In October 2023, the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC) attended the 2023 Grand Slam of Curling (GSOC) held at the Gale Centre in Niagara Falls. During this event, the CSC team collected data through on-site surveys administered to attendees. The data from the surveys was then taken from the event and implemented into a formal report prepared by CSC Director, Dr Julie Stevens. The data from the participants captures an assessment of the economic impact of the 2023 GSOC ranging from spectators, volunteers, sponsors, and participants.

The GSOC generated a grand total of $2.7M in visitor spending. This is thanks to the estimated 16,590 attendees and 200 dedicated volunteers that were present for all six days of the event. It was an action packed event with plenty of support, competition, and of course curling.
Thank you to our partners who helped to bring this report together: