

    • Hanhwa Eagles (Korean Baseball Organization)
    • Toronto Blue Jays (Major League)
    • Florida Gators baseball (US Division I of the National Collegiate Athletics Association).

    What is the first Achievement/Memorable Moment that comes to mind? 

    Above all, I am honored to be a part of the faculty of the Department of Sport Management and a member of the Centre for Sport Capacity. I am also grateful to receive the following awards and grant:  

    1. 2021 North American Society for Sport Management: Winner of Student Research Competition
    2. 2021 North American Society for Sport Management: Recipient of Doctoral Research Grand Award
    3. 2020 North American Society for Sport Management: Final List of Student Research Competition


    Categories: Member Showcases

  • Adam Green – Entry Blog, Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator

    My involvement in sport since an early age has profoundly impacted my physical and mental health as well as helped to build my core values. This is the reason I want to pursue a career in sport, to give back what it provided me to others in the community. Having said this, what better way to get involved in the sport community than to work for the Centre for Sport Capacity? 

    Hi, my name is Adam Green, and I am from Oakville, Ontario. I am going into my fourth year as an Honours Bachelor of Sport Management student at Brock University. This summer of 2023, I will have the opportunity to intern for the Centre for Sport Capacity in the Marketing, Communications, and Event Coordinator position. I am excited to work with the CSC team in these upcoming months and develop as a student and a professional. 

    I found this position while scrolling through internships on Brock CareerZone. I remember immediately stopping as I recognized the CSC brand from a few events I had seen on social media. The position description intrigued me as I had prior experience in event management, marketing, and communication-driven positions. I also noticed it was an excellent opportunity to develop a variety of skills. After a great first impression of the organization, I began researching the Centre for Sport Capacity, and it was only then that I knew where I wanted to intern. Looking through the CSC website gave me a great idea of the variety of services and programs we provide within the sport community as well as the numerous events we host and support. Examples of events that intrigued me were the Promotion of Safe Sport in Canada forum and the Commonwealth Games Queen’s Baton Relay. The CSC portrayed an organization committed to developing its interns and the sport community, which connected with my own values and vision. 

    So, I applied right away and am fortunate to now be writing my entry blog. I am very enthusiastic as I start my position at the CSC and begin to meet the team and settle into my new working environment. The two aspects that excite me the most about my internship are working to help improve and develop upcoming CSC events such as the Safe Sport Forum and marketing our brand on social media. Throughout my coursework at Brock, I have noticed that I gravitate toward event management and marketing. This could be due to my natural creativity, leadership, and communication skills which I can apply to my upcoming projects at the CSC. 

    Even though I find myself enjoying certain areas more than others, I am still unsure what I want to specialize in within the sport industry. Thankfully, this internship position offers numerous paths for me to explore and develop my skills. That is what makes this CSC internship unique, it will give me experience in a diverse set of operational areas which will help me to understand what career best suits my strengths. While keeping an open mind, I am hoping to learn and accomplish upcoming projects through the planning and management of events, the navigation of digital content creation, and the development of my verbal and written communication. I am also excited to step outside my comfort zone and learn about areas such as data analytics, who knows, I might enjoy it!  

    Overall, it is hard to narrow down what I hope to learn and achieve as this experience offers such a wide range of development opportunities. For now, I will try to soak it all in and bring what I currently possess to the team. I can deliver effective leadership skills through past supervisory volunteer positions for the Niagara 2022 Canada Summer Games, I can utilize my event management and marketing skills through contributions to the various events and promotions of the Brock Sport & Business Association, and I have built strong communication skills from many team-oriented environments. I look forward to applying my strengths in this position, but more importantly to developing my weaknesses, and learning new skills.  


    Categories: Students