Antonia Miksic – Entry Blog, Project Assistant

Throughout my time at Brock University, I always knew I wanted to get involved in one way or another. As the COVID-19 pandemic caused the university to shut down and move to online learning, it impacted the opportunities available to students. As these restrictions were lifted, I was eager to get involved and find opportunities to engage and connect with others.

Hi! My name is Antonia Miksic, and I am from Oakville, Ontario. I am a fourth-year Concurrent Education student with teachable’s in Geography and History and a minor in Urban and Planning Studies. I am currently enrolled in a full-year internship course (GEOG 4F99) which corresponds with my position at the Centre for Sport Capacity (CSC). Until the end of the 2023-2024 school year, I will be working with the CSC as a project assistant generating a “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara” Report where I am interested in exploring the relationship of nature and outdoor tourism as well as gender inclusivity in sport.

Throughout my university experience, I have completed a handful of research projects where I have gained knowledge and learned new skills to help prepare me for future opportunities in the workplace. As I found an interest in research, I knew I wanted to find an internship opportunity related to this field. When applying to different internship opportunities, the CSC stood out to me the most. As a geography student, I was eager to contribute my knowledge of tourism and relate it directly to the “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara Report”. In addition to the hands-on and real-world learning experience this project includes, the final report will be distributed across the Niagara region. I mean, who could pass up on an opportunity like that!

Growing up I always participated in some form of sport. My experiences in sports such as soccer, hockey, dance, and gymnastics provided me with opportunities to engage with others and learn from many role models. Given my background in sport and educational interests in geography/tourism, I believe I can provide the CSC with ongoing knowledge and connections with personal experiences as well as an open mind willing to learn something new every day! My positive attitude and dedication to the position will be a great asset to the team!

Within the past month during the beginning stages of my internship, I have had the opportunity to meet and begin research with the CSC Director Dr. Julie Stevens, Coordinator Grace Nelson and classmate Devan O’Connor generating research for the “State of Sport and Recreation in Niagara Report”. The CSC is full of welcoming and supportive individuals which has made starting this role a great experience so far and I am eager to continue and learn from the whole team!

During my time working with the CSC, I hope to be a valuable asset to the team and incorporate new ideas with a positive attitude and an open mind. Something so unique about this experience is the various perspectives team members will incorporate to generate this report. It is a new opportunity that has been great so far and hope to thrive as my experience with the CSC continues. As the pandemic impacted many opportunities to get involved, I knew I needed to put myself out there and be a part of a team which is what I envision while working with the CSC!

Categories: Students