Course Descriptions

Below are descriptions of courses offered in the department for the current academic year (instructors indicated in brackets).


FALL TERM (D2) 2024

CLAS 5V15: Archaeological Skills (Carrie Murray)

Skills important to archaeological investigations from the field to the laboratory focusing on conservation, curation, and exhibition.

CLAS 5V50: Augustus and the Roman Revolution (Michael Carter)

Political and social changes in the transitional period of Roman history from the late Republic to the early Empire, integrating literary sources, documentary texts, and the evidence of material culture.

GREE 4P01/5V25: Homer’s Iliad and Odyssey (Adam Rappold)

Readings in Homer and Hesiod, and an overview of scholarship.

LATI 4P06/5V03: Latin Biography (Fanny Dolansky)

Study of Latin biography focusing on epigraphic texts, selections from Nepos and Suetonius, and recent scholarship.


CLAS 4P22/5V22: Archaeology of Death (R. Angus K. Smith)

Ancient burial customs, concentrating on the cultures of the prehistoric Mediterranean, emphasizing mortuary theory.

CLAS 4V54/5V54: Adornment and the Body (Allison Glazebrook)

Adornment practices, including clothing, cosmetics, hairstyling, jewelry, and tattooing in the Greek world and their significance to age, gender, and status.

LATI 4P02/5V21: Vergil (Carol U. Merriam)

Readings in Vergil’s Aeneid and an overview of scholarship.