Zach MacMillan

profile photo of zach macmillan

Master of Sustainability – Co-op Stream

Research Adviser: Christopher Fullerton

Program Entry Date: September 2017

Research Topic

My research topic focuses on evaluating the extent to which sustainability principles have been incorporated city planning documents over time with a focus on the Niagara Region.

What made you choose Brock?

I was drawn to Brock specifically for the Masters of Sustainability program in the Environmental Sustainability Research Centre (ESRC). This interdisciplinary program has allowed me to study alongside individuals from a variety of different backgrounds, creating a truly unique experience!

What are your tips for thriving in grad school?

My biggest tip for surviving grad school has to be finding a good support network of fellow students. The fellow students in your program or at Brock more generally can be your biggest supporters and having these connections can help you create a better balance school life balance. I know I would not have been as successful without the constant support I received my cohort!

What do you wish someone warned you about being a graduate student?

I wished someone would have warned me how fast the experience would fly by, it seems like I just entered the program when in reality, I’m almost finished. Take time to savour the experiences when you can because before you know it, it will be over.

How is being a graduate student different from being an undergraduate student?

The biggest difference between being an undergraduate and a graduate student is how much freedom there is. You are really in charge of your own success as a graduate student, if you put in the work you can get positive results. While everyone hopes you succeed, you won’t be provided a rubric on how to achieve it!

What would you do differently if you could do it over again?

One thing I would do differently if I had to do it over again would be start everything earlier. Every step of the process will take just a little bit longer than you had expected, so having a little extra time to would have been super helpful.

What are your next steps?

I am hoping to take the skills I’ve learned during my graduate studies at Brock and apply them in the work force! I believe the interdisciplinarity of my program will help set me apart, as its provided me with a unique perspective on sustainability issues.