
  • Professor Mark Spencer Lectures in Tokyo

    If you are wondering where your colleague is, there’s a good reason he’s not responding to your emails. On Tuesday, May 30, Professor Spencer will be at the Institute of Christianity and Culture in Tokyo to deliver a lecture entitled: “Revisiting David Hume’s Review of the Rev. Robert Henry’s History of Great Britain.”

    Safe travels, Mark, and we look forward to hearing about your travels upon your return!

    Poster_Prof. Spencer_page-0001.jpg

    Categories: Faculty, Lectures/Symposiums

  • New original research article by Prof Colin Rose

    A new article by Professor Colin Rose, “Homicide in early modern Bologna: a prepositional cartography” was published this week in Urban History. This open access article “uses GIS to trace the locations of homicides in early modern Bologna, Italy, with a ‘prepositional cartography’ that translates early modern Italian spatial mentalities into modern GIS analyses.”

    Congratulations, Professor Rose!

    Urban History First View , pp. 1 – 20
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/S0963926823000093

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    Categories: Faculty, Publications